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Everything posted by Homicidal_llama2

  1. Good to see you again Ryan! Great to hear from all the old faces from the previous forum who I thought had vanished from existence.
  2. The Reaper and the Barracuda. The Porters X-2 is great and everything but it not as fun as completely ripping apart the zombies bodies with a machine gun. Yeah... I'm sadistic.
  3. I actually don't know. I've kind of lost count. I think that I'm on the third at 26... I always say to myself that I'm never gonna go Prestiege again but I always get bored with nothing to achieve or experience to gain so I just make the plunge and do it. I haven't regretted it this time though. It's fun earning all the challenges on the guns over again.
  4. What was your name before?
  5. You have actually become my hero. Dreamcast has always been one of my favourite consoles next to the PS3 and I was gutted when they stopped making games for it over here. My favourite game of all time is Shenmue, I was actually thinking of replaying it today. Never have I been so sucked into the world of a game before and it truly sucks that not many people know about and the fact that the series was never finished. I'm still holding out for a third!! Anyway, enough of my gushing about the Dreamcast. Welcome to the forums! Llama :twisted:
  6. Hello and welcome! I don't remember you from the old forums unless you changed your name but I hope you enjoy the site! Llama :twisted:
  7. I said it many times on the old boards but I really don't like this game. Personally as far as simple, effective war games go WaW was a million times better. It had everything you could want, history, unique weapons, gritty violence, interesting maps and zombies. MW2 was blown completely out of proportion, the weapons have no personality compared to the older games because they all look the same, the graphics look cartoony (very similar to Timesplitters), fair enough the game is set in the future but some of the attachments are completely stupid (heart beat sensor... come on) and the streaks are so over the top that the game barely involves any skill. They made it way to easy for n00bs. Not to mention the fact that the nuke is the worst streak idea ever. All in all I played MW2 for a couple of days and really didn't enjoy it. On the other hand I'm still playing WaW to this day and it still feels as fresh as it ever did.
  8. Hellooooo, Any COD:Z members from the previous board will know who I am because I posted there alot. Been a big fan of zombies since it first came out and still play all the maps to this day with as much enthusiasm as when I first got them. I don't tend to play online that much because I play alot of split screen with my best friend but PS3 users add me; Homicidal_llama2 Some of my posts can be opinionated but don't hold that against me because I try my best to make every post I write count. Hope to see you on the boards! Matt (Homicidal_llama2)
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