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Everything posted by squiddy

  1. I would first try out zombies for an hour or two. Then move onto the campaign. Then when i finish try out some multiplayer.
  2. squiddy


    Kill them?! Who told you that... >_>
  3. squiddy


    Hi, Im Squiddy. I love to play COD. Although i like to play all different FPSs, COD is by far my favourite. I have been playing COD ever since COD4 came out. I play all of my games on my PS3. I like to play tennis, guitar and (obviously) games! I love zombies and i am praying it will be back in Black Ops. If it is not i think Treyarch will have made a fatal mistake. I hope to see you around on the forums! Squid
  4. That friend of his that said i can't believe how good this is would be me. I don't like to think the F2000 as an assault rifle. I like to think of it as an SMG. Because of how good it is at close range and the recoil. I can't believe how often you get head shots from the f2000! It is a head shot machine! Although i think the f2000 is good, i like the ACR more. I always use it with red dot, scavenger, stopping power and ninja. I think the only reason people never use the f2000 is because they can't even handle a tiny bit of recoil. noobs... I think the f2000 is a bad gun for HCSD, but good for TDM on medium to small maps.
  5. It is great to see lots of people trying to decode those documents. Nice work. Now all you have to do is find out how that document you translated has anything to do with zombies.
  6. Round 62 by myself.
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