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Everything posted by Ermac29

  1. I have seen the vid. Same result can be done on Ascension. Some zombies get stuck walking backwards to chase rather than forwards. It's a slight glitch with the Gersch Device. I do agree it's funny :lol:
  2. Thanks. Now to try steps 1-10 solo and see if I can do it. Sounds like most can be done in side of a single round. I just gotta remember to never pick up the wire until I get Time Travel Will Tell achievement from Shangri-La
  3. Hacking Decive? I've never gotten that items or that far. Can you explain what this is? And it only works in the Biodome and Spawn? Hacking Device found on a table in the Science Labs. Which table is complete random It is equipment so trade PES for Hacker. Your choice
  4. Funny. I finished both an have neither. Interesting because you place both the Golden Rod & Focusing Stone between the 2 tiles next to the computer console required to be used by Richtofen. Again, from what I have read if playing Solo you must be Richtofen with CotD & Shangri-La EE completed
  5. From what I have found when playing it is usually in or around the Science Labs that lead to the Biodome. I have always found it in the Science Labs. It could be else where but again, this is from MY games I have played
  6. Ermac29

    Two Earths?!

    *SPOILER ALERT* From what I can gather based on the design of the map The Earth you see explode and the Earth behind Mule Kick are the same one. After it explodes if you look at the Earth behind Mule Kick it's the same one. There is not 2 Earths in the sky. There is only the one. The layout of the map gets you turned around. Try this - When in the Receiving Bay (room with Revive) go out the door that leads to Tunnel 11 & M14. Turn right and you will see the Earth. Now go to Mule Kick and the Earth is behind it. If you jump in the right spot/high enough you will see the door that leads to Tunnel 11 which you took to get to Mule Kick. Well, not exactly but you will see the Receiving Bay you teleported to from Area 51/No Mans Land I would draw a map of the Moon base but it's 7:19a EST and have yet to be in bed
  7. Yes it can be done Solo. MUST be Richtofen and MUST have completed both Call of the Dead and Shangri-La Easter Eggs to be holding The Golden Rod and Focusing Stone
  8. It's a cable/wire to connect 2 or 1 computer console(s) together in the Moon base. I have yet to find which computer(s) get connected
  9. Someone would have to look at my past games and such. I am unable to play my xbox at the present time due to personal reasons. However if someone could be kind enough to check my WaW and Black Ops Zombies games, I am confident to know I am a Takeo group dweller. Again, I have no camera, no recording device of any sort. Please, could someone help out a fellow CoDZ member? Specially a Veteran? Thanks. My Xbox 360 GT = Ermac29.....IF a friends request is sent it will be to check my past games. I can accept any friends request sent on my computer for now. I am usually on my xbox around 12 midnight EST. Also, don't take it personal if you don't remain on my friends list. Though new friends would be nice. Just send me a message letting me know what you think to my GT over xbox. And if you wanna remain friends or not. I could use more Zombie friends Thanks in advance
  10. Sounds like it ends up in the rotation but spins too quick for us to really notice when dealing with zombies around you...So far based on my research, this is legit. IF you happen to get a MAX AMMO! let a monkey take it and if you kill the monkey within 1 second of it running away than it should give you a random PERK bottle. Again, appears to be legit...I shall pay close attention next time. Besides, I do NOT let monkeys steal my ammo because due to Napalm Zombies I need all the ammo I can get. Same with friends. But again, I'll attempt to visually see if this is true or not
  11. Hard to tell because when I play and have monkey's take my drops it's random everytime...It seems it doesn't quite still to a set pattern but a rather random pattern.. This has been my observation anyway...
  12. I agree with the guy who asked if someone can just type this all out. Some people have issues watching You Tube videos because some times the internet blows goats...Anyways, kudos ( [brains] ) to whom ever went through the trouble of putting these videos together. I MAY be able to find time and write out the steps by hand rather than having people watch the videos.. Again, props to who found the answer.. PS - Is it REALLY nesseccary to hit the radios as we are doing the EE??? Just wanna yes or no
  13. Cool pics. Now...How does one pick this up? I wanna have the stone :(
  14. The flashing ligts only appeat when he is off the map yes. Children rhyme?? o.O :shock:
  15. The turret was more than likely removed due to people using it to kill George. Cold have also posed more problems then just this. Maybe it wasn't working. But we all know for certain there is no turret on this map. According to the Inside Xbox video promo for CotD Treyarch did state they sorta went back to the roots with this map. No traps, no dogs, no monkeys, etc. Only thing they left was Perks. ITs makes for an interesting zombies game. [brains] to Treyarch
  16. Bathroom in Kino is located upstairs from the start room and it's the FIRST doorway on your right the moment you leave the Spawn room upstairs. There is a window in there the zombies come in from
