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Everything posted by InfestLithium

  1. Welcome to the community, friendo!
  2. Did y'all know we have a secret page on this forum for a secret user group? Let's play a little game of Hide-&-Seek.

    Those were her exact words.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MixMasterNut
    3. InfestLithium


      @MixMasterNut Good find! It is a secret thing discovered, but it's not THE secret thing I referred to. Still, +1 for you friendo!

    4. Spider


      I can't see that anywhere on the forums, sad times 

  3. Wanna make your name stand out every post you make? Snag yourself a Legendary User Rank in the Divinium Factory!

  4. https://gyazo.com/85a95446293c8be462bb8f15895d7e87 Maybe it was set to private at the time? Try it now friendo.
  5. With an accumulated 21 hours of rendering and uploading, the interview with @RADAUSTIN27 has been uploaded! This is definitely work the listen, since Reed had nothing but wonderful things to say about everything Zombies and even answered community questions as well. If you enjoy good discussion about the Zombies lore, his love for Jason Blundell, and ice-cream, you'll definitely get a kick outta this.
  6. RadAustin is a popular Zombies YouTuber that's been around for years. He's always been that steady-paced guy who never begged for likes and subscriptions, and posted LOTS of in-depth videos like no-clipping maps, lore, all the works. He's actually a member on here as wel, and such a totally cool guy!
  7. The Divinium Factory is now open! Grab your best point gun, because it's time to start farming:  http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/divinium-factory/

    1. Spider


      Sorry, there is a problem
      You do not have permission to view this page
      Error code: 2T187/3

    2. InfestLithium


      Try it now, @Doctor Richtofen. Permissions are fixed. :)

    3. Spider


      @InfestLithium fixed and thank you :)

  8. Now's your chance to ask the fantastic RadAustin any questions you want him to answer! Whether it be his YouTube stardom, his love for Zombies, or just a question about what cereal he ate this morning, HE WILL ANSWER IT ALL! The CoDz team will interview him Wednesday 11am PST / 1pm EST on Skype, and will have the recording on YouTube, Soundcloud, and Reddit! Don't be shy - he loves questions, especially when it's about his love for everything Zombies!
  9. YOU get Divinium, and YOU get Divinium, EVERYONE gets Divinium!

