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Everything posted by Sigint

  1. You go to the PAP, then equip claymore, then press square or x.... then profit? What about grenades? throw a grenade in lol
  2. yeah its the olympia. it has a significant smoke coming out the end. remember, this is developer gameplay, meaning they probably just use unlimited ammo anyway. when you shoot the olympia, in 3rd person, you can see the pump it even though there is nothing to pump
  3. I didn't really think the inside xbox video revealed much. Was nothing compared to CoTD's. Wish we at least got some developer commentary
  4. May as well give it a try :)
  5. Sigint

    TWO Richtofen's?

    Same thing happened with Call of the Dead trailer (kinda). Rooker had HK21 Ext mags and red dot sight, in first person he had nothing :(
  6. Absolutely. Exactly what i do