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Everything posted by uzi

  1. uzi

    New Features

    need a "happy cat"ranking lol. like 100k, just for trolling! :)
  2. thanks. I just got here so this helped me out! .
  3. uzi


    thank you both (: and xbox 360 .
  4. on the right side of the book, at the very edge looks like another page. Just a thought... :ugeek:
  5. welcome, I also just joined .
  6. welcome, I am new too hehe .
  7. uzi


    Hello, my name is uzi (or Tyler). I just saw this site, and it looks very nice. I joined because I am an expert at zombies, so don't take me as a noob. If you want to know my highest rounds, PM me. I want to get to know people here, so that might be a good way to . Anyways, I hope to see lots of people around here!
  8. wow, really worth the read! amazing post!
  9. nice worth the read. Fix the spelling errors though. Use google chrome so it will underline every word misspelled. Nice though!
  10. I have made it to 57 with 2 people. We ra pe train.
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