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Everything posted by SnowDog115935

  1. Soap and Price RULE!!
  2. Keep Richtofen he's the best! Plus he created the wunderwaffe! :mrgreen:
  3. Just Curious
  4. I want Crossfire and Pipeline! :mrgreen:
  5. People just gave up looking for more after MW2 came out.
  6. Plus they don't look like Jap zombies like in SNN.
  7. Well somtimes I see the Imperall Army signs in NDU that why I said that
  8. Lol it said Juggernog Anyone? Lol :lol:
  9. Well i've seen people on Youtube that still think there is a Map Pack 4 and Area 51 so I decited to post this (Also I felt as you guys should know). First of all of the Nazi Zombie maps have taken place in Euorpe and Japan like so NDU Japan V Germany SNN Japan DR Germany So why would they all of a sudden go to America? Doesn't make sence. Plus they are recycled multiplayer maps as so NDU Airfeild V Asylum SNN Knee Deep DR Nightfire There is no American map, also if you look in Der Riese you will see three boards with three letters on them ENG, FRA, and GER These counteries could be the place of a non possible Map Pack 4, also there might be teleporters there for more experiments. Here I want you to watch these videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOTs9Ix0jZg and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv1C0Fos ... re=related After you watch them let me know what you think NOTE: This is not my video. Oh and also that walkie talkie in the catwalk room? That doesn't say "Oh let's go get Element 115 from America" No it doesn't say that is says that the fact is that Germany and America are reivals (It was WW2 of corse).So all in all there is no Area 51 NOTE:Most of this stuff on here came from the video they are not mine. And let me know what you think of the videos.Thank you for your time!
  10. It's the top blackboard in the der riese tab Which one there are three?
  11. I was playing in Der Riese I die with the wunderwaffe (so sad :cry: ) spawn when there was a crawler used the box and i get the wunderwaffe again! My teammates were mad but they didn't kill me . Well then i think I got it at the being of round thats why it felt like a crawler was still out. I don't remember witch round though.
  12. Maybe Richtofen is planing somthing again like he did to Dr. Maxis and can you guys give me a reputation
  13. If you go around in Der Riese by the teleporters you will see as easter eggs three plank broards (one by each teleporter) with three letters on each one (FRA,GER,and ENG) Teleporters were proballly set up in these countries used as quick escapes for each zombie map thats what I believe.
  14. My frist thing to ask how do I get my signature from carbon?
  15. SnowDog115935


    Im still new here add I dont get most of the things here so if some one can help me that can be great
  16. What is GKNOVA6? :?:
  17. That such ull no one can make it past round 30 or 35 with out glitching. ur so full of crap :evil:
  18. That was so cool :lol:
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