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Everything posted by Zieghail

  1. Time Zone Converter. http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc 6:00 PM Wedesday September 1st US Pacific time = 8:00 PM Central 9:00 PM Eastern 1:00 AM Thursday September 2nd GMT, 2:00 AM Thursday September 2nd Europe/London 11:00 AM Thursday September 2nd Australia/Sydney There have been no Announced Live Streams As of Yet, I don't think it will be on Television. But JD did say he will be updating his Twitter throughout the event with links to Live Streams and other sources of Information.
  2. So This perk here, I think the one thing from modern warfare 2 that NEEDED to Be in Black Ops, and it is, Also Needs a New Name. Everytime I say the name of this perk I feel more and more like I'm losing brain cells. I know some of you feel the same, so lets use our collective imagination's and see if we Can't come up with a better name. I'll throw out one that I always think Of - "Specialist"
  3. JD said in his Tweetergram Yesterday Afternoon about the Multiplayer Reveal Tomorrow. He Said that they Will be Revealing Strictly Competetive Multiplayer Stuff, and that all Co-Op Related Things would be Revealed at a Later Date. He Also Said that They Will be Revealing EVERYTHING Multiplayer. All Guns, Attachments, Perks, Killstreaks, Maps, Game Modes. Everything. Everything. . . . I'll let that sink in for a minute. . . At 6:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, tomorrow Wednesday September 1st, We will, according to JD, Know Everything there is to know about Competetive Multiplayer. Even though I am amost certain they will keep a few things secret. I hope they do anyway, I'm not sure if I want to know Everything. So in An Attempt to Combat the Inevitable Multitude of Duplicate Topics, I think we should create One Official Thread, in the same fashion as the GKNOVA6 Transmissions. One Thread for The Multiplayer Reveal Tomorrow. One Thread where everyone can talk about all the Spectacular things we Will see tomorrow. One Thread To rule Them all? And in the Darkness Spite Them? EDIT: Uncorrected Time with 6:00 pm Pacific. Ninja had it right the first time. . . Follow @JD_2020/mp-reveal for LIVE updates from a bunch of attendees at the #CODBlackOps MP event on Sept 1 - Starts at 6:00pm Pacific! Watch Here: Carbon's Ustream http://www.ustream.tv/channel/carbonfibah or JD's Twitter http://twitter.com/jd_2020 http://twitter.com/jd_2020/mp-reveal Full coverage of the event on a mobile phone http://www.ustream.tv/channel/We-The-Gamerz-Channel-1 Full coverage of the event on a mobile phone http://www.ustream.tv/channel/We-The-Gamerz-Channel-2 will feature a capture card setup to livestream COD Black Ops MP http://www.ustream.tv/channel/We-The-Gamerz-Channel-3
  4. Exactly, And "realism" Aside ianoodin, marathon ruined the pace of the entire game. Being able to sprint across the entire map, on any map, in 15 seconds? Why was that even considered as a perk? But I always thought a good name for bling would have been "Specialist" or something along those lines.
  5. I was going to say something like that, I know they make Rapid Fire PS3 Controllers, but I think the thing that makes them so popular on the 360 is that they're easier to make. And thats because of the Pressure sensitive Triggers. The Actual "Fire" command is sent once the trigger is pressed down a certain amount, and with the controller mods they make it so the trigger can only be pressed down barely to that certain point, causing the "Fire" command to be sent in rapid succession. I don't really have a problem countering modded controllers, what I like to do is use their weapon of choice, usually the M1A1, and one shot them with it, and then antagonize them saying things like "I don't mod and I'm still better than you". Its good fun. Modded controllers aren't even that big of an issue with me, because I still usually kill them first, it just annoy's me because thats not the way the weapons were intended to be used, they're semi-automatic for a reason, and modded controllers are cheating. And no offense you guys, I understand your dilema, and I can do the whole "Double-Trigger-Finger" thing Too, but no matter how good you are at it, or how accurate, I don't think you can be as effective as a modded controller. There's no need to shoot a semi-automatic weapon that fast anyway, they only take a few shots to kill someone. I stand by my opinion. The M1 Garand has a fire Rate That's more than Fast enough, or at least somewhere in that particular Range, maybe a little faster but make it the limit. Obviously the Speed-Cap isn't working. Something else needs to be done.
  6. Its 12:00 AM No matter the time zone.
  7. It works, but I agree. Its totally Fake. Gamepot gives out Beta Keys on its own site, they don't create have a seperate site for that. And when you click the only link on that page, it takes you to another completely bogus website. Its all fake until Treyarch Announces a Beta, and unless you want your Personal information Stolen, then Just BE PATIENT!
