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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2021 in all areas

  1. @RadZakpak the dawn of the continuation of this masterpiece! I like it how the tradition of two parallel stories is being maintained, with now Pernell replacing Peter's part. Thinking longer about it, the title is very well being chosen: As spoiled in 'Danke Schoen', it relates to Richtofen's Ascension to the Aether. But if we take into account that Pernell may have a prominent role in this story as well, "A Soul Alone" may also relate to the rise and fall into madness of his soul. I also like it how in Pernell's part, Richtofen's intentions and whereabouts are dretched in such ambiance of mystery. That perfectly fits with Richtofen's role in the story. Then there is the part Schuster talks about the Zombies becoming passive, and the yellow light fading in their eyes. Imagine the gruesome feeling he must have when he saw that same yellow light in their eyes again, many years later in the Pentagon. Good forecasting to that! In these two chapters introducing Ultimis, you already succeeded in making Nikolai's attitude to the rest clear: Nikolai liking Dempsey and (to a lesser degree) Richtofen, but despising Takeo. And the storm reference, of course, a nod to your theory. If you ever need assistence with explaining some (pseudo)sciencific stuff like what happens in Ascension, or any other Easter Egg process, feel free to shoot me a message, I'd love to help
    1 point
  2. Alright so I lied about that one, not into this series anymore and have just about entirely moved on. Thanks for the memories at least, while they had lasted.
    1 point
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