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Everything posted by squiddy

  1. I think they should be primary. They are underpowered but as secondaries they would be over powered like mw2. The pistols would mean nothing too because who would choose a pistol over a shotgun? I prefer it to be underpowered then overpowered.
  2. I like your theory. +1
  3. Nice one. I [brains] 'ed ya. My favourite 3 are 1, 12 and 15.
  4. Thats a pretty nice theory.
  5. Ha ha ha ha! Very funny.
  6. I'm not sure why that is happening to you. I have heard they are going to bring out a patch soon to fix multiplayer up with all of the bugs it has. My problem with multiplayer is I can't join friends parties and they can't join mine. It is really stuffed up.
  7. Nice work! So tell us. What was your strategy? +1
  8. Rocket arm. That sounds interesting. Nice one, +1
  9. I haven't really played the zombie maps many times yet so I am not sure on what I want my strategy to be. But so far I have just stayed in the theatre room and run around that area. I am sure that must be a better strategy than but I haven't worked much out yet. After playing five and kino a few times I get the feeling they tried to make it so that everyone wouldn't just to one strategy and there wasn't one obvious spot to camp in the maps. I like it though and I think that it why the new maps are harder, simple because of the way they are set out and designed.
  10. I have noticed it, yes. Hopefully it is some sort of boss. Maybe you will be able to verse it in the first map pack they bring out or something.
  11. Wow. So many people who go the Thompson way. I ALWAYS go the trench gun way. Never buy the Trench gun though. Just go straight to the random weapons box. The only reason I go that way is because I am just so used of it.
  12. Well, it is just a game. So as long we are having fun while playing it who cares if it makes any sense.
  13. squiddy


    The gore was removed from Multiplayer to make room for all the customazation Oh yeah. I would prefer more customization then more gore. It would be cool if they could have both though. If I feel like gore I will just have a couple of games of zombies. lol
  14. It is awesome how you can pick up all equipment once they have been placed. Nice find. +1
  15. squiddy


    I am glad they still have gore in single player and zombies, but does anyone know why the reduced the gore for multiplayer? I don't think anyone knows when the Co-op trailer will be out. I was also looking forward to it on Friday only to be disappointed...
  16. :lol: I get pretty annoyed at this game. Never any where near as bad as that.
  17. The UMPs aren't the thing that annoy me. Its the campers, commando tac knifers, over powered kill streaks, and infinity noob tubes from 1 man army or scavenge combined with danger close. There are also other things that annoy but not quite as much as the things listed above like heart beat sensors.
  18. Failward. Nice one. On topic: I think it was a coincidence. IW doesn't have much to do with Treyarch.
  19. Lol! I didn't know that either. Good question. Hope he answers... But, yeah. I agree with Johnson. Just because it is the same gun that modern warfare 2 had doesn't mean it would be like mw2's version of it. I have faith in Treyarch that they would balance it well.
  20. I don't think it really matters that much.
  21. I hate my current avatar so i will take one. Thumbs up. :D
  22. Thats a good point. BTW, Love the the avatar. lol
  23. Awesome! I would much rather no falling damage then being able to climb obstacles quicker. The only good part about commando was no falling damage. I am glad they are returning it.
  24. The knife he is holding could just be the normal knife that everyone has. The knife you press R3 (on PS3) to use.I know he is holding it up right next to his gun but it isn't even a gameplay picture so it doesn't mean much. I am pretty sure i read somewhere anyway that Treyarch wouldn't be returning the tac knife.
  25. Yeah. Why no email... Is there even anything useful on this website?
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