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Everything posted by Jackyboy1384

  1. sorry but i have to, it's spelled "fascists" not "facists" Haha! And Statik, I suppose I understand what you're saying. If it's just to get it off your chest then (obviously) I know where you're coming from. But I suppose the added touch of history makes any game a bit more believable. I think the only reason CoD games haven't had this problem recently was because by CoD 3 and WAW, WWII had been done to death and was boring and repetitive, and the Modern Warfare series was a fictional war.
  2. Pretty much an exact overview of the console war. But for PS3 owners, it's just like the leaked footage of Kino, we need to try and last it out for the full month without giving in to temptation. I know I'll try my best not to give in, as I did with Kino footage.
  3. To be honest, I don't think Treyarch's or Infinity Ward's main thoughts when making Call of Duty games were "Let's make this a grand history lesson so that the majority of the younger generation will be able to appreciate our planet's long and fascinating history." I get what you're saying but you might be making a mountain out of a molehill here. It's your own decision to take note of this stuff, it's not like they cram it down your throat so you will eternally remember- it's just there for you to notice. BTW, people will take your thread more seriously if you use correct punctuation and spelling in the subject. Just saying. ;)
  4. ZOMG, Nazi UFO's! Do they come with Nazi Aliens? Kidding, you guys have seriously all done an amazing job doing all this research. I can't make out any of it but hopefully you guys know what to make of it, keep it up!
  5. Ummm... what? This sounds like a legit 'Treyarch-y' easter egg but you should really try to explain it more clearly. You haven't told us where the rest of the bricks are or anything. Grats if this is real and legit, but you need to be more specific so we can test this.
  6. Yes, it is. In case you haven't seen any videos of the Silverback boss fight, when you finish the round a second Cosmic Silverback appears ("The Cosmic Silverback has many brothers.") and punches you back to the first island which is now miraculously about 100 metres away (why not just swim -.-').
  7. When he sped up rounds 41-43, my eyes almost broke
  8. I don't even think anyone's made it to round 80 or beyond yet. Just hold on, one day someone will.
  9. Just tried this out myself, and you're right! It sounds almost like a hellhound spawing, or the Cosmic Silverback spawning at the end of Dead Ops (when you die and he comes and kills the leader). This is interesting, good find! [brains]
  10. Oh yeah, it's fine for you, isn't it? How lucky that it wasn't the other way round. I'm telling you, if not for LBP and Uncharted I'd have sold my PS3 a long time ago. And if Activision actually sticks to this, Black Ops is likely to be the last Activision game I buy. Bunch of cheapskate tightwad bastards.
  11. Quote I found from the same website on UndeadWolfy's link: As Microsoft did with Grand Theft Auto 4 and the episodic content, they've negotiated a deal with Activision for exclusivity on DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops. Any maps, add-ons will be only avaialble on the XBOX 360. This deals a potentially deadly blow to the PS3 version - however there may be some surprises from the Sony camp. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?! If this is true I'm actually going to take my game back and DEMAND a full refund point blank because I'm not going to sit by on this forum watching all the Xbox 360 owners enjoy the new maps!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  12. Probably more than Infinity Ward ever patched last year... But I'm not going to start that up again. So glad Treyarch are already noticing all these little bugs and fixing them, shows just how dedicated they are to pleasing the community :)
  13. I think I can recall noticing this somewhere... I'll have a check next time I play ;)
  14. I've tried and tried again to get into this server, but I just think that the answer is somewhere in the Dreamland Server. Before we all get into this server, we should fully search the Dreamland Server for clues (because it is obviously zombie-related). Also, though I haven't tested 'RLOGIN VERRUCKT' yet, if this IS a real server, I think TDempsey would be a user, wouldn't you?
