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Everything posted by Shizzire

  1. Not sure if it was required, but in response to the statement "Send All Relevant Items Now" the user "azurewolf777 [@] gmail.com" posted "relevant items" to the Alt.Conspiracy thread. There was a reply from Nova Six: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy/browse_thread/thread/a4e3132abd29b230/710c4334213d4dd7?lnk=raot Anybody know who this AzureWolf dude is?
  2. Wow that's cool. I hadn't noticed that one. I wonder if we'll ever get a complete understanding of all the clues into these transmissions...
  3. Incidentally, most of freedom7.com can be safely ignored, if not, all. http://www.billfortney.net/Welcome.html http://dirkandsteele.com/Home.html http://web.mac.com/rdjinx69/Site/Welcome.html http://web.mac.com/m_k_kusakabe/iWeb/memory/Albums.html Turns out, it's just a Mac layout. EDIT: Actually I'm going to up the ante and flat-out say it: freedom7.com is completely unrelated to GKNOVA6. Based on your evidence, I concur. Well done sir, and thank you!
  4. My kudos go to the guys that found the codes in the Temporal Frequency Analysis. I was hanging around with the "MovieViral" site when the 2nd channel was "brute forced" and I repeatedly asked where "Sputnik" was hidden. It wasn't until your analysis of the sound that the Sputnik key was found. This is teamwork, and CoDz Forum is the best team so far!
  5. My guess is this is how the Temporal Frequency Analysis (TFFT) is to be done. You can graph data on an algorithmic scale or on a linear scale. If the TFFT was done on a logarithmic scale, the text would show up rather distorted/compressed/unreadable. I saw someone post the images with a logarithmic scale, not sure where. My 2 cents...
  6. I have to say that the GKNova guys made a small error. The Kryptos "alphabet key" they used included the "N" as the first character. However, the first "N" is supposed to be just the row identifier on the tableau...
  7. Recap: Quote leads to Kryptos as CIA Langley. Using a Caeser cipher with a modified alphabet (top line from the fourth tableau on Kryptos) Result: usenet dragonsbreath Leads to http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy/browse_thread/thread/a4e3132abd29b230/710c4334213d4dd7?lnk=raot Quote is from Marie Curie Tones using sound analysis reveal the following frequencies: 200 800 1800 3200 2400 800 200 200 800 1800 3200 2100 900 200 Dividing by 100 on the tones gives: 2 8 18 32 24 8 2 2 8 18 32 21 9 2 These are the electron shells configurations for Plutonium and Uranium respectively Quote is from Heinrich Hertz Using Temporal Frequency Analysis you see the text: FREEDOM = 7 5 + 5 = 10 The CAPS reveal: TABUN SARIN SOMAN GAS What is left to discover? Are there further clues in the alt.conspiracy posting? What does FREEDOM = 7 and 5+5=10 mean? Is FREEDOM=7 referring to freedom7.com and/or Alan Shepard's flight? Is 5+5=10 referring to May 5, 2010?
  8. Dragon's Breath = Flamethrower? TABUN? Both references to CoD WaW?
  9. That is the part that I am concerned about too lol. With the growing popularity of gknova site it is going to get harder to separate genuine information. Great work none the less Shizzire. Question though - once you got the text sequence did you put it back in the Vigenere cipher? Or did you just go through the normal decrypt method of rearranging them? It was just a direct substitution from the numbers to the letters.
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soman
  11. wait wait wait, what tableau did you use? The 4 "dings" lead me to use the 4th tableau (the bottom right section of Kryptos). So I took the first row of that tableau. IE first row in the bottom right quadrant here: http://elonka.com/kryptos/transcript.html is NGHIJLMNQUVWXZKRYPTOSABCDEFGHIJL
  12. Take the CAPS out of the middle para: TABUN SARIN SOMAN GAS
  13. NOVA TRUTHSEEKERS - I want this story told. This is the tip of the iceberg. Tell All But Ultraviolet November. Send All Relevant Items Now. Situation Offers Many Appropriate Nights. we’ll have a GAS. The elements are in the sounds and words. Look and listen. -DRAGONSBREATH
  14. Then I found this on the google search: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy/browse_thread/thread/a4e3132abd29b230/710c4334213d4dd7?lnk=raot
  15. I got it I GOT IT!!!! I used the 4th section of the tableau as the letter key for the converting number to letters and got this: heres the key: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 n g h i j l m n q u v w x z k r y p t o s a b c d e Here's the text: usenet dragonsbreath Woot!!!!!
  16. I see a bit of confusion on the Marie Curie clue. The frequencies in the clue are (in Hz) 200 800 1800 3200 2400 800 200 200 800 1800 3200 2100 900 200 Mod 100 on all of these leaves: 2 8 18 32 24 8 2 2 8 18 32 21 9 2 Those sequences are the "electron shells" of Plutonium and Uranium respectively. If you add the numbers up: 2+8+18+32+24+8+2=94 2+8+18+32+21+9+2=92 94 is the atomic number for Plutonium 92 is the atomic number for Uranium
  17. I also tried running "juzazs ypvbtauwpzvsc" through the K2 decode four times.
  18. I have something! I decided to brute force the ciphertext "juzazsypvbtauwpzvsc" and found the vignere key to be: "rnrbakhlnjteqebnraj" http://rumkin.com/tools/cipher/vigenere.php This is clearly the correct answer! But seriously, if we use the same method as other challenges: 1-The quote reveals the encryption algoritm. In this case the quote leads to the Kryptos statue which (the first two) were encrypted using a keyed-Vignere. 2-The MOD is to reveal the key. However this time (for a keyed Vignere) we need two keys. 3-The overwhelming theory is the ciphertext is a number-alpha which translates to "juzazs ypvbtauwpzvsc". i tend to agree, but are there other theories? Key-shifting by +/-4 (caeser cipher) was also tried. i guess I'm just talking out loud to see if this sparks some new ideas...
  19. I wouldn’t rule out freedom7.com just because it was registered in 1997. The “game architects” may have bought the domain, or agreed to temporarily use it. The site just seems to “fit” with the game. There is no other reason for the freedom7.com site to be up, and the information there is so vague.
  20. By my accounts: Marie Curie one is solved (Uranium and Plutonium) Heinrich Hertz one is solved (Freedom = 7, 5 + 5 = 10) Which leaves the Kryptos cipher. The standard equation here is: 1 - Give a quote that points to the cipher algorithm 2 - MOD 3 - Ciphertext The kryptos statue has a Vignere table on it, so do we assume the algorithm is another vignere cipher? Then the MOD is four dings (the 4th text in Kryptos was never solved). The cipher text is all numbers (which seem to indicate letters of the alphabet.
  21. Is anyone thinking the freedom7.com site has anything to do with the GKNova6.com site? I did find the "Motel" picture. It is in columbus Ohio (not in San Fran as the map suggests). http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3416/3647609167_ae91bd9f88.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/dogbert10/3647609167/&usg=__UL1MjBrmauL8wDw5ibbJ8UhlsEQ=&h=375&w=500&sz=116&hl=en&start=1&itbs=1&tbnid=NvVqg7rnahuNiM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcapital%2Bmotel%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1
  22. The Marie Curie "tones" are the numbers of electrons in each electron shell for Uranium and Plutonium 2 8 18 32 24 8 2 Plutonium (94) 2 8 18 32 21 9 2 Uranium (92)
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