  10. Consider also clearing your browser cache. I know browsers like Chrome get very picketing about storing login information and it jumbles itself up, so clear that as well as your cookies. Then try logging in/logging out to see if the problem fixed itself. Does this happen on your main browser only or on all devices (phone, tablet, computer, etc)?
  11. Does it really? Holy smokes, didn't think it'd be that elaborate. But aside that, even having Lab A and Lab B running at the same time to get said Jugg isn't all too bad. Once the labs run out of water, there's no real need for that central power. Now getting downed and having to recover the perk is a different story.
  12. Already got it, friendo.
  13. To be honest, playing the map without having the main power on is incredibly easy. Once you acquire the perks you need, you have little motivation to re-activate power unless you're dealing with traps constantly (which you won't be honestly). The only time I ever have it on is when I'm stacked on money and have nothing better to do. The buckets can be filled up with water easily even in the event you lose all your perks.
  14. I'm sorry, but I gotta throw down a big fat NO on faster spawning for mini-bosses. Having a meatshield with target points like the head of a Panzer Soldat or orbs on a Thrasher requires technique and concentration sure, but ramping down the difficulty just to have them appear more alongside regular zombies and whatever extra mini threat (spiders, dogs, etc) just creates an unnecessary clusterfuck. Nothing feels worse than dealing with regular zombies while being aware of what's near your foot and attempting to remember where that big guy was last you saw him. There needs to be separation between each unique threat so you can strategize instead of unloading everything you got into a horde of different enemies in hopes to wipe 'em out. The real challenge is knowing what may come next and worrying if your current loadout is able to handle it.
  15. I've been looking into the ciphers and holy crap, was I going about it the wrong way. For example, I would take an encrypted text, use monoalphabetic substitution, and THEN try Vigenere. Are there some ciphers that work along the lines of using two different cipher system, or is it mostly just one cipher than has two keys in it, such ass an offset + keyphrase? Additionally, that means there's only one cipher left - the scraps, correct?
  16. An interesting question, with hopefully interesting results. When the map came out, I personally saw very mixed results about the map itself. Many said it was an easy map for high rounds, some said it was very confusing to navigate, and very little actually criticized it in whole. Now that I (an Xbox player) got my hands on it and got a general feel for it while still in the honeymoon stage, I'm curious to see what the community thinks of it all-together. To be blunt, I love it. Imagine Shangri-la, Shi No Numa, and Resolution 1295 (Buried) had a baby. Zetsubou no Shima would be the ideal offspring. Why? Simple. Very wide map with many different levels to it (Buried). Hidden corridors and confusing hallways that making navigating around an adventure (Buried). Enriching atmosphere with some to little eyesight for what's in front of your pathwise (Shangri-la). Creep factor of the environment and the zombie pathing (Shi No Numa). Multi-levels tucked away at the back of the map with many close-encounter rooms (Shangri-la). Traps that allow you to tuck in a certain area for a while and train efficiently where you're at (Shi No Numa). Mythology up the wahzoo (Shangri-la)! Honestly, this is the ideal kind of map. Great murky atmosphere for zombies, sense of dread coming around each corner, the feeling of being lost because of multiple corridors, scattered arsenal and perk machines to make surviving early on rather challenging, and the ability to actually CHOOSE MORE THAN 1/2 AREAS TO SURVIVE IN COMPLETELY. What do y'all think? Would you call this the "perfect" orientation for a map?
  17. Thrasher didn't seem too difficult to be honest, and that was going to Round 15. I laid him out easy with a KN-44 and that was a rap. If I ever went down from him, it was because I got lost and caught myself in a dead-end. Which this map is FULL of.
  18. I know @Hells Warrrior once set up a Teamspeak for CoDz, but I am unsure whether it's still active or not.
  19. Hey friendo, welcome to the community! If you're looking for teammates, I'd suggest using our CoDz LFG for a faster response rate. We have people looking for fellow slayers on the daily and you'll have your high round clanmates in no time.
