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Everything posted by Telixion

  1. An xbox 360 theme is available for download. Its not premium but it does have an interesting image. One of them has some very small text that reads .... one-seven-one-two Now if you look to the right of that still shot you see: ONE-SE ......... project 1-7 .........
  2. Yea seriously great job!
  3. lol So I thought perhaps since the bold part of "juzazs ypvbtauwpzvsc" was 13 characters long that it would be easy finding words at that length... I was wrong. http://clubefl.gr/games/wordox/13.html
  4. Ya I had noticed they changed things around. The second transmission had a much longer "sssssssss" noise at the end where the sputnik image is found. Perhaps when the next transmission is up this third one will change so that we can figure out what is left of it.
  5. I see you guys are at it too. Im at about the same place. However you only have 5 sounds than a break and another 5 sounds. There are 7 each. What program are you using to find the Hz?
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