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Everything posted by AdaWg

  1. bumpity bump bump
  2. Aww cmon carbon!!! I started a thread about this a llooonnnggg time ago!! in the gknova6 forum.
  3. THANK. YOU. !!! Perfect, now we can get back to decoding this number once again. So assuming the mailbox number is 1712, we have multiple different PINs we could use. Maybe we should also try entering stuff like "zombie" but on a phone that would translate to: "966243". I don't know, just an idea.
  4. I'm gonna do research on those two photos from the phone. I will make them like negative and open them with notepad. gotta love notepad :)
  5. How'd you get to that? When I pressed the pound key it asked for the "mailbox number" I typed in 1 and then it said to enter the mailbox PIN.
  6. Really? It is still working for me.
  7. The reason I believe this number has something to do with GkNova6 is because, a random sequence of numbers is not randomly placed on a call of duty poster and then it just so happens to go to a strange phone number..
  8. Though this is already sort of a sub-section of DrKillshot24's thread, I thought it needed a thread of its own. So, just a brief summary: He got a poster for Black Ops for preordering early, and then took pictures of the parts of the poster that had hidden numbers on it. He found the sequence of numbers: (877)386-4270. From there I went ahead and called the number myself. It rings once, then goes to a lullaby/creepy old tone. In between the short tones are long or short loud beeps. (morse code anyone???) Here is the full phone call: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQOmtZ0PhK4 Here is the sound file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4fq36k Here is the Temporal Frequency Analysis on it: And here's where the number is on the poster(credit to DrKillshot24):
  9. We found this a long time ago. you just go to http://www.gknova6.com/INSERT TRANSMISION # HERE
  10. Here's to keep everyone up to date. We found in the trailer a few interesting pictures that each only flashed on the screen for a fraction of a second. They are below: GK LOGO on top left: Then two documents that were previously found through gknova6.com: And finally, some other document/subliminal message talking about the space race:
  11. AdaWg


    Hey, what program are you using for the temporal frequency analysis? Audacity kinda sucks in spectrum mode.
  12. AdaWg


    Yeah, I did. There's nothing there.
  13. password is 1146340
  14. AdaWg


    password is 1146340
  15. AdaWg


    did a freq analysis on it. It looks like ^--FREEDOM+-
  16. In the lyrics of R.E.M.'s song "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" they mention the word "Benzedrine". I haven't been reading the forum lately so I don't know how much you guys have solved. However, if you still need a key for the cipher, try Benzedrine..
  17. Let's hope, but for some reason I think it won't be released this friday... :/
  18. Haha thanks. I was just on Google Calendar and saw it in the corner of my eye, then "zOMG!! JFK's bday!!" haha
  19. Also, not sure if anyone noticed, but John F. Kennedy's Birthday is on the 29th of May. Perhaps they will release the last video/announce the game on that date? Just putting it out there.
  20. I tried translating the word "gknova6" to the following key: a=1 b=2 so on.. when we do that we get this: 7-11-14-15-22-1-6. as a subtraction problem. when subtracted the solution is -62, the second half of the year 1962, which was the year the Vietnam War ended. It's kinda cool, but may be just a coincidence...
  21. I have gone over it many times, and I haven't seen it yet. I will get the video file and see what I can find with the better quality and video editing capabilities. If you find anything, let us know
  22. Or they will help us solve it . Yeah , maybe I work for Treyarch...
  23. I continue to think that the reason why is because the transmission at the beginning says "NOV 1969", not "MOD 1969". Upon searching november 1969 the second search result I get is about the Apollo 12 being launched. After that, you search the Apollo 11 and magnificently you get a site that talks about the cold war and the sputnik. That's where sputnik came from.
  24. Has anyone opened up the casing of the USB flash drive? I'm interested to see if there are any clues that lie inside there. Also, a little off topic, there's a strange sounding bird chirping outside (12:25 am) which kinda reminds me of Shi No Numa, and makes reading the forum more mysterious and spooky O.o
  25. Has anyone that recieved the package with flash drive tried opening up the casing of the drive? I'm interested to see if there are any clues hidden inside there.
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