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Everything posted by Strwrsbob

  1. Two Down is fake, PTG is fake, This topic is now a "PTG sucks" thread.
  2. I dont think it is words blanked out, I think it just part of the design, like the bars over first strike and now this DLC
  3. Fake untill Josh Olin confirmes it. Besides, it has to be a photoshop, the other DLC had images of the map, not images of freely avaiblable black ops characters pasted onto freely available backgrounds. Fake IMO. "Survive the call of the dead" Now think zombies fans, would treyarch EVER put that?... Aufruf Der toten? hmm...
  4. I ahte to be a pooper, but, UOTM seems like an admirable award to me
  5. Please do not ask to gameshare, we do not condone gamesharing here. It robs developers of their money, they have families too.
  6. Please stop fighting. This seems fake, probably some more PTG/Salad man crap
  7. Nice find. Lets hope somone doesn't take this as "SEE! Ascension is launch! That means the next one will be on firing range!"
  8. I think its done. It's been two months. Typical Treyarch, to leave us hanging. Just like the Hide-n-Seek game on der riese, this is also over IMO.
  9. April 7th? Where did that come from? I honestly think more peple pull things out of their ass now then ever... Anyways, I don't like the whole "Map" ideas, it will NOT be based on firing range, there is no credible evidence. The teddy is in ALL COD's, it's like saying "The next map is Highrise cuz it had teddy bears" As for the blood, and quarentine things, it's a shower. the soldiers could have painted that as a joke. The "Welcome to hell" is just the soldiers saying being the base is hell. The PAP flag is just to represent the range... it is a firing range, so the flag is just a thing to say "Please wait" for you course run. I got a bit off topic here lol, but, people are looking too deep into things IMO
  10. I think the fourth lander is fake.. it has been nearly 2 months now, I think everything to be found has been found
  11. zWhyAreThereSoManyOfYou
  12. Awesome post, Awesome quotes
  13. Yep, It's the Howling from the big easter egg. Toss a Gersh at that generator, then go to console over in the junkyard. You'll hear the same noise
  14. I'm wondering if it is a Constant downtime between those times, or between those times is when they will by moving it, so the site could randomly go down for 1-3 hours or whatever they said. Looks to me like that is the time window, and then sometime suring that period they will move our server
  15. I have not touched black ops in nearly 12 days now, it is just... boring. I dont fell the need to play more MP just for a gold gun. Even zombies is boring, ascension was old for me in 3 weeks. I'm not looking into the next COD much either, I'll probably buy it, but i dont know how I'll feel about it. COD will continue to sell, unless BF3 can upset it bigtime. kids will still buy COD, regardless. It has become a money pit for activision, literally ALL they have now is COD and WOW, Guitar hero is done. For now, I'm playing the hell out of minecraft. I'll probably hop on homefront a few times too
  16. Congrats on over 5k Members CODZ! Smiley spam time! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
  17. up to $260, Now, because of a scheduling conflict, I had to go. Liam should be back and able to talk to the stream,and then I'll be back for tomorrow too. please do not link to the dancing video..
  18. Guys! Could you maybe hold it off a little? I wont get back today untill around 3 PM My Time, so 8 PM UK Time. I can still pick it up solo at 7 PM my time, and go till 4AM my time (12PM- 9 AM your time) All of CoDz should turn out tonight, I hope :D
  19. it seems to be down for me :/
  20. YAYAYAYAY! Epic!
  21. But, the chat was STILL used for off topic things. I have been going in there for the least month, while you and others were there, and I never say anything about zombies... Just random stuff. Plus the site is loading way faster for me
  22. I'll be a part of it, I'll try to stay up with you guys as long as I can. Simulcasting!
  23. Stop arguing about brains. It is POINTLESS
  24. Stop flaming, kiddies. I am locking this and deleting all the arguing. OP, please PM me or any other mod and we will unlock this thread so you can post your gift and continue a discussion Thread unlocked
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