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x e L 1 T E

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Everything posted by x e L 1 T E

  1. Ok, so this might be just me, but I went on GKNova6.com about 10 minutes ago, and the TV almost filled up my browser window. I don't know if I just got lucky, because I didn't zoom in on it. I'm almost 100% sure he says "You can see the whole spectrum" at the end. So, about the Philadelphia Spectrum Arena, we need to find out where "You can see the whole spectrum." A building, a place or anywhere you can see the whole thing, and we might uncover more. The building where you can see the whole Spectrum, must have significance.
  2. We really need to find out what he says before spectrum. I can't tell. Any way we can slow it down or increase the audio quality?
  3. That video is amazing. I can't wait for part 2, and I bet no one else can either!
  4. Power will reunite you, there will be darkness, when there is...(cut off by zombie walking under it)right to left.
  5. Some info on that stamp - - the year 1961: Bay of Pigs. - the same year Cuba became a communist country - "Richard Wright" was the famous author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, whose wife was a communist party organizer in Brooklyn - Wright was also a Communist Ok. Richard Wright was a black man who wrote books and short stories on race and segregation. He wrote Uncle Tom's CHILDREN, a book of four short stories on lynching (executing and torturing people) in the Deep South, often misprinted as another racial book, Uncle Tom's Cabin. I don't know if he was a Communist, but his wife did organize Communist party meetings in Brooklyn. On a side note, he was born in a town about 30 minutes from where I live. Source: Wikipedia: Richard Wright
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