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Everything posted by Jackyboy1384

  1. The guy holding the Thundergun is Richtofen. He just hasn't been seen without his hat in game before so we didn't realise he was bald. Plus Richtofen is slowly getting ill and weak due to the side-effects of element 115. Also, I just saw the Inside Xbox video gameplay of Ascension and I didn't see the Monkey Bomb anywhere. Do you think Mr. Monkey might not be coming back? I mean, the Gersch Device would be a suitable replacement but still... I want my Monkey...
  2. And has no one noticed that he already has an unfamiliar perk equipped? But this map looks AWESOME! Shame I've still got to wait another month (thank you Activision ) And the fact that you start the game without teleporting confirms my suspicions. The teleporters have been replaced with those Lunar Lander things.
  3. So, which Wonder Weapons do you guys think will be in Ascension? I think the Ray Gun is definitely returning, as well as the Monkey Bomb. We know about the Gersch Device (finally allowing us a choice of wonder grenades), and I don't think we've seen the last of the Thundergun (or DG-3 as Richtofen calls it) yet. The big question for me is the Winter's Howl. Do guys think it should be in Ascension? The below poster (which by the way is amazing) hints towards the Winter's Howl being in there, but then again there is the DG-2 and we all know that was left behind at Der Riese. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/viewer.php?mode=article&id=245325 Sorry guys, the image button thingy didn't work so just follow the link instead :facepalm:
  4. I'm pretty sure that's Richtofen, it's just that he's always worn a hat so we've never realised he was bald. Also, has no one noticed how much of a badass leader Dempsey makes? I mean, seriously, he looks like he's seen the end of the world (which ironically he has) and lived to tell the tale. :shock: As a side note: Do you think the Winter's Howl will be in Ascension?
  5. Lol The thought of a guy thinking he's safe in the projector room when suddenly WHAM friendly fire and he's dead. Could The Krauss Refibrillator (spelling?) have a reverse effect as well, as in when you're downed and you shoot a teammate who isn't downed, he goes down? It's the exact opposite of what's supposed to happen. Interesting...
  6. This is just... wow. Amazing. As a side note: did no one else notice that it almost looks like ahellhound is on the side of the rocket? A really long one? Possibly Fluffy? :?
  7. Would have helped if you could have found some way to get a picture but I guess it's okay, I'll go check it out now I guess.
  8. Aren't you forgetting a certain Mr. Monkey? And I'm pretty sure the Lunar Landers have something to do with the PAP machine, and getting to it. I'm also sure the PAP is either inside the rocket cockpit or on some platform thingy in the sky, hence the Lunar Landers. I think they will be replacing the teleporters, now I think of it. Not necessarily. Der Riese is a huge map but online we have opened up the PAP as early as round 5. All it takes is being careful with points and making every zombie count. Of course, now that Black Ops is populated with MW2 noobs, teammates like that don't exist anymore. On solo, I've opened the PAP by round 7 before. How quickly you can get to the PAP doesn't determine how big or small the map is. Kino der Toten is a large map and the PAP is relatively easy to get to, all you have to do is open three doors, turn on the power and link the teleporter.
  9. I think this could be a very likely addition to Ascension. We all know by now that Ascension is in Russia (well, I hope everyone knows) and most of us know that the PPSH-41 is a Russian gun. Plus, Kino der Toten was an old Nazi reasearch station, abandoned during WWII, so of course we could have expected the MP40 to be there, especially seeing as it'd already been programmed into the game (along with many Soviet, Nazi and even a couple of new British WWII weapons). Since Treyarch know how popular the PPHS-41 was I'd be surprised if Treyarch didn't meet the communities commands and re-introduce it into the game. And, what better way than making a map in Russia? Plus that's a good point about the Grim Reaper-shaped blood stains, I noticed them around but forgot about the PAP'd PPHS-41 being called The Reaper. Also, Ascension is definitely not at Rebirth Island. It's at some abandoned Soviet Launch Facility. It's been confirmed.
  10. I don't use the flamethrower any later than round 8. In the Prison Break area things start getting more fast-paced and obscuring your vision in such a fast-paced game is a fatal mistake. And, I agree with almost every word in this guide (there are probably some I don't agree with, but I CBA to go find them :roll: ). It was well thought out and at times quite humourous with you relating every mistake or flaw back to "BEING A TWAT". But, nooby teammates that do the things in Article IV are precisely why DOA is more enjoyable on solo to me. Occasionally you'll find the one decent player but the other two are always noobs and so the good guy leaves so I can't even shoot him a friend request. Hard times.
  11. Yeah but, Kino starts instantly after Der Riese (the characters teleported there from Der Riese and the fight at Kino started immediately) so Richtofen wouldn't have had time to recreate the DG-2 for Kino. We might see it in Ascension but I don't know. I'd like to see it return, but I have a feeling Treyarch will not bring it back.
  12. Space Race? Well I heard about a beta tester for Ascension (don't scream fake because he told everything that'd be in Ascension, right down to the sickle thingy melee weapon) who said it was a puzzle to get to the PAP machine. Maybe it's like a little competition between the players to see who can solve the puzzle and get there first? Could be interesting... :twisted:
  13. Treyarch have leaked the achievements? Link? And I think this just means to escape from the zombies for a quick breather. Wait, if there are three of them, do you think they could be replacing the teleporters? It makes sense seeing as we have no evidence of Russia ever experimenting with element 115! EDIT: I found the achievments, don't worry And to the guy above, I also didn't notice your post But I think we may be right. ;)
  14. I actually do believe Maxis survived the events at Der Riese. I think he teleported at the last second along with Sam, but something went wrong and they ended up seperated? I don't know, it's just a hunch of mine. I think that by the events of FIVE, Maxis is dead, but he was alive and doing more research in Kino. That's my hunch, it's not a theory. It's an idea of what I think might have happened.
