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x e L 1 T E

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Everything posted by x e L 1 T E

  1. 4th Level 35 now. xD 10th Level 70 now, if I was legit, it'd be 5th level 26.
  2. It's 1-800-386-4270. xD
  3. SHIPMENT! The most wanted map to return from CoD4.
  4. It's called an app crash.
  5. Where can I get the audio? In the .ZIP files?
  6. The poster that says "back" is not the same as mine. There's a Black Ops logo on mine, and all the stuff I found, and SALLY with the tally marks isn't on the pistol on either side of the poster.
  7. Carbon did you look between the briefcase and what's attached to it, like on the cover of the CIA diary book?
  8. I have an idea. Since the 5th transmission was up on 5/5, and the 6th was up on 5/10, maybe the next will be up on 5/15. Just a thought, but it will be a Saturday. So maybe not. :?: :?: :?:
  9. 4th Level 35 now. xD
  10. 201003? Remember in the Black Ops teaser, the 2010:03:12 thing? This is most likely a connection. I'm 100% sure this relates to Black Ops. You posted this before I could. :(
  11. Karl Marx's ideas are generally known to have created Communism. Friedrich Engels helped him. Cuban Missile Crisis - Cuba = Communist. Coincidence?
  12. I think it means 2 5-letter words anagrammed into a 10-letter word for one of the words for the cipher. I think Freedom = 7 means a 7-letter word for the other code.
  13. 1st of all, welcome to the forum L3GA. 2nd of all, it does look like baseballs. Look at this pic, from MrToasty on MovieViral: Do you see the baseballs between the 2 FREEDOM = 7's?
  14. I don't know how to use it either. :x Maybe we can get help from other users that decipher.
  15. Nice find @KiWi!! But..how do we use it? :|
  16. Ok, I have an idea. So we find "5 + 5 = 10 FREEDOM = 7 5 + 5=10" in the temperal frequency analysis. We might be thinking too far on that too. I'm thinking about the Keyed Vigenere Cipher on Rumkin. Two 5-letter words into a 10-letter word = the alphabet key. Freedom = 7, a 7-letter word for the passphrase? Using "J U Z A Z S Y P V B T A U W P Z V S C."
  17. I saw it on MovieViral.com. link: http://www.movieviral.com/2010/04/22/gknova6-third-transmission-goes-live-more-codes/ User on that site alltheway1 says I went on purplehell.com, and couldn't figure out how he got O P E N E D on the Cryptogram Solver.
  18. That's where an anagram comes into play. I'm looking up anagrams for triadiliad and iliad triad to try to find a 10-ltr word for the cipher. The first set of letters (J U Z A Z S) were deciphered to be "O P E N E D." So now we need to figure out what Y P V B T A U W P Z V S C is. :?
  19. After googling the entire Freedom7.com quote, it returns no people who have said it. I also googled "people who's middle name is shepard and is a space buff" and no results there either. I have tried TRIAD and ILIAD as keys for the cipher of the numbers in Transmission 3 to letters. On the M O D 1 0 0 subject, I googled it, and couldn't find any ciphers. It could be B A A using 0=A 1=B. So it may be a different code. Keep trying to decipher, and we may crack it! **EDIT** After posting this, I looked at B A A, and thought of sheep. Are there any ciphers named after sheep or anything to do with them? It might be me thinking stupid. I don't know. I'll look it up now.
  20. Nice thought @abesKIA. I'l try it as alpha key and keep trying passphrases.
  21. Well, that didn't work, but I tried. Did you try Kryptos and Radon? What about Zombie, Zombies, Alien or Aliens as the passphrase?
  22. So once again we may be looking too far into this. The colors in order on a colored TV, but with the screen as GKNova6 Transmission 3, are ROYGBIV. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. This may sound stupid, but put Kryptos as the alphabet key, and ROYGBIV as the passphrase. Just try.
  23. Yeah like goose said, ROYGBIV are the colors of a rainbow. Also the colors on a messed up TV signal.
  24. Great work on this guys! Carbon, did you temperal frequency test Transmission 1?
  25. The building or place where "You can see the whole spectrum" (Philly Arena) has significance. Look around the area for tall buildings, and that's where the transmissions are/were taking place.
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