  8. There aren't any modded PS3 Controllers?
  9. So, I still play World at War Just about every night. And recently, since the popularity of - and Buzz about - Black Ops has been increasing, there has been a significant increase in players. One would think thats a good thing right? Well, since this increase in players, I am finding there are more and more players with a lack of integrity. In One game Of Hardcore Search and Destroy I played last night there were 8 out of 12 people with modded controllers. My 3 man squad and another guy were the only ones without them, and even then, the other guy was running around with a Browning Hip firing at everything. And out of those 8 people with modded controllers, 7 of them had Hacked Stats. That was just one game, in every game we played there were at least 4 modded controllers. And quite a few douchers running around with Bazooka's. Ever since the surge in players, there has been a ridiculous amount of players like this, and I am inclined to believe they are coming from modern warfare 2. None of these things are really a problem Like in modern warfare 2. They're just a little annoying, But I'm curious as to why these people insist on playing the way they do, and To what a solution could be for modded controllers. I say make all Semi-Automatic weapons have a speed cap similar to the M1 Garand, it shoots plenty fast. What do you think? Of modded controllers? Of the spineless from modern warfare 2 invading World at War?
  10. You mean when my team mate is stupid enough to purposely jump in front of my bullets, or on my grenade? I understand where your coming from with Team Killers. . . Sort of. I don't really have a problem with unless I start it, and I don't start it very often. If someone starts team killing me for no reason, I get them kicked, problem solved. Since modern warfare 2 released, there has been a significant reduction in team killing. Most likely because all the douchers migrated to modern warfare. Unfortunately they will all probably come play Black Ops, and Ruin it just like they ruined modern warfare. Anyway, to answer your question. I would much rather have team killers then die when my stupid team mate, who's butt hurt because I'm doing better than him, jumps on top of my grenade or in the path of my bullets.
  11. I was never excited for modern warfare 2. After playing World at War(Still play it every night), and Having to Deal with Ridiculous Fanboys who refuse to admit that Treyarch made a Better Call of Duty game then their Precious infinity ward, and then hearing and reading statements from infinity ward developers themselves bashing Treyarch and World at War, hearing how completely arrogant they were/are. It just put me off infinity ward and their games. I still gave modern warfare 2 a chance though, even after being more and more disappointed by every video I saw, and being so utterly frustrated at the Cult-Like Following the game had, and still has. I got the game at the midnight release, and played the hell out of it for about a month, then I felt like vommiting. The Game was/is Horrible. So, when it inevitably came back to Treyarch, and I found out they were creating a game to take place throughout the Cold War, a time period with a plethora of possible stories, I was Extremely excited. Even after realizing that no matter what Treyarch said, Activision wouldn't let them completely ignore modern warfare 2, that Treyarch will have to flow with the current, I am Still excited, and Have faith in Treyarch to Make an Amazing Game.
  12. Yeah. . . Sorry about that, it was a little confontational. Really? Interesting. That's even more confusing then. Mark Lamia confirmed Gary Oldman was Returning as Reznov way back in May.
  13. 3,5,7. That is all.
  14. Zieghail


    World at War's Veteran mode was Tough, but As would Rather have Black Ops' Veteran be more like World at War's than modern warfare 2's. I think I died about 10 times playing modern warfare 2 on veteran, it was barely a challenge. I wouldn't encourage the grenades again, but at lease keep it a little challenging.
  15. I wouldn't even then, not even if it made it so you couldn't sprint, and had a Big Target above your head at all Times. Because the name is horrible, and its just a bad Idea.
  16. ^^^ What he said. Pacing. While it was controversial and completely unexpected, something I think made it cool, the end of it really the only important thing, the actual "mission" was unnecessary. And I just don't see something like it fitting any where into Treyarch's story, But I guess we'll find out eventually.
  17. Thats Only a Rumor. I suggested this when Reznov was confirmed to be returning. Although now it looks like he will be on the American side. But I think it could still be a possibility, Sure the Russian's were Communist Jerks, but Treyarch could easily create a story in From a Russian Perspective, and It would be Awesome. But when you also consider that they are the main antagonist, if not directly then behind the scenes, it makes it less likely. I guess we will just have to Hurry up and Wait.
  18. Why the A1? SA80A2 ftw Because of the Time Period. I want the M1A1 Thompson Submachine Gun. . . Maybe if I say it enough It will Happen? I want the M1A1 Thompson Submachine Gun
  19. Yeah, Like BBS and Robash, This is not Possible. 1) That would be a Massive Fine for the retailer. Over ten thousand Dollars. The Retailer can't even open the Box's or they get fined. 2) Something similar to this has happened with Halo: Reach, Microsoft Permabanned their Xbox, IP, And Gamertag. If He plays the game at all Before November 9th they WILL Find out about it. 5) As previously said, the game won't ship until about a week prior to the release Date. This Won't happen.
  20. I sincerly hope that you can't put silencer's on the Sniper Rifles, But thats probably a Futile Wish. At least not on the Bolt Action Snipers, So I can Snipe With Like a Real Man.
  21. Lol, I don't know about The sitting part, but you better have good Face Insurance! :lol:
  22. Really? You ask this. . . in a Topic about IMDB. . . :facepalm:
  23. I Suggest changing the Interveiwer's text color. I Heart this website by the way!
  24. If it wasn't for infinity ward trying to get the attention of the masses, then you never would have heard eminem in association with Call of Duty. And it is VERY unfortunate that rap is the easiest way to get the attention of the masses. . . Nice video though.
  25. And thats where the Conspiracy starts, But to be honest, another mission like "no russian" would be a bad Idea.
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