  15. There's a good chance we are going about things wrong but at this point, we have nothing else to go on and we want to get into this server so DAMN BADLY!!! Agggh it's hurting my head :facepalm:
  16. What, it's not possible for a two-headed morph man to have zombified? But in all seriousness, I think this is just the camera angle playing tricks on us. Though it does look a bit smooth to be a screw-up. Like you said, we'll just have to wait and see.
  17. You see, the problem here is that the majority of the community won't accept any map that isn't enormous. When Verruckt came out it was wildly popular (quite obviously, being the first zombie DLC and all) but not one person complained about the lack of free space. Then Shi No Numa and Der Riese came along and everyone loved them. But now, we have almost everyone moaning and complaining about any map that isn't gigantic. Want to know why? Because they don't want to try new gameplay. They want to do the same basic thing of running around in circles and shooting aimlessly whereas on Verruckt and FIVE you actually need a strategy and a plan to approach the fight and most people can't handle that. EXAMPLE: When the location of Ascension was announced and everyone thought it was based off of 'Executive Order' (from the campaign), they noticed the small space in that mission and instantly started complaining about the size of the map and saying it's going to suck without even seeing so much as a screenshot of it. Then the screenshot was released and everyone was like "OMGZZZZ IT LOOK LIEK DER RIESE OMGZZZ EPOCH WIN YEAYYEEHAAYYHHHHYH!!!!!" Okay, that was a bit over the line. I don't mean to mock you guys, but sometimes as the zombie community we get too worked up over stupid things (admittedly I get worked up way too often if I think something's not right- I'm sort of infamous for that at CoDz). If people were really fans they would try to adjust to the difference in size and strategy instead of complaining about it.
  18. This is actually going to make me major paranoid in my next zombies game :lol:
  19. I'm still not really sure about zombification ( ) but brains is basically a reputation system. If someone makes a decent, legit contribution to the forum we give them brains or reputation. And on-topic, I forgot about that! I thought the zombies were wearing gas-masks because in the before time they were scientists working on Nova 6 (the Ascension Scientists). Obviously I still think that but now it actually serves a purpose. Uh oh.
  20. Yeah, now that I've looked at the two pictures side-by-side, there's no doubt that this mystery character is Richtofen. But why does he look like he did pre-insanity all of a sudden? Hmm... Well if we have Dempsey, Nikolai and Richtofen returning, it sort of goes unsaid that Takeo would return too. Unless he finally got scared and ran away.
  21. Okay, Nikolai is definitely returning. On the homepage there should be a thread called "First glimpse of Ascension" or something and people posted pictures of a "two-headed zombie" there. Dempsey is in the background of that picture. The guy on the flying platform- is it Richtofen? Richtofen is slowly getting more and more ill because of exposure to element 115 and so a physical change in looks is not unlikely. Maybe he lost the hat in Kino. But he also has a resemblence to the blank portrait (shape of the face more than anything) and I can also see a little resemblence to Mason and Reznov. If someone could perhaps increase the brightness on one of these images we would be able to see more clearly who this guy is. If it's a new guy then we have to say goodbye to either Takeo or Richtofen? My money's on Richtofen leaving.
  22. Really? You have one option, and several steps to follow it. A) Stop trolling and looking for trouble Don't tell me what to do, and don't start a console war C) You don't get on the forum if you're just going to be a troll like that- we have no need for people like you. Sure I complain a lot but they are actually valid complaints and concerns so stop looking for trouble thanks. I get it that not a lot of people liked this idea (hence the -3 brains) but if the Xbox community were in our position you'd understand how I feel and why I tried to get people to go through with this. Carbon and I have reached a compromise anyway, so this thread really serves no purpose anymore except opening up windows of opportunity for trolls like this guy ^^^^^^^^^^
  23. This info was released barely a week ago. It's not that old. But back on-topic, a lot of people think that PhD Flopper will be like a safety net for your other perks, so when you go down when you have PhD Flopper you lose that perk but keep all of the others. People think this because PhD Flopper actually means 'master of falling' or something. It'd be a good perk to have, I'm sure. The SPACE MONKEYS i.e. not Cosmic Silverbacks, of which there is one and one ONLY, are going to be a bit of a nuisance in my mind. I just hope that they are like the Pentagon Thief and can only take one perk and you can get it back if you kill the monkey that took the perk quick enough? Of course knowing my luck I'll get to about round 20+ and reload at the wrong time and lost Juggernog -.- I also think the Gersch Device will suck zombies in and warp them into nowhere. Or maybe to the MOON . The Matryoshka Dolls? I think they will be a little like a Bouncing Betty except you get given, say, 5 and they get weaker and weaker (or vice versa, stronger and stronger) each time you put one down due to increase/decrease in size. I wouldn't be surprised to see Nesting Dolls with bombs built into them. It seems like the sort of thing Richtofen or maybe Nikolai would own. That's a point, maybe we will see a zombie of one of Nikolai's WIVES! How epic would that be?! :D
  24. Does that look like he was being a DICK? It didn't to me. It looked like he was just informing this guy that this had already been posted and was telling him to use the search feature in future to avoid this happening again.
  25. Well you can never trust a Wiki, where ANYONE can write ANYTHING they want. But I do have a hunch that the chanting isn't Japanese. I think we need someone good at translating this stuff to translate it from Japanese AND German, as they are the two most plausible languages. Sadly, I fear that this will not have anything to do with the storyline as this easter egg was found before Verruckt was even released. Unless Treyarch predicted how popular the mode and the idea of a storyline would become, I think I can safely say this won't give us any important information. It'd be cool to find out what it says though, anyway.
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