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carbonfibah last won the day on January 14 2018

carbonfibah had the most liked content!



About carbonfibah

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  1. browse newegg.com for computer parts
  2. How do you think I feel? Zombies was my job lol
  3. FUUUUU script errors!!!!!

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  4. On Saturday November 2nd, I will be participating in a charity through work to help raise money for Children's Hospitals. I chose to support the Boston Children's Hospital. Since this is through work and video game related I decided that the game I'm going to play for 25 hours is Call Of Duty Zombies. Since it's a long time to play I will be playing World At War, Black Ops and Black Ops II Zombies to keep it interesting with lots of content. I will be asking you guys, the zombies community to join up throughout the day and play some zombies with me in my open lobbies. (I will be playing on Xbox 360) I will also be streaming it all live via my Twitch.tv http://www.twitch.tv/carbonfibah So if you would like to support me in my gaming marathon to raise money for Boston Children's Hospital you can donate at the link below. http://bit.ly/1cvY9et Pledging me for as little as $1 an hour would be great! Thanks for your support in helping me hit my goal! Regards, Carbon
  5. So... after seeing the newest teaser trailer... What do you think? :twisted:
  6. carbonfibah


    Hello. :twisted:
  7. carbonfibah


    I looked back and found the first tweet about the announcement of CoDz. The original forum with the free hosting. We gained around 10k members before we transferred to paid hosting, and we have surpassed that here. I am proud of this site, my baby. Happy 3 year anniversary! The image is pretty big, if you want to view it click below then click on the full screen arrows in the bottom right. Or you can visit the image directly, by clicking here, http://callofdutyzombies.com/wallpapers/thenandnow.png and http://callofdutyzombies.com/wallpapers/thenandnow3.png
  8. WHat dos 1221 mean?? its on her cap
  9. this
  10. I read everything on the forums, primarily the future zombies section. So if you post ideas and theories in there I have or will read them.
  11. This is just a disclaimer so everyone can know where I am at.... So as most of you know I now work at Treyarch, and because of that I had to relinquish my ownership of this site. I have passed on admin and financial responsibilities to Covert, Lissa and probably another person once Covert takes a break. So just so we are all clear, in terms of CoDz, I am simply the founder. The guy who built this site from the ground up and the creator of callofdutyzombies.com. I no longer run this site on a day to day basis. Ok, I just want to make sure that is clear to everyone. I wasn't expecting Lamia to confirm zombies so early in the year, however he has, so it is no longer a secret that I am working production QA on zombies for Black Ops II. Since I am working on zombies I have secretly been visiting the site over the past few month, looking what everyone is talking about. Now obviously, under NDA and fear of loosing my job, I will not and I repeat, will NOT disclose any kind of information about zombies, nor will I ever post in any thread that involves Black Ops II. Everything I now say publicly will be viewed as info, or whatever for the new game, and I will not jeopardize, the game or my job. On a side note with that I will NOT NOT NOT NOT answer any questions you ask me about zombies. I am sorry but you have to understand where I am coming from. So you may see me on the forums, but that does not mean I am posting zombies stuff or anything like that, and please do not see it as an invitation to ask me questions you know I won't answer. I will however post in threads that have NO connection to zombies or Black Ops 2. The main reason why you will see me on CoDz until and after Black Ops 2 release is to see what you all are saying, see what ideas you come up with, and what theories everyone has. So..... in conclusion, I am looking at CoDz from the other side now and my role has changed, but I want people to know that I have not completely left you guys. I even have more zombie devs reading the forums I think that about covers all I want to say for now. - carbon [brains]
  12. :facepalm: Per my return, I expect a wrestlers epic entrance, so I stand at the end and raise my hands and then some bad ass metal music plays and I walk down the runway with explosions going off and I just stick my hands up in the air and yell "yeahhhh" and then at the end I stop, and then cross my arms and look tough. Like a bad ass wrestling entrance lol
  13. Updated again [brains]
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