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Everything posted by Faust

  1. Faust


    Phxntxm, you idiot! >Throws a blanket over the pony CARBON! It is an honor to see you again.
  2. Some people have been guessing from the beginning the enemy we will face in Black Ops II. Let me paint a picture for you. Think of it. Some secret corperation sells the nation an unguided army. The sure military might of America would help to spread these machines across every corner of the globe, and then they take control. The grab hold of the machines, our armies, and rise to power. It can be done. One single corporation could easily come to power. Take it in context of the story. After WWIII in Modern Warfare 3, massive amounts of American industry was destroyed and the nation was forced to rebuild, explaining the increase in infrastructure that would normal take decades to complete. Moreover, the scare over the last world war would drive nations to enhance their own militarism to defend themselves from any chance of another conflict. All of these cost money, and that money has to go somewhere. We have already seen the PMC involvement in Modern Warfare 3, the jump is not too far. Even today the gap between the upper-class conglomerates and the mass population is expanding. It wouldn't take much more for one company to rule the nation. Perhaps the enemy we face in the near future is the enemy we ignore today on the homefront.
  3. Ironically, cold. It is good to be back in the warmth of friends. Wish I had time to rip this whole thing apart tonight, but sadly no.
  4. Grandson... Or clone perhaps. Stranger things have happened.
  5. I don't care. I really, really don't care. This isn't call of duty. CoD has died back with Mw3. This is a life of its own. And I am damn proud to see this day.
  6. Treyarch never denied it. They only kept a strict silence about it, so if it has been denied I am sure it is a coincidence.
  7. Indeed. On the other hand, they have also proven in the past to throw plenty of curve balls at us aswell, so who knows? You might be right.
  8. The double meanings towards zombies is the key to everything, but we must remember that GKnova6 did not directly relate to zombies out of the gate. Consider that tacitus relates to being silent. IE, classified. At the same time, if this website really does relate, we need to be ready for whatever it throws at us.
  9. I like the idea, but I think it seems overthetop even for treyarch. Consider that tacitus means silent. In addition to the double meanings on the moon, it could also serve as a double meaning for classified, IE black ops.
  10. Looks like the web of information and conspiracy is growing. Remember everyone, we all need to play our part to help piece all of this together! Great find!
  11. It's time... Get ready for war.
  12. I like the idea, but this really comes down to a lack of in-game evidence. I doubt he would diliberatly offer up the four cast members and attempt to kill them. But I do think it would be reasonable to say that the movie was a cover for more research. Notice Samantha doesn't kill him, but gives him vril power... Right at the same time that Richtofen shows up... Maybe some sort of deal was in order when he was captured. What do you think?
  13. Do we know what comes with each addition?
  14. Faust

    Dragon Lady

    Alright, that is blatant disrespect for your staff here. I am not going to get caught up in a shouting contest or start any sort of flame, as it is my job to do otherwise. Everything I can possibly say on this subject has been said and put into record, giving me no more reason to concern myself with a member when he is being unreasonable when I am simply attempting to inform you on the situation. All this said, I will now leave this topic in peace, but know that in the future we will not tolerate open disrespect towards our staff. I am not sure what your problem is, and maybe you don't know me well enough to get who I am. Maybe you think everyone is a sinic who just wants to fight. I however always try my best to remain fair and friendly, so I don't understand where you call pull out "rude and elitist." :| So just relax. I am not going to take this thread away from you, and if you REALLY feel you dislike me, then take solace in the fact that I am done with here and will direct my attention elsewhere.
  15. Welcome back! It has been a while, but we are still here alright. ;)
  16. Faust

    Dragon Lady

    Chill broski, I am trying to be fair here. We don't have an entire thread dedicated to the U2 maybe, but a heavy amount of it was implied knowledge. Given that on the dead drop discoveries we all quickly familiarized ourselves on the U2, we felt no need to post further on it. Given the black ops contract "Dragon Lady" I had assumed that the U2 program was common knowledge. Clearly I was wrong however based on the number of users that seem to not be awair of it. I have no issue with revisiting GKnova6 matierals, but when I worked side-by-side with some the men and women who worked to decode it, I can't help but say something. I am not saying that this is a bad thread, nor that it is useless, or anything along those lines. I am just saying that someone already did this work. That is a fact, not an opinion. I just want to ensure that they get the credit that is due to them. I know what it feels like to arrive on scene a bit late, try not to worry about it. These things happen. I will give you this, your thoughts on the illuminati to establish world order is interesting. If you know your history on arial overhead, then you might find it interesting to know that overhead watch was considered useless and impractical for a decent time until it was pushed into use. I have a book about it lying around my house somewhere, let me see if I can find it....
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. WHY? I WILL BE AT CONCLAVE THAT WEEKEND! ALL THIS WORK UNDONE! WASTED! WASTED! >Runs through the zombie labs knocking things over in rage >Throws a nova six can through a window, jumps out and into the main hallways >Seen loading a shotgun as I enter the nearest elevator
  18. Faust

    Dragon Lady

    Good job, but this is old news, and one of the first discoveries we made on GKnova6. I understand that the repeat may be on account of our malfunctioning search bar. Hopefully we can fix that soon. :I
  19. ^Listen to this man, for his word is law. The only thing I can hope to add is doing away with the early release of maps based on elite subscriptions. It really messes with the process of working together to solve the easter egg and story when there is an unfair advantage in being able to make discoveries.
  20. Samantha Richtofen, the name rings a bell. If I remember correctly, he once attempted to try troll the site like this two years ago. Believe me everyone, you will know when the next call of duty is announced, both through us, and through the gaming industry.
  21. I once looked into le cercle myself and uncovered a surprising amount. What I did find I handed off to another person to coincide with their Paris theory. Unfortunately, it seems no work was continued from there. >sigh
  22. Faust

    Alien barrels

    Oh lord that video was not my best work. While I think Treyarch dropped the ball a bit on the origins of the crawlers, I still believe that they are human. Even still, I gotta love Tac's thinking on this.
  23. I completely agree. I would like to see a play-style that hearkens back to maps like Banzi, Revolution, and Battery from WaW.
  24. I don't even know what Playthegame.co is. Therefore, I didn't plagiarize. If I did get this from Playthegame.co, I would have cited it. In that case then, thank you for your co-operation.
  25. Merged.
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