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S.O.P.H.I.A. last won the day on May 22 2019

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  1. The Call of Duty: Mobile game beta testing continues on Android in select regions only as Activision gears up to bring Call of Duty to Mobile as a free to play title on iOS and Android this year. As we mentioned last week, the Mobile game will feature three modes — Multiplayer, Zombies, and Battle Royale. Today, some users are reporting that Activision has opened up some testing of the Battle Royale mode in the Mobile game and now we have our first look at the map for the mode — which is different than Blackout. This map actually combines Modern Warfare and Black Ops locations into one Battle Royale mode for the Call of Duty: Mobile game, including areas like Crash, Estate, Standoff, and more. Here’s the map: Image via Proloco_NYY Some users are reporting that the Battle Royale is still in an early developmental state experiencing some issues while playing, but that is expected with the beta version of this game as it gears up for launch later this year. The Call of Duty: Mobile game is developed by Tencent’s TIMI studio and published by Activision. It will be available later this year for free on iOS and Android. The post Call of Duty: Mobile Battle Royale map revealed appeared first on Charlie INTEL.
  2. Destiny 2's Season the Drifter is quickly coming to an end. The season's last Exotic, Outbreak Perfected, is out in the wild, and we're currently seeing the final Iron Banner before the Season of Opulence starts on June 4 and brings new content for Annual Pass holders. And with his arrival this weekend, Xur brings not only another stash of Exotic weapons and armor, but the final Invitation of the Nine, completing the story of the Drifter and the Emissary. Unfortunately, at least one of those Exotics has a nerf coming its way. Head to Titan if you're looking for Xur. He's hanging out on The Rig in a small building to the north of the spawn point. Ride your sparrow until you've got water on your left, then head into the low building to your left to find Xur inside. He's offering D.A.R.C.I. this week, an Exotic sniper rifle that gives you information on enemies when you aim down the sights at them with its Personal Assistant perk, and which amps up the damage you do when Personal Assistant is active. For armor, Xur offers Celestial Nighthawk helmet for Hunters, which gives you one high-damage shot for your Golden Gun Super, rather than several weaker shots. It also makes enemies explode, and killing enemies with your Golden Gun gets you Super energy back. Titans get the Ursa Furiosa gauntlets, which give you Super energy back based on how much damage you absorb with your Sentinel Shield Super, and gives you faster movement speed when you're using it. Finally, for Warlocks, there's Geomag Stabilizers, a set of boots that increase the duration of your Chaos Reach Super as you do damage with it. You can also sometimes get Super energy for sprinting. Here are all the Exotics Xur offers this week and what they'll cost you: D.A.R.C.I. (Exotic sniper rifle) -- 29 Legendary Shards Ursa Furiosa (Exotic Titan gauntlets) -- 23 Legendary Shards Celestial Nighthawk (Exotic Hunter helmet) -- 23 Legendary Shards Geomag Stabilizers (Exotic Warlock leg armor) -- 23 Legendary Shards If nothing Xur has strikes your fancy, you can also purchase a Fated Engram from Xur. Thanks to a recent update, Fated Engrams can now dish out Exotics from the Forsaken expansion, as well as from the original Year One group (but not from the Black Armory or the Jokers Wild expansions). Grabbing one of the engrams gives you a random Exotic that you don't already have--if you can afford it. Fated Engrams will run you 97 Legendary Shards, and you can only get one per account each week. Xur also offers the Five of Swords challenge card for free, which allows you to add difficulty modifiers that increase your score in Nightfall runs. Finally, this Xur visit marks the arrival of the final Invitation of the Nine weekly bounty, which you can also snag one from Xur. Completing these gives you a Powerful gear drop, as well as a bit of story about the Nine and the Drifter and a new Lore entry that fills in the history of the Emissary of the Nine. Unlike the other bounties that have had players visiting planets and completing Strikes, this one takes you to the Crucible to play through nine different matches. If you're not finished with your older Invitations, you can still complete one per week until you've received them all. Be sure to finish the bounty by Thursday's daily reset, or you won't be able to grab a fresh bounty from Xur on Friday. View the full article
