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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2023 in all areas

  1. Intro Bringing up some occurances of this recurring theme for discussion In no particular order. If you can think of any more or have any ideas please discuss below! Examples 1) Archangel (Origins) The most clear example. 2) Chronicles Trailer This goes with the "minds eye" metaphor angle. 3) Physical globes Black egg looks much like a leyline globe Summoning key VERY similar + apothicon influence Shang meteor looks a lot like a globe also. But this time with physical geography instead of leylines. Conclusion Of course the obvious thematic interpretation is that it's about "control" and power. A strongly recurring theme. But with the Venus references in ciphers. The shrinking meteor with the baby gun. I was wondering if there might be another way to look at this that might shed some light on the origins of the Black Egg and the summoning key. I'd love to hear any ideas! Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  2. High res picture of farm loading screen
    1 point
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