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Everything posted by football5699

  1. I will try as soon as possible (tomorrow) and we are all anxious 8-) Thick, suculent, [brains] can be guarenteed for the person that cracks this
  2. :D congrats to the winners and to everyone.... I wanted those perk bottles :cry:
  3. I have come to realize that maybe we should be trying drrichtofen too even though the dump says erichtofen....erichtofen could just be a password.
  4. wow the whole blacked out portrait thing makes sense.
  5. |------------x-----/-----------------| I moved one more over I think...i estimated idk lol. You are so close to convincing me...it just doesnt seem right thats why im on the fence..... TBH neither does Clarke but thats another thread.....I. Just. Don't. Know.
  6. True but what would MP1 of B Lops 2, or w/e there next game will be, be about....Richtofen has everything he needs....I think its the final countdown. Unless of course Treyarch wastes 3-4 maps on aftermath.... Let me rephrase...This next map pack will be the last of the Richtofen Storyline....expect new characters next game.
  7. Agred (1st one) We need a lyric anylisis! !st. one. Notice the lyric 'hide my sight from eyes i try to fight'. she secretly relises this and keeps it to herself because the zombies will turn aganist and kill her. i like to consider myself a good lyric anylist. LMAO i looked at your sig and nazi zombie cheats are ahead of nazi symbol :lol:
  8. Im starting to slowly shuffle towards TacInsert, Matuzz, and MonopolyMac :? \ I'm about here: |-----------x----/--------------| Left - Tac Middle = slash Right = Anti And yes I will be using this method until the whole thing is resolved 8-)
  9. yea i know....jus sayin because i wanna know now *brat fit* :facepalm:
  10. so on one side we have TacInsert, Matuzz, and Monopoly....The other side is Anti Earth Then there is me in the middle who just wants the freaking answer At least when the story is all said and done...Treyarch needs to answer ALL plot holes :mrgreen:
  11. Good job finding out cause i was getting impatient This is really making me nervous :?
  12. I see this is just as plausible as Clarke being the thief....both have had access to these resources 8-)
  13. I knew it but didn't fully understand it.... so is it possible that Kravchenko's cousin is....Nikolai jk but why not?? I would think multiple zombies dead on the ground would be considered a massacre and maybe the Americans didn't appreciate it.
  14. ANYTHING BUT GEORGE but seriously anything but george (which means they nailed it )
  15. there was a vid before B Lops came out showing a glitch and this guy just went nuts saying the game is broken and stuff.
  16. Guys...lets be honest here.....What gun doesn't suck by round 50 YOU GOT TO ROUND 50 be happy....damn most don't even make it that far. P.S. - I have shot the Thundagun to a zombie about a foot in front of me and it does nothing. Double P.S. - It is not based on a real gun therefore is a special/wonderweapon
  17. So if we get prizes we just give our shipping info because I forget if that was part of the sign-up...if it was, I didn't fill it out. :lol:
  18. it is a nod to the famous "Floating Apple" video.
  19. This = amazing. Play the opening credits and Endgame and it is automatically a win. Hans Zimmer is a monster and MW2 is like a movie. Movie + Surround Sound = Win :lol:
  20. Excellent nod the Caddyshack. It def seems like something Trey would do.
  21. That box has always been suspicious.
  22. Yea but you can hear them activating the eclipse in the radio.
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