  20. So after playing this map all too many times just to complete the Easter Egg w/ @Doppelgänger and @NaBrZHunter, I got to thinking - what exactly are we dealing with in this map? Specifically, story implications and what they lead beyond Zestubou No Shima. In order to get a better understanding for myself (and to hopefully see everyone's input) on certain questions that are still to be answered, here are the most common and intriguing questions regarding Der Eisendrache: 1) What became of Groph? There is already a topic discussing this, but if you have completed the Easter Egg, you are well aware that the Moon becomes annihilated, and Griffin Station with it. We can assume that there are teleporters on the Moon, but then we gotta ask this: where do those teleporters lead to? And if we did figure out a location, would Groph be dead or did he manage to leave before the rockets hit the station? I'm really curious to see what everyone says about this. 2) Is Samantha in control of the zombies here? It's a very iffy situation. I say yes; however, it's the Samantha of this universe controlling them rather than the Samantha we save in Origins/ Samantha that's supposedly in the House. Because this universe is shared by the Giant, we know that Maxis and Sam were betrayed and teleported by Richtofen 1.0. But we also know that the MPD on Moon, when teleported to the anti-gravity chamber of Der Eisendrache, only the Keeper resides in the Moon MPD. So what happened to Samantha? Her physical body should be inside the pyramid yet it isn't. 3) What is the history behind the castle? This is such a little-commented portion of the map, but I always find it intriguing when I dig into it. Let me start off by explaining the backstory a bit: when doing the Wolf Bow steps, the first step requires you to activate four paintings in a random order before getting your arrow. Little do most people know that most of the steps correlate to the origins of the castle's last occupancy prior to Group 935. Long ago, there was a knight who was part of the royal guard. The knight was a brave war solider, and eventually rose to the throne as king. He held the wolf insignia as his battle crest and was known throughout the lands as the Wolf King. Suddenly, a darkness swept the land and from a hole in the sky came an Apothicon monstrosity. The villages were set ablaze and an war was fought between the King's men and the dimensional creatures. The King won the war, and the Apothicons retreated back into the void, defeated. An unknown time after, the King was struck by a few arrows during battle and died alongside his faithful wolf companions. His corpse was laid to rest at the highest point of the chamber beneath Hall of the Ancients. Now this is all told by the paintings, remainder of the Easter Egg, and some items found all the way from Samantha/Maxis' rooms to the anti-gravity chamber themselves. Clearly, the Apothicons have attempted to conquer the universe before but were defeated. Interestingly enough, the bones of the King's wolves sit next to the Wolf Bow chest, next to one of the Keeper statues. Did the King receive help from the Keepers to defeat the Apothicons during the great war, and commemorated the Keepers as great protectors of the castle? It would explain why the armor of a solider with the Vril Device slot produces a Keeper spirit. 4) What corrupted the Keeper when it came back from Griffin Station? After much discussion, I'm inclined to believe that Groph attempted to trap the Keeper within the MPD. And whatever resided in the MPD (evil that also inhabited Samantha during Black Ops 1) corrupted the Keeper. Hence, why Richtofen mentions that Groph must've corrupted the creature. We know that Keepers - while powerful - aren't inherently evil. In fact, they are ancient guardians who will only attack when they feel threatened as seen in here and Shadows of Evil. When the Keeper returns to Earth, note how it floats above the Moon MPD - similar to the style of Samantha during the Moon easter egg. This leads me to a follow up question: 5) Is the Keeper boss battle set within the realm which the darkness lives inside the MPD? I mean, it seems obvious. You teleport to an unknown area with the corrupted yet larger Keeper byt DG-4ing the anti-gravity panels around the pyramid. It seems like you teleport to the within the MPD on a dimensional level. If you happen to have your birghtness up while in that stage, note how there is no opening beyond the cold walls of the room. Additionally, the pillars circling around the center appear...ancient in architecture, definitely beyond human conception. Is this the throne of the MPD where the controller's spirit resides in? 6) Why does Maxis not keep contact with the crew? In The Giant, we only talk to Maxis when activating the Fly Trap easter egg (the beacon becomes lit). However, in Der Eisendrache, he never speaks to us again. We know that he has a secret plan with Richtofen that the rest of the crew does not know about. But if they all know they must kill their 1.0 selves at the correct time and event, what is this hidden agenda that Maxis has entrusted in Richtofen? And where the hell is he to help us out? Maxis was helping the crew kill many Richtofen X.0s prior to them meeting up with Richtofen in The Giant. Can't wait to hear the responses and insight!
  21. Welcome to the family, friendo!
  22. After playing Der Eisendrache so much, I agree with Nabz. Believe me - the map is beautifully designed and really gives that layout challenge where maps like Shangri-la and Verruckt really stood out in. At the same time, certain mechanics from the BO3 Zombies engine alone make the map near impossible to fully play out without having the same setup among all players - an upgraded elemental bow and an LMG. The easter egg is fun minus the infinite dogs and poor "fail a step wait a round" pisshole. I'd like to see more challenge in terms of solving puzzles, not hitting random objects around the map with zero indication as to what you're even doing. Think Call of the Dead and Shangri-la standards.
