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Everything posted by Faust

  1. Welcome to the forum! I look forward to having you as a member of this community! :D
  2. I want to make something absolutely clear right now. The one thing that has made me crap myself in CoDz since Verruckt, IS GETTING BULL RUSHED BY A FLAMING KAMIKAZE ZOMBIE.
  3. The best authority we have on element 115... or rather the best authority we HAD... Was Bob Lazar, a former military scientist and supposed worker at Area 51 when he came into contact with an alien craft powered by element 115. NUfY2L3Q8xs For further reading on Bob Lazar: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=12789
  4. You have to be trolling......
  5. 1) You are forgetting to take into account the changes on Earth after the explosion 2) As far as the pangaea theory goes, I just cant bring myself to buy into it. What value would group 935 have in creating a moon base empire 65 million years ago? 3) This is not proof, it is a theory. FAR too many people have been using the word proof incorrectly on this forum. Sorry. Just my thoughts.
  6. And Now Your Local Weather: Unusual cloud formations over the Aral Sea. The so called "wave clouds" are said to be the cause of gravitational frequencies and internal waves generated in our own atmosphere. The shrinking of the Aral Sea has been called "one of the planet's worst environmental disasters". Oxus, forgetting the bright speed he had In his high mountain-cradle in Pamere, A foiled circuitous wanderer: — till at last The longed-for dash of waves is heard, and wide His luminous home of waters opens, bright And tranquil, from whose floor the new-bathed stars Emerge, and shine upon the Aral Sea — Matthew Arnold, Sohrab and Rustum Reference the clouds in every video in my last post for comparisons of different wave clouds.
  7. I have to say, before today I wasn't entirely sure treyarch could pull off working this engine over their normal quake, but they did a phenomenal job. The game itself looks beautiful, far better then the trailers let on. I can't say I support the early release of maps for Xbox users... That's about the one thing that gets me disappointed... But that is an Activison thing. Just because someones parent is an idiotic drunk doesn't mean the child should be seen in the same light, eh? Same for parent companies. ;)
  8. . . . . . Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh... That isn't really proof. Sorry to be so critical, but there is a reason for it.
  9. How can you be sure that this is legitimate information?
  10. Oh wow, he is such a badass. If you're reading this man, I would be honored to be gifted with a mullet as glorious, a beard so rugged, and a sense of badassary similar to the one that you and Woods share. This changes a lot, and I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner. I assumed Woods would think Mason dying and left him. Now I want to play through black ops all over again.
  11. This isnt the first fake ever, we have had situations like this before. Because it caused such an uproar, Treyarch no longer feels comfortable with making cryptic trailers, so we will probably not recieve a viral like GKnova6. You know back in the 5th Grade when one kid takes someone's pokemon cards, so your school instead of punishing the kid banned the cards? It is a little like that.
  12. I am liking this. The fact is that people have always made stupid requests for zombies and said it never changes. Finally get what they wanted, somthing to change it up AND NOW THEY ARE SAYING IT LOOKS STUPID! Bah. I for one am looking forward to this.
  13. And the most horrifying thing is how close we are to employing these weapons. During an experiment, Nikola Tesla once found the resonant frequency of the building that surrounded him, causing his lab to crumble to bits around him, threatening to destroy the entirety of 5th Avenue New York, New York. Before the city block could be leveled, Tesla did the only thing he could and destroyed his transmitter with a sledge hammer. After this event, he refused to ever produce another machine of such capability, claiming that he could have easily if given enough time found the resonant frequency of the earth below him and cause a tectonic collapse that would not only threaten to consume cities, but split the earth in two. No one ever questioned him. After his death, all of his schematics were seized by FBI, marked Top Secret, and loaded in to a warehouse. Let me say that again. A warehouse. He had taken so many noted and created so many schematics that it required an entire warehouse to simply act as storage. The FBI claims that the notes were so numerous that they were never allowed the time to sort through them all. However considering the that the feats that this man was able to accomplish within his life far outweigh even modern science, it can be seriously doubted that our government would not have the time nor interest to even skim them. Had Tesla shared with us all he knew, we could have working plans for unlimited free energy, the wireless transmission