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Showing content with the highest reputation since 01/15/2014 in Status Updates

  1. "Okay everyone, gas around" * Sighs* "Give me order!" "The Doktor has a Christmas story your you" "Ooh story time I love it!" "Oh joy, I'm warm and fuzzy already" "Feel free to leave Dempsey. Or kill yourself" "Is that mistletoe? I suddenly feel like kicking your mounth" "Where's my wodka? Where's my where's my wodka?" "Nikolai put down that bottle" *Smashes bottle and yells* "Ouch, not there" "I have a story for you that my grandfather used to tell me when I was a little, little, little..." "Ah, it's like grandpa used to talk about hookers" "Nein, it's nothing like that" "I like hooker!" "It was the night before Christmas, and all through the house not a creature was stirring, except for a mouse" "I kill the mouse!" "That's good Takeo, well done" "The shotguns were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Zombie Klaus soon would be there" "Oh I love Zombie Klaus!" "Yeah" "Takeo and Dempsey were snug in their beds" "What?" "While visions of murder danced in their heads" "Murder!" "I like murder" "And Nikolai in his 'kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled down for a long winter's nap" "I be big spoon, you be little spoon, yeah?" "Shh, don't tell anyone" "Okay" "When out on the lawn there arose such a clamor, I reached for my luger and pulled back the hammer" "Ahahaha" "Away to the window I flew without haste, Tore open the shutters and began to lay waste" *Laughs* *Laughs* "Banzai!" "The blood on the breast of the new-fallen dead, gave the luster of rubies all glistening und red" *Sighs* "When, what to my wondering eyes should I see, But a miniature sleigh pulled by filthy monkeys" "Oh, I hate monkeys" "And then, as I stood with my mouth all agape I heard the moaning and gnawing of those damn dirty apes." "Because they have no honor!" As I drew back the trigger, all set for the kill, Down the chimney came Zombie Claus, ahaha, what a thrill!" "Ohhh!" "He was wearing the flesh he tore from St. Nick" "Oh!" "And his clothes were all bloody!" "Oh man this is sick sick" "A bundle of limbs poked out from his sack, And he looked like a hobo, just having a snack" "Like my brother, he is broke" "His eyes were glazed over, his nose was not there! His cheeks were half eaten, but he had not a care! The drool from his mouth spilled onto the floor, And the stench from his carcass, I simply adored!" "That's just wrong" "The stump of a leg he held tight in his teeth, And he wore some intestines on his head like a wreath" "Oh-hoh!" "He had sores on his face and a distended belly, That shook when he moaned, like a bowlful of jelly" "Like pregnant hooker!" "He was deliciously gaunt, it made me giggle, And I laughed and I laughed, I wet myself a little..." "It happens" "A wink of his eye as it "popped" from his head, Oh how I love, the sexy undead" "Really?" "He's not well" "He spoke not a word, and went straight for my heart, As I leveled my 12 gauge, and blew him apart" *All laugh* "Haha, Now we are talking" "On the floor lay his finger aside of his nose, On the tree, like ornaments, were his teeth and his toes" "Ohhh" "And then in an instant, he sprang back to life, I threw down the gun, and reached for my knife" "You need katana!" "But up the chimney he went, as he gave me the finger, "Nein!" I shouted "you must stay, you must linger!" " "No, come back Zombie Klaus" "And I heard Zombie Klaus moan, as he flew out of sight, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-bite." *All laugh* "Haha, bit, get it? Ah fuck you"
    4 points
  2. With the upcoming continuation of our beloved story, let's not forget about the disgusting treatment of human beings at the Treyarch facility, the place where workers are mentally broken. Treyarch's money and our joy are at the cost of their lives. The gaming industry must change: https://kotaku.com/the-human-cost-of-call-of-duty-black-ops-4-1835859016 (And that while, ironically, CoD Zombies was the cause of an open-minded and creative individual not only doing what his boss told him but also putting his free will and time into developing this 'bonus mode')
    3 points
  3. You know your a veteran when everything about this place feels very nostalgic. It's good to see a lot of the same folks I slayed with, worked behind the scenes with and even became friends with are still kicking and even running the show. And speaking of which, a big nod to seeing PDT was dusted off! I miss you guys!
    3 points
  4. if you guys want to see my youtube channel, here is a link: http://youtube.com/channel/UCQTi2Z6a3aHMRLExX3scxXA/videos
    2 points
  5. Alright so I lied about that one, not into this series anymore and have just about entirely moved on. Thanks for the memories at least, while they had lasted.
    2 points
  6. And in the darkest night If my memory serves me right I'll never turn back time Forgetting all but not the time
    2 points
  7. Man, it’s weird coming back to forums sometimes. I remember when I first joined this site, and there were frequent posters like Nightmare Voyager, and Stop Mocking Me, Deathbringerzen, and Slade just to name a few. And then they disappear without a trace and it just feels odd, even though I’m guilty of this myself. Sorry for the ramble, just felt like writing this ?
    2 points
  8. Can't believe it's been 7 years since I signed up for this site. Thanks for being there for me throughout the good and the shit times.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Great to see some users names turning from orange to white. Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy!
