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Everything posted by BBS

  1. How does that look like a grim reaper? It looks like a boot to me. I haven't noticed any other grim reaper looking blood splatters, but if there are abunch that look the same that's probably because they are just reusing them.
  2. You don't need to go spamming links to a video that has already been posted in a thread. Its fake anyways, there are many many many other videos identical to that one of people claiming to have ties to TA.
  3. D block has to be the same person as this jap attack person. Plus their stories sounded very similar. So i think we can lay this map theory to rest.
  4. God damn, StopdropNkill. You really need to grow up. You said hutch should go die because of how he bashed WaW. Nobody should die just because they disliked a video game. Now you go all fanboy on treyarch and stand up against sandy ravage because he probably mentioned how he disliked WaW in one of his videos. I dont see why you need to constantly defend treyarch, trust me, just because some youtuber doesn't like one of their games won't make treyarch sad. They'll be fine. Btw, nice job sending a message to Machinimas Fifteenth Prestige account while they were broadcasting saying "FUCK SHIT TITS" just to get your 5 seconds of fame. Case in point. Now as for the whole IW vs TA thing, without IW there wouldn't be Call of Duty. Simple nuff'.
  5. HA! I give you a 2/10. I mean, you should have googled a little bit harder and you might have gotten a better picture of a world at war mod. Not to mention the w@w hud is in the pic, plus its the world at was Magnum in the pic, not the BO magnum.
  6. 100% legit. You can do it yourself, Step 1) Go to playercard 2) Go to community 3) Press Square (PS3) 4) Scroll through the maps you can search for, you should see all the regular black ops maps, plus MP1 maps, plus some of those maps in the video. I dont think all of these maps will be in MP2, some of them might be MP3, some of them might not get used at all. Btw, its Icebreaker3, not icebreakers :lol:
  7. On Raven Softwears Job page they have a new listing for a lead FX artist. The interesting part is in the job description, where it says: Hmmm, what realistic military first person shooter could that be? Given that Raven is Activision owned, that leaves one option. So it looks like Raven could also be teaming up with IW for MW3, or whatever you want to call it. And no, it cant be a job listing just for the Black ops map packs since the job listing also mentions Character models and other non map pack things.
  8. Well thats how its been for the past... 7 years now. They normally get announced about 5 months after the previous COD's release.
  9. Thanks for letting me know.Thanks for letting me know. Kidding :lol:
  10. It basically means that it comes before. So it would take place a couple of years before call of duty 4, and explain some of the background behind ghost.
  11. Also, they both started their posts with "Okay" and they both spelled skorpion like "Scorpion". And yes, the gun is spelled with a K. I know that probably seems insignificant. But If i really searched im sure i can find a lot more similarities.
  12. Im still going to call this fake. However, I do know about this one screencap that showed map pack 1, 2 and 3 in the xbox marketplace. So if that screencap of the map packs was real, then this *could* [Kind of] be possible. Still, i think it is fake. I mean, D block probably made this new account (Japattack) so that more people would believe him, cause if two people posted this, then wouldn't that make you want to believe it more? Also, notice how they both use that same red font in their posts... Coincidence, or is he just trolling?
  13. Source:http://thisisxbox.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=607:rumour-call-of-duty-4-modern-warfare-prequel&catid=35:news&Itemid=87 What do you guys think? The anonymous source seems pretty credible. Im so freaking glad we are finally getting a BRAND NEW ENGINE!
  14. Just because he knows about how there is that blue/gray checkerboard as the icon doesn't mean its legit. Its pretty common knowledge by know about how they use that as a placeholder. Im going to call fake on this guy. Just look at how many posts you see on the CODHQ and other forums about how they saw/played ascension. There are quite a few of them, and only one (or none) can be true.
  15. Abracadavre is the file name for all the game over songs zombie maps in black ops though. So who knows.
  16. AmandaOnTheRun When i first saw this map i was shocked at how huge it was. There is sooo much to it besides the beach. Make sure to watch the other parts of the series, it really shows how huge it is (TWSS).
  17. A space map is pretty far fetched. But if you look at my Language theory a map set in space wouldn't really have a official language, so i guess there could be any language as the official name for the map.
  18. Those scrapped maps were MP maps, so they probably have no connection to zombies. Also, there is no way of knowing that the pentagon MP map was scrapped then turned into a zombies map, thats just someone on the call of duty wiki making speculations. Also, the under water number station cant be Ascension since The number station was under the Rusalka, which was out at sea in Cuban waters. And since they speak Spanish in Cuba (Amirite?), the title of the map couldn't be "Ascension." Yes, but the theory might be quitte right about the map "Five", however the fact that it was completely indoors might've done it. But maybe therefore they used it for zombies. It would've been nice though, the Heroes underwater to find something about Numbers or something. Than zombies have come onto the boat (idunno how but whatever) Then they are trapped underwater and they can ascend to the deck of the boat or something. Well, a good portion of the Pentagon MP map was that street, which is outside. So killstreaks would still be somewhat useful. But I get your point. But if you look at the picture of the pentagon map, it wasn't even close to being done. All those pinkish red spaces are just generic placeholder textures. same goes for alot of the other textures on the map. Plus, that map looks nothing like Five. Jus sayin.
  19. But you do get my point, right? There is no zombie_cosmodrome. There are no such things as map pack files, so its impossible to tell which zombie maps will be in future map packs just by looking at the file. So this whole thread is based of false info. Sorry to break it to you.
  20. Ugh, I know for a fact that there are some unfinished map files that won't load into console until, a mappack. I'll have the forum link tomorrow. Alright, Im waiting for the link.
  21. I think you got my words mixed up. I never said there was a zombie_Cairo and zombie_cosmodrome. Cause there isn't. I said that there was a mp_cairo and a mp_cosmodrome (notice the "mp_" part?) That was TheOnlyShapeshifter that posted about those being "Map pack zombie maps" which is untrue. Trust me.
  22. I think it would be really interesting to see IW's version of zombies. However, i doubt IW will ever create a zombie mode, due to how they hate borrowing ideas from TA, and because of how they are currently low on staff. But i can only hope :/
  23. Do you have the PC version? If so, double check that there is a zombie_cairo. Cause there is a mp_cairo, which is now the current version of Havana. There is also mp_cosmodrome which is the current version of Launch. Also, there is no mp_stadium. So if you do have the PC version, i would appreciate a screencap. If you don't have the PC version, can you provide some other form of proof? EDIT: Also, there is no such thing as a "Map pack file." Im not a PC player, but i do know that in the games files there is a list of the maps (their console codenames to be exact.) Those maps are the maps that are currently in the game, and some scrapped maps that they didn't remove from the disc. So there is no suck way as knowing which maps will be DLC, which were scrapped.
  24. Those scrapped maps were MP maps, so they probably have no connection to zombies. Also, there is no way of knowing that the pentagon MP map was scrapped then turned into a zombies map, thats just someone on the call of duty wiki making speculations. Also, the under water number station cant be Ascension since The number station was under the Rusalka, which was out at sea in Cuban waters. And since they speak Spanish in Cuba (Amirite?), the title of the map couldn't be "Ascension."
  25. Well Ascension Islands official language is English so it is possible. And since Ascension island is under British rule, not England's, i dont think that this will be the lighthouse map. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=70&Itemid=91 This is where the lighthouse idea came from. It can also be seen in Kino a bit.
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