  23. C'mon friendos, don't you wanna share the love around? Voting time is near, so you better get your nominations in quick!
  24. It's time to n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nominate your next May User of the Month! You know the ropes - think up of who has really been putting in that quality work this month, say why they deserve to be [America's Next Top Model] UotM, and wait til we open up the election booths! It's as simple as 1-2-q! Basic Qualifications: Any nomination, will require a brief explanation, and example links of posts that show the qualities necessary for a User of the Month. A user may not nominate themselves or anyone sharing the same IP address. This is to avoid cheating. You need at least 50 posts, and have been a member for at least a month in order for your nominations to be considered valid. A user may not nominate more than three other users per competition. If there is an abundance of votes for two-three users where upon the total number of users is more than six, a second round of voting may occur if requested by the community. The second round will only consist of the top voted users. A user may not win User of the Month if they have won the title in the last 3 months. A staff member may not win the title if they have won in the last 6 months. Users will only be part of the User of the Month group for the month after they won. They will however keep a medal to recognize their victory. How It Works Step 1. Browse the forum. Look around, if you really weren't here during the month, please don't put up a random nomination or vote. Just look around. Spend 15 minutes, or even 7 hours scanning around the entire forum! There are lots of great things to read! Step 2. Decide on your nominations. Pick a few people who you think could be worthy to be added into the poll. You aren't limited to one, but please don't nominate more than a few users. If they're worthy of nominations, they'll be mentioned by someone else. Trust your fellow users, and don't go on a nomination streak, you don't get a care package for 5 nominations. Also, please read this thread by Ehjookayted on the qualities that are looked for in User of the Month candidates. - Please click here! - There will be cake. Step 3. Post your nominations, and explanations or example links. When you've decided who you would like to nominate, please post it below in a reply to this topic. I will also be looking for a brief explanation, and/or a link or two showing examples of why they should be User of the Month. Step 4. Wait. I will leave nominations open for about 2-3 days after posting this thread if time permits. This is simply to ensure that most of our regular users have the opportunity to chip in. Just be patient, and thank you for your time. [:)] Step 5. Vote! Out of the nominations, I will add those that meet the required criteria to a poll, which will run for about 3 days. I hope to end the poll on the last day of each month, but time can be a cruel mistress sometimes, so bare with me if things are a day or so off. Step 6. Celebrate! Congrats, you helped a great member be recognized for his/her greatness. You should be feeling warm and tingly now. Be sure to congratulate them! After the voting is closed, I will remove the old User of the Month from the title, and the new winner will don the Cyan robe and become our new User of the Month! Previous Winners Archive: April 2016: ----------- March 2016: anonymous & shirtlessservice February 2016: NaBrZHunter January 2016: Ragdo11706 December 2015: Tac November 2015: Kill_All_Monkeys October 2015: NaBrZHunter September 2015: Shooter August 2015: Lenne May 2015: @Amantha77 April 2015: @Chopper March 2015: @ZombieOfTheDead February 2015: Nightmare Voyager January 2015: Black Hand Smith December 2014: Stop mocking me0 November 2014: Undad October 2014: The boring guy September 2014: the_clay_bird August 2014: GRILL July 2014: InfestLithium + ETEl2NAL407 June 2014: Jolteon May 2014: Naitrax February 2014-March 2014: DeathBringerZen January 2014: Hells Warrrior December 2013: ---------- November 2013: 83457 October 2013: Boom September 2013: Samara + Slade August 2013: TheBSZombie July 2013: ---------- June 2013: RequixEclipse May 2013: FatedTitan April 2013: Flammenwerfer March 2013: l GRILL l February 2013: InfestLithium January 2013: MurderMachineX December 2012: PINNAZ + Lenne November 2012: Electric Jesus October 2012: Punkrockzombie September 2012: Jake-Duck August 2012: MyLittleHellhound July 2012: Rissole25 June 2012: perfectlemonade May 2012: MixMasterNut April 2012: BlindBusDrvr March 2012: way2g00 February 2012: SuperHands January 2012: Ehjookayted December 2011: Tom852 November 2011: OstonedshooterO October 2011: LiamFTWinter September 2011: Phillips455 August 2011: Faust July 2011: TacticalInsertion June 2011: MrRoflWaffles May 2011: XAvengedLullabyX April 2011: cjdog23 March 2011: xXDaRkLeGeNdSXx February 2011: DigitalShadowZZ January 2011: ---------- December 2010: Graffiti Skys November 2010: Mikeh12 October 2010: Undeadwolfy September 2010: RedDeadRiot August 2010: Alpha Snake
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