  15. Really? What console are you on? I do this with my PS3 and it says 'Richtofen', clear as crystal. Unless I'm just not paying attention. Either way, we should add 'ERICHTOFAN' as a possible login, although it may have just been a typo. These are also a bunch of failed passwords for 'erichtofen' that I've tried if you want to add them to the list: group935 935115 115 dg2 wunderwaffe illuminati edward richtofen butcher thebutcher untoten derriese
  16. Yeah, I agree with you that Sam escaped Der Riese 8-) But how? In the new SNN, there is a new radio explaining that the DG-2 overloaded the teleported and sent the gang into the future to Kino, but the DG-2 didn't exist when Edward 'killed' Sam and Maxis...? Maybe, like earlier said, Fluffy didn't kill Sam, and allowed her to escape the factory. And also, the way Edward only says "Goodbye, Dr. Maxis." and doesn't mention Sam could mean that he allowed Sam to escape for some reason? Ugh, this is so confusing! :facepalm:
  17. What? I thought that the PS3 and the 360 ran off the same graphics cards or something? Or is it just the new 360 that came out? Either way, graphics don't make a game for me so I'm not fussed. If the game is fun, who cares how it looks :|
  18. Same here! Nuketown is the perfect map for Combat Training And when I get angry with my insane LAGG online (my shoddy internet, not the game), I do this with the bots on Recruit to get my anger out. It's so fun :twisted: And I'm glad that they added a 2-in-a-row limit. Just proves how much Treyarch CARE, it took them like a day or two to catch on and they instantly fixed it... :D
  19. The map got cut off? I never even had any idea But this sounds like an interesting thing that Treyarch might do, I'd like it if they did this Or, they could do a post-nuke Nuketown map? You know, so there's just charred remains of the buildings and stuff 8-)
  20. This video literally MADE MY DAY The commentator is a hero :lol:
  21. I made it to round 21 solo this morning... But online, I get matched up with idiots who use up their Speed Boosts in the first few rounds to get to points and weapons before I do... and I still ended the rounds with more points than them Highest round online is 14 I think... Seriously? Round 57? That must have been insane!
  22. My turn I like: The SP Campaign. It's the most interesting one we've had ever from a CoD game and was pretty much as action-packed and varied (if not more...) than the MW2 Campaign (one of the only things I liked about MW2...). The extremely increased difficulty of zombies. Treyarch have finally found a balance between making zombies fun to all players and encouraging teamwork. Don't get me wrong, I loved the WaW maps, but admit it, you could get to, like, round 20 with 3 strangers with no mics. Now, you need to all have mics and good teamwork to get past round 10. The extra sub-objectives in zombies. The maps are so packed full of things to do, which really increase the replayablility factor, something I love about them. The Cod Points system. Some may not like it, but I think it's a great idea, in that it kind of balances MP between newbies and veterans, because, no matter how high level you are, you can't use a good gun without buying it first. The complete customization available. Need I say more? Most of the maps. Yeah, for the first time ever on a CoD game, I have no problems with ANY maps and like most of them! The only one I don't like as much as others is Jungle... but I haven't played that much so meh. The killstreaks and perks. They killed Commando, OMA, Danger Close, Stopping Power, AC-130s AND Nukes! The most irritating perks and killstreaks are GONE! Wager Matches. I LOVE Gun Game and Sharpshooter. One in the Chamber is really intense, because you know you need to make that one bullet count. Sticks and Stones... I haven't played that yet. But it looks fun! Now, the things I don't like: The RC-XD. It's a great killstreak and all, but it's range is far too big. I've been killed by an RC on Nuketown that was in an adjacent room to me... need I say more? Hopefully, Treyarch should fix this soon. Glitchers. There aren't many glitches yet, but there's already a bunch of idiots abusing the glitches that have been found. :evil: Common lagg issues. Whether this is the game or my internet, I don't know. But with millions of people playing at once, lagg is inevitable, right? That's everything I like and dislike about Black Ops. With QSing, well I don't QS so I couldn't care less about that personally. The spawning isn't bad at all. And, come on, on Nuketown, the map is so small it's impossible to always spawn miles away from the enemies. A little tweaking and the spawning system will be near perfect.
  23. Feel a bit better now... little embarrassed by the things I posted :oops: Look, let's just stop the flaming for a minute and realise that we are arguing over things that DON'T really matter. Who CARES how other people play the game? We're all entitled to our own opinion about which way is best, so why are we arguing about it? We might as well be having a flame war about bananas and apples :evil: . And @ Triixster, I see you quoted my post, noting that I, along with others, was flaming. I wasn't. I was giving my OPINION. And to be brutally honest I was in a bad mood yesterday (blame the Flu...). If you or anyone else are going to post back saying that I was flaming or that I'm a total hypocrite, feel free to do so. You guys can sit here arguing while I'm searching for easter eggs on the maps and getting overall ahead of you guys. Jackyboy out. Arggh, that sounded even more pissy... I think I'll just stay out of this from now on. :oops: :oops:
  24. When I first saw the name 'Petrenko' I just thought: Now where have I heard that before? Then when Reznov said "Dimitri" a big smile came onto my face Then when they Nova Gassed him I had a perma-frownie face But seriously, who didn't feel incredible nostalgia when the music came on from the last level of WaW? I know I did. But if Nova Gas actually does 'Zombify' people, then any one of the zombies we kill could be DIMITRI! :shock:
  25. The whole story hasn't been revealed yet, but this forum as a whole likely contains all the pieces of the puzzle we need, it's just that no one knows which pieces connect with each other. Check out the 'Zombie Storyline Blog' section and you could find some interesting theories ;)
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