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  1. Sorry for replying late. But this is not arabic because i speak arabic (this is urdu).
    1 point
  2. and on the front page it shall stay. This thread has a wealth of knowledge, and will serve as an excellent resource to members new and old.
    1 point
  3. (Note:I usually scale down my pictures to be fully viewable in the forum thread, however I wanted to present the best quality picture so I have not cropped the original) I've actually been over this piece of artwork several times and with several people. If you notice its not actually a carving but a poster on the pole and is repeated several times along the length of it going up. If I remember right there is also another location this flyer/poster was put up but it escapes me now without going through the map again. http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork003.jpg I believe it was Om Blitz, another fellow CodZ member, who mentioned that it looked like a representation of the powerful subduing/conquering/suppressing/putting down the weak (this isn't exact, it was a while ago) because of the depiction of a powerful arm with a hammer hitting a man in bandages with a crutch. http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork005.jpg My original take on it was the hammer arabic symbol being possibly death, the arm symbol being richtofen and the lower section being a ladder with a jetgun traveling up it, representing if you use the jetgun to climb this pole (as is done in many videos) then Richtofen will kill you as we all know he laughs when you do it and down yourself. My only reasoning is possibly treyarch predicting us using the pulling feature of the jetgun to try and climb things so they put a hidden warning all over the poles. After some time of speculation though I'm more convinced to Blitz's perspective. Not only because it doesn't look like a true jet gun but also because of the Ladder/Crutch item. If it was a ladder curved like that then it would be more abstract but the artwork shows clear precise lines on the hammer and even the word labels have clean directional lines. Plus that and after blowing up these pictures (finally) the top of the crutch shows the padding. Also the hand in the hammer explosion is "pushing" down the weak man as the thumb is on the wrong side to belong to the man. http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork006.jpg Blitz also pointed out several other items: The patch on the man's shirt to show low wealth, Wooden leg meaning weakness or poor health and if my memory serves me correctly he correlated this with other artwork with the same motif. This was the early days of Tranzit though so hopefully he'll clarify the specifics. Patches and crutch padding on the top can be pretty easily seen on this one http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork004.jpg As far as the symbols go, we need a translator desperately in the language on Codz. We have multiple writings everywhere including a word/phrase on the tractor at the farm where claymores sit. I've blown up other pics of those and did the same with these. Please, if your friends with anyone you think might have someone that could lead you to some answers then print the pictures and start asking around (be courteous though lol). http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork001.jpg http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork002.jpg
    1 point
  4. PINNAZ Sir! Congratulations on all your hard research and theories. You are well respected by the community and myself and have been an inspiration for me and many others since the beginning of Green Run. Being mentioned in Spiders NGTZombies Tranzit Secrets Series along side with you gave me the drive for a dedicated YouTube channel now and the will to keep looking when the world says there is nothing there. Thank you again PINNAZ for everything you do and the painstaking research you share with the community to keep the search alive! Your friend, DjTechnicsZRT
    1 point
  5. You are a man amongst boys, Pinnaz. That is all.
    1 point
  6. Once again, PINNAZ, you never fail to impress me with your research. Absolutely great job. @Nvortex: It's research that creates a more stable connection between China's integration in the storyline other than "a pylon located nearby for the Easter Egg". The original research began when there were audio transcripts discussing the Great Leap Forward in the Wii version of Black Ops. To very briefly summarize it, the time period was supposed to be a huge industrialization and agricultural progression when China was under a heavy Communist regime. Many died along the way due to stricter protocols in order to enforce a successful growth. Realistically, it hurt China's economic status and was seen more as a failure. The Chinese suffered greatly from the loss and screwed over many aspects of society. Little bit more down the line, PINNAZ also mentions the Nantan Meteorite. This rock is awfully similar to the 115 meteorite that can be seen in Shi No Numa. It's a rather close match, and could contain some attributes of our zombies meteorites if the rock is to be considered canon somehow in the story. In this aspect, I too believe that many samples were sent to communist countries as a fuel source in any experiments (zombies anyone?). I'm not too keen on the idea of steel containing 115 in them; but considering that China was (and still is) an industrialization powerhouse, I would simply question the purpose of 115-infested steel.
    1 point
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