  3. Sound quality has come a long way from the beeps and boops of the early generations of gaming. Epic, modern AAA games require soundtracks, sound effects, and sound mixing that rival Hollywood's best. Last year's every-award-winner God of War has some of the best sound design I've ever encountered in a piece of gaming. Red Dead Redemption 2 is another title from 2018 that excels at using sound to build its world. But modern gaming isn't just about the sound produced by whatever title we're playing. More and more, the sounds we make play a bigger role in the industry. Whether you're a streamer who is yelling racial epithets over gameplay to the delight of 12-year-olds or a member of a Fortnite team who needs to coordinate with the other players, balancing our voices with the sounds of the game is something of a tightrope act. With the A40 TR Headset and MixAmp Pro TR from Astro Gaming, that tightrope has been replaced by a rope bridge. View the full article
  4. Will Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 be revealed at E3 2019? Dexerto Unlike other members of the gaming industry, Activision is not set to have a show or booth of their own at E3. So, what does that mean for Call of Duty's 2019 title ... View the full article
  5. The latest Game Settings Update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. One of the updates is the return of Barebones now with Kill Confirmed, alongside TDM and Domination mode as part of the rotation for it. Barebones features no Specialist and one equipment per life delivering a more classic Call of Duty experience in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. The community’s response to our Barebones game mode has been fantastic since it launched with TDM and DOM, we’re expanding on the old-school formula with Barebones Deathmatch Moshpit to introduce Kill Confirmed into the mix along with TDM. The same rules apply: no Specialist Weapons, no Special Issue Equipment, no Gear, and no Operator Mods allowed. Check out this new Barebones variant in Multiplayer. Stay tuned for today’s updates full patch notes. The post Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 May 17 Update – Barebones Update appeared first on Charlie INTEL. View the full article
  6. As the beta testing for Call of Duty: Mobile continues in select regions, more information on the game is being revealed. The main menu for the new Call of Duty: Mobile game has confirmed what the trailers have been teasing with a “MORE TO COME” tagline: there will be a Zombies and Battle Royale mode in the game, beyond just the MP mode that has been shown off so far. It’s not clear exactly what Battle Royale map will be part of the game, as the BR mode is not playable in the regional select beta testing. Only the MP mode is fully playable. Call of Duty: Mobile is shaping up to be a fully featured Call of Duty title for iOS and Android. Activision has been wanting to enter the mobile market for years now, as games like PUBG Mobile and Fortnite generate billions yearly in the mobile industry. Earlier this week, Activision revealed new MP content that is coming to Call of Duty: Mobile, including fan favorite game modes, maps, and characters. We also got a look at the new Battle Pass system that is featured inside of the new mobile game. Image via @ChaosxSilencer The post Call of Duty: Mobile to feature a Zombies and Battle Royale mode appeared first on Charlie INTEL. View the full article
  7. test https://www.facebook.com/djricharddurand/videos/10153038406374662/
  8. Please allow for backgrounds processes to run and to allow the cache system to catch up with the pages and save them as accessed by members, once this all happens the speed will or should improve - at the moment processes are running wild in the background but can only be activated upon users accessing the site.
  9. We are so sorry for the prolonged downtime today, it should have been live 6 hours ago, before the US woke up or just started to wake up. Unfortunately and sods law, just as I clicked a certain function, it broke. The 1st time it has happened throughout the betas and the release candidates. So again, please accept my apologies. Anyway, we have decided to take the plunge and go live today with just the forum - the rest is following soon. A few things are new and a few things will be here soon. I'm still adding things but wanted to get it live ASAP. and then add the bits n pieces we need. The medals will not be live at first, they will come back in due course, the app is just not ready, I'll put a proper post together soon explaining what's new and whats changed.
  10. Welcome to the forums Doggman42 :)

  11. Welcome to the forums NicKz :)

  12. Welcome to the forums tonii.yaya :)

  13. Welcome to the forums BlubberBulletsz :)

  14. Hi Blitz, All the best, the CoDz's forum team.
  15. Welcome to the forums wpperez49 :)

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