of AC power, and yes, even this doomsday machine. However, the fact stands the for every page of notes Tesla took, he was a genius and had another mass of details on his machines forever locked in his head. Even with the warehouse of notes, any and all blueprints seem to always be only half completed or missing some major detail. At any rate, first Tesla invents a machine that can induce tectonic movement through nothing but frequency modulation... And then the US gets their hands on it. There is little to disputed that the possibility of HAARP existing today. Further reading, you might enjoy this: http://www.badassoftheweek.com/tesla.html There is more to Tesla however. Occultism. New world orders. Old rivalries that threatened to change the world around us. LsgrRmHW8ro During 2011, a horrifying earthquake off the coast of Japan created a tsunami powerful enough to ravage the Japanese coast, killing thousands and causing massive damage to the Fukashima Nuclear Power Plant, an event that will forever be remembered in history as a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl. I remember Hawaii's tsunami early warning system waking me in the night. Alerts where sounded for citizens to evacuate all coastal regions. Not that it mattered much, we lived on an island for God's sake, how could we escape the sea? So I chose to stay home and watch the foreign news coverage as aftershocks continued to quake Japan to it's knees. But the tsunami never caused any real damage to American soil. Only a few rising crests and a particularly strong rip-tide. Are you afraid? Because I worry myself thinking about this sometimes. It is all created in my mind, forged to make the best story. One could see how I begin to worry myself over nothing when things begin to seem like they make sense. iQfdl7y-blE UKxU6eaPpIs uvd14aqMsFo More odd humming sounds, this time recorded outside of the HAARP testing facility. It is reported as a heavy, bass-like sound that can shake you to your core and makes you feel ill. I don't know why, but of all the videos here, I find this the most disturbing. http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2011/03/japan-tsunami-caused-by-haarp.html
  14. H9AMtUeyDP0 This. Do you think nuclear bombs are not real? Oh, and also. Pretty sure you could kill life with these too. "How A Thermobaric Bomb Works" "The intense concentrated fireball combined with devastating blast overpressure destroyed a large one-story masonry type building in Iraq in only one round, coming from a Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon-Novel Explosion (SMAW-NE), from a distance of 100 yards (91 meters)." I know what a nuke is, I just find it hard to f'ing believe that we can control thef'ing weather and earth too. We are not gods and it is not possible. On the other hand nukes is another story. By the way, never insult my intelligence like that again. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!? Such shallow thinking. Did we not at some point leave the powers of flight to birds, or the power of lightning to the heavens above? Whether you choose to see it or not, humanity is growing stronger, wiser, and all the more powerful. The technology exists, a fact Hellhound has just supported. We are dealing with things larger than nukes here, something that can shape the world at our will. Chem trails, Tesla's arc tower, all combining into a massive web of conspiracy over a weapon of unimaginable power. Acknowledging this will determine if you are to move with the flow of progress or crushed beneith it.
  15. Taking this thread into my own hands now. I will reorganize some of my thoughts and get back to this later.
  16. I you haven't gotten how STOCKED I am to see you back and to know that the dev team is watching us yet, I have failed at life. I guess now all I can do is look up at you guys and hope that you could notice little ol' me.
  17. Faust


    Would you like a ramp up to that runway? You are gettin' kinda old there carbon. Joking aside, were that possible I would make it so. You are and always have been a legend here, a friend, and a darn good admin. And now here you are, all grown up as a dev.... Ah man, I am gonna cry.
  18. Fun fact, NGT is not god..... All I have to say. Nothing against you, but I dislike them really. They never give credit and rarly are their thoeories correct.
  19. ... I hope you are being serious. THIS IS ZOMBIES MAN! Tank wouldn't have wanted it any other way! Come on dudes, live it up a little. Don't pretend you are somehow offended by this. Even if you are, you are over-reacting, its not like Liz seems to care about this at all, so why should you? Keepin' it real, Faust
  20. Faust


    Oh thank god. I was positive something was about to explode for a moment, but THIS WHEN WELL. BACK TO DAN THEN.... Commander on deck! SALUTE!
  21. Faust


    Yeah, yeah, I am going to go stick my face in a belt sander now. L8r.
  22. Faust


    ... Yes Dan, this is what me and Dan have been up to... I mean... Pony Dan.... Phxntxm..... Swag.
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