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Everything posted by cbranger

  1. That's pretty awesome Carbon. I like picture of you and the Community Managers. Oh and I was wondering... the Astro headsets you and JD were wearing... did you bring them or were you given them?
  2. What do you all think? Should I hit the prestige button for the first time this weekend? Why or why not and reasons please! Please do the poll
  3. I still play World at War regularly and was wondering if anybody else still played regularly. I always like to have someone to play with! We could start a small CoDz clan that plays every.... whenever we decide!
  4. cbranger


    Hello! I'm cbranger. I am a member of many of the Call of Duty forums you know of, including; Prestige Gamerz, WePlayCod, CoDHQ, We The Gamerz, Aggregame, Xbox Forums, Abstract 360, and probably a few more. I started playing Call of Duty when World at War came out. I actually got it for the Nintendo Wii first. I then had the opportunity to purchase a PS3 and I did so. I played WaW on there and I've been an addict ever since. I became active on the HQ first and then started to make friends with the other PS3 players on the forum (Gravedancer, BigB, Gosu, Moniko). I have been talking and getting to know many 360 users via Aggregame and this website. Then one dreadful day my PS3 stopped reading disks. I then purchased a 360. Looking into getting another PS3, but it will be awhile still. I really enjoy World at War and have been playing it since the month it came out. I'm 9th prestige on PS3 and level 34 on 360. If you ever want to play just send me a friend request on XBL 'x cbranger x' For those of you new here. The mods and everyone who help run this site are great people. Just have fun, don't spam, and think before you type. Check me out on these websites: Twitter: http://twitter.com/cbranger Raptr: http://raptr.com/CBranger?src=hdr Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=732183654 CoDHQ: http://www.callofduty.com/profile/3326265 ~cbranger
  5. Welcome friend!
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