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Everything posted by WhosOnFirst

  1. Can somebody define obtuse for me, please?
  2. This might be a longshot, I thought about Jimmy tweets and a few other things. I thought that If we listed the things we had done as Jimmy suggested, then there might be something which stood out. I was looking for a thread that wove its way through all the steps, and I came to the conclusion it was energy. Allways transfering energy from one form to another; and then I remembered the billboard. Now I could be wrong but, bear with me.. NnMIhxWRGNw I am not saying that this is provides a solution to anything, but it is an observation I made that I wanted to share. @Jester love the Avatar, one of my favourite films next to Dune.
  3. lul, are any of you circumscribed? Just doesnt work. Still in a roundabout way Circumscribed would have been a beetter choice of words. :lol:
  4. Have a look at Ray's Gun when you re-load. :idea:
  5. I was under the impression it was the end of time and not the end of the world, I guess for some it is niether here nor there; however 1 degree to the left or right can make all the differance; and I am very pedantic. :ugeek:
  6. Good point, this just makes it easier for us to check if these items can be used elsewhere.
  7. He used to be the lead animator, I think he now oversees the zombies Dev team.
  8. Let's think logically for a second, what in the world could you attach a plow to that would have something to do with the Tower of Babble? Sometimes logic needs a hand from creativity. Why focus on the buildable item that has the least chance of dual uses, given the large number of items used throughout the map? You have an example of how one object the hatch, can be used in two locations; why not more?
  9. The voice files that are availible have been ripped from the PC files. Treyarch Devs are under no obligation to continue the EE on all availible platforms, considering they have a certain contract with MS they might even have a bias not too. I remember it took about a year and a half for this forum to become aware of other voice files that had been included in the Der Riese PC files, just because they were packed somwhere different than would have been expected. Even then, have all the voice files that have been ripped, actualy been used in the EE? What is to stop Treyarch updating voice files through patches? They only need a few kbs What is to stop Treyarch having a streaming component to the EE that requires an internet connection, just like Mule Kick in the classic maps required an internet connection?
  10. You are not rambling on at all, what you say is very true. No clip is useless in terms of being able to view an entity that has not been spawned into the map. Ie, if an object has not been activated by a trigger to appear in the map, it will not show in theatre or noclip. From my limited understanding theatre mode is even more restricted than using a no clip mod or command. So as great as it is being able to fly around the map in theatre mode, dont allways put your faith in only the things you can see with your eyes.
  11. We all know that you can't mix parts but it could be useful if that could happen. Another thing if you didn't know you can get the galviknuckles by putting the hatch in the diner and climb up it so I have been thinking maybe you could do something with the other bus parts but I haven't found anything and I can only play the game on the weekend so I also have very limited time to look for other things. Good point, I didnt think of that. Now what would go where?
  12. Does anyone else find it strange that you can build a "get out of jail free" card in the first room. No need to pay for doors, just like that? Has anyone tried to craft new buildables by mixing items?
  13. well I am quite stumped, maybe E=energy M_mass Could it be, perhaps DAY is equal to sumthing?
  14. This is an insightful and intelligant post. I guess we need confirmation on which player or players can hear Richtofen. Incedently, did anyone catch Richtofens line about only being able to see everything everywhere all at once? I think it was an Max Ammo line.
  15. Your asking me to pick from the best of two shiny turds, I demand a third option..
  16. I feel for anyone who, rightly so; feels this was an underhanded manipulation of the very people ACTI and Treyarch should be making every endevour to gratify. There seems to be a consensus among zombie players that Treyarch plan every detail meticulously...
  17. Nuketown is DLC, so plug a USB stick into your console, go to memory/ storage and copy DLC pack to USB. Use 360 explorer to locate the USB content on your PC and transfer to a folder. Extract the content and locate the .bik file. Download Bink and Smacker tools and export the .bik to a .tiff. You should now have two high res copys of the Nuketown loading screen. Any problems, just dropbox the DLC and I will have a look for you.
  18. Alpha my friend, We are what we eat, can it be said this is a truth? Perhaps then, that which our mind consumes and digests from moment to moment shapes our reality. This video from Hans Rosling will put Bill Gates comments into perpective unlike either of the links you have provided. By providing conditions for the poorest nations to have access to basic health infrastructure, by providing opportunities for these people on the very lowest end of the poverty spectrum to lift themselves out of poverty. We might see a reduction in the expected growth of the global population. The reason for this is that in developed countrys the population tend to have less children. They also have access to education, contreception and basic health facilities. Many people in developing countrys cannot even get access to contreception. I wonder how you would feel if your child was sick and you did not have access to the most basic of medical facilities. ViGGVjlb_CA It is not even worth my time to go through the rest of the information presented by these people, as they started with a lie and mis representation of information. There is no reason to presume they are telling the truth about anything else.
  19. Wow good spotting, chip tunes sound good too :D
  20. So if your in the UK GAME are offering the Hardened Edition for £59.99 this weekend only. I followed through from this email I was sent considering a purchase, but at the moment the site still shows a price of £69.99. Anyway, if you were considering a puchase of the HE; the new price might update soon or you could contact GAME and see whats up. On a side note I feel this is a little cheeky, when say Alpha and many others have pre ordered allready at a higher price and probably wont be entitled to this discount. EDit, scrub that, looks like I made up the this weekend only bit . Looks like they will be dropping the price this week but have not updated the site yet. I would give them a ring if you have any questions.
  21. Is it just possible that the poster might be saying Atomic?
  22. There are weather markets? Sweet lord is there nothing these people wont speculate on? Though to be honest I follow Bill G and his work with the Gates foundation, truly seems like a decent human being, Im quite cynical at the best of times. :D
  23. Allright.... I admit I made the PaP.. I really just thought you would have fun with it and learn to get along. Your meant to shoot the zombies not each other...
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