  17. Does no one realize that Activision sets the dates for DLCs to come and Treyarch releases them then? @DavidVonderhaar David Vonderhaar Yes. Aware the PSN store is up. No. I can't tell you when Escalation will be released because Activision has not officially announced it. 7 hours ago via Twitter for iPad This was a Tweet by Vahn himself over 7hrs ago today. Before accusing someone make sure you find evidence to support your claims. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty
  18. I have noticed this too. It only shows when George is off the map for a bit. I don't think it's anything. George goes under the map. This may be where he stands. His light go throws everything
  19. For those having an issue with the foghorns, here's the correct order with their location. Hitting the foghorns can also be done alone because I hit the foghorns by myself when playing with friends who haven't done the egg yet. How to sound the fog horns in the correct order. 1st one is in the front of the light house near the water down from the AK-74u 2nd one is down the ice slide around the corner from Speed Cola 3rd one is right in front of the light house next to the door which is next to the AK-74u 4th one is down the slide straight ahead from the speed cola next to the giant rock formation Hope this helps people. I also have the other steps written out with a clear description of location or how to do it etc
  20. Because this thread is, quite frankly, about George I thought I'd post a tid-bit of info from what I recently found out removing George from the map. He is able to be brought down with the Sickle equiped with Juggernaug of course. (I understand this has already been found). This is not my "thing" I found out. George is WEAKEST when knifed in the back or shot in the head. He is strongest when fought head-on aka shot and stabbed in the front. I noticed this when I was trying to get rid of him for awhile with a friend. I told him I will get rid of George if he kept the crawler busy. Well, I led George back to the start area. I had the Sickle, Juggernaug, PhD Flopper, Speed Cola, and Deadshot Daquiri. As I was knifing I took note that it was taking a long time. So I figured I'd try something new. I started to knife him in the back with the sickle. It was taking less time to weaken his light. I was only able to stab him in the back when he was throwing his fits in the water. However, once I discovered this, I had my friend distract him while I ran behind and stabbed him. Some semtexs stuck to his head with a FULL thing of MP40 ammo (192 plus 30 in clip) he was off the map within 20-25mins. It only took long because I was trying to conserve ammo in my PaPed RPK and my friend had 2 wall guns unPaPed (MPL and AK-74u) I understand this is hard to believe until proven. However, at the same time, how often on this site have I contributed info regarding Easter Eggs and intel and stuff? I welcome any and all individuals to try this and let me know if my findings hold true. This is something I noticed. Draw back with killing George with the Sickle is he literally disappears infront of your eyes. He doesn't leave a drop or anything. Only way for him to leave drops is with PaPed weapons (Scavenger and Ray gun work BEST on George when PaPed. Same goes with the RPK and HK21 PaPed. Also, explosives and explosive weapons work WONDERS on him. The LAW & Chine Lake and PaPed m-16 with it's underbarrel noob-toob) So there you go. Headshots and being shot and stabbed in the back weaken him the quickest when you are trying to save ammo. Try and see ;)
  21. 21 solo Call of the Dead...Lastnight in fact. Wish leaderboards saved solo runs. Oh well. My proudest moment yet. I almost had George killed as well. I found the LAW hurts him the fastest. Little tip I thought I'd through out there. As long as you get ammo drops, the LAW hurts him the most. Had his light going in and out. Literally going on and off. Sparking, with red flashes. Few more hits may have killed him I bet :(
  22. @TacticalInsertion Thanks for videos of the co-op version to the egg. My only concern is the Fog Horns step. Could you in detail write out which ones get touched in what order please? Your video you didn't show all 4 horns and which ones get pressed first and where they are. Thanks. This will help my friends and I
  23. I hear it too. HOWEVER, I seem to only hear it when the light from the lighthouse is moving/spinning....Then again I can hear it when it's not moving and showing where the PAP machine is
  24. Not bad. However, you really need to edit the post. It's one big wall of text. You need breaks for paragraphs and if I were you I'd explain the fog-horn nad radio portions a lot better. I was getting ready to post the answer to the Co-op version of the egg myself. But you beat me to it. Dang it! Oh well. Not bad. But I'd edit that so it's easier to read and easy to understand what you mean
  25. That can take a year and a day LOL.. In other words that takes forever! I do realize that with every bullet hitting gets you closer and closer to take him out. But still, would rather get him away for a few rounds as a quick as a possible. I would like to see a video of someone taking him out and in the same game see him come back. Would be neat to see. Or is this just me? Also, did anyone notice in the video he mentions getting the VR-11 and it pops up in the box :shock: ?? I fould that shocking to say the least
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