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Everything posted by SnowDog115935

  1. But i do miss the 3rd person cage match
  2. MW2 vs. BO = Its an easy tie between the two in graphics and multiplayer
  3. lol you and your parents should have gone half and half thats what me and my dad did :D
  4. what do you need for that?? I think you have to get a 10 killstereak with out any killstereaks set
  5. thanks if you gave me some
  6. Well it does help you get the Behind Enemy Lines title
  7. Ok triix we will cool down
  8. Drop it Alsom you just can't help the fact that your wrong and im right :evil:
  9. I Understand
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r429ajmBzeo This will show that zombies are back in Black Ops!! :D
  11. Well i got the Prestige Edition so i got NVG's!! So what did you guys get?
  12. Nope ACR owns your F2000
  13. How about maxis? 0.o
  14. Im sure IW would be sued for that. :facepalm:
  15. Well i have none so what do you guys wanna add? Now i have an idea 15 killstreak: you get a juggernaut on your team 25 killstreak: you become a juggernaut 35 killstreak: a helicopter drops 4 juggernaut on your team 43 killstreak: your team gets to be a juggernaut Original idea by GKtruthseeker :D
  16. Im talking about DR
  17. My favorite is the Wunderwaffe not because its the most powerful its because I'v gotten it more times than the Ray Gun and Monkey Bomb. :D
  18. It might be a new song for the box or it could be a ice cream tuck tune that gives you all if your perks.
  19. somthing like happend to me i joined my friends party he sends me a invite and then i leave the game and party when i looked at my classes i lost all of my attchments.
  20. XBL GT : Ghost Wolf Girl Feel free to add me.
  21. Hey dude no reason to vote down on what other people believe in.
  22. ok this is a opinion topic no reason to vote people down for what they believe in
  23. So MW2, A lot of people think its suck but it doesn't i think its the best game by IW. MW2 RULES!!!
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