    2 points
  11. Today's banner is amazing.
    2 points
  12. Chapter 8: "Eclipse" is now up on the Storybook section of the site! I have also made some slight changes to Chapter 7.
    2 points
  13. What did BO3 & Blundell do to this site...my home? My heart is broken. Such a great story forever lost.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Finishing Friday with a bit of Bloodborne. Such a good game.
    2 points
  16. I have returned once again! How's things over here? I've been very gameplay-focused this year of zombies, and with Der Eisendrache around the corner I figured it was time to start delving back into the wobbly-wobbly they-wimey mess that is our Zombies story. I need to run a few things through some people in order to refine a fairly large theory I have, so PM me if anyone is willing to help.
    2 points
  17. reddit.com 's /r/codzombies Where you get downvoted to hell for defending 3arc/atvi for removing the Swastika symbol from Der Riese because it is an offensive symbol to many lol.
    2 points
  18. Working on a solo guide for Shadows - recording now and uploading and writing tomorrow
    2 points
  19. I am completely impressed with the map so far guys. Honestly for those of you who have bought the game, money well spent. Like HONESTLY, this map is making me freeze in awe, laugh my ass off, question my sanity, and just.. completely immerse me. I'm currently putting together a list of the top 10 things I've found about the map (due to leaks, so we won't see this until next friday don't worry) which will be HELPFUL, but not spoiler-ly when the map first comes out. Things like game mechanics and changes/improvements to gameplay. Things like that. Don't worry mods, I'm keeping my lips shut until friday, but after that it's open season baby. (with the exception of EE steps. I don't even know those.)
    2 points
  20. Hello CODZ, I have missed you.
    2 points
  21. How much do you really know about Zombies? Become a certified Meta Zombiologist! Click to take the quiz
    1 point
  22. I have a new theory which will drop tomorrow morning. Lets just say that The Contents of the MPD is FAR more terrible than richtofen. However it is neither Evil nor Good.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Check this out. The best perk combo ever! This is how i play every game. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/uploads/monthly_2015_11/IMAG0671.thumb.jpg.a9fce6a07ce84c7ba8be02901fefe4ff.jpg
    1 point
  25. Been grinding out 2XP Zombies. Leveling up Weapon Kits & completing challenges. First time I've ever Prestiged in CoD & I've played since CoD 1. Constant round 30's on The Giant & I'm actually enjoying playing Zombies again. You can't beat "Classic Zombies". Old Der Riese Strats still come in handy. Now it's time to unravel BO3 secrets. Story Time kiddies!!!
    1 point
  26. Finding out there's going to be a netflix original series for "Lemony Sniket's: A series of Unfortunate Events" >>>>>>>>>>>
    1 point
  27. Realizing @Spider3000 is also the war doctor.... <<<<<<<<
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Teamspeak being available on both PS4 and Xbone changes everything.
    1 point
  30. I love you Craig A few odd bugs, but I just read a whole Zombies Library thread on my phone & it only crash right at the end! So many thanks for all your amazing work for this forum.
    1 point
  31. Cracked a rib last week. The timings perfect. I can stay home from work and play zombies. Gotta look at the positives
    1 point
  32. Happy Halloween everyone! It's also my birthday :) which I know is the REAL reason we celebrate this wondrous day.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Huge, massive shoutout to @Chopper for the massive donation.
    1 point
  35. Nostalgia and hype in full effect. I'M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION!!!
    1 point
  36. Celebrating day 16 of Halloween err...October with some good ol' punkin' carvin'!
    1 point
  37. Today is CoDz.com & my 3 year anniversary together....
    1 point
  38. The countdown has finally begun. T-minus 30 days before launch. #Pr3pareForWar
    1 point
  39. That feel when you hear there is new Black Ops III news, but then you remember Campaign and multiplayer are also part of the game :(
    1 point
  40. Congrats to @NaBrZHunter, our new UOTM!
    1 point
  41. Big thanks to all those that have donated so far. @NaBrZHunter @Kill_All_Monkeys @Hells Warrrior @Lenne @Rissole25 @InfestLithium @Shooter @GRILL @Covert Gunman @Tainted Opossum
    1 point
  42. So long and thanks for all the brains.
    1 point
  43. I find it cute when you talk to "CoD" Youtuber's about the history of the franchise and they know nothing before Black Ops 2. Can't find a 'PMSL' meme good enough for that one!
    1 point
  44. Holy $h!T the ZOMBIES REVEAL IS TOMORROW!!!!!!11!1!!!1!
    1 point
  45. Out to more southern Europe for a month so you won't hear too much of me for while! Enjoy your time of hype with comicon right around the corner and don't let me be uninformed when I return, have a nice one!
    1 point
  46. The moment you phone up and cancel all tv, phone and broadband services and tell them reason for cancelling is they have you over a barell = priceless.
    1 point
  47. 4 year anniversary of being here today, woooooo
    1 point
  48. I keep receiving notifications whenever Pinnaz and Naitrax post. Cant get rid of the notifications and its filling my mailbox quick. HELP!
    1 point
  49. Welcome to the forums TheVGExpert :)
    1 point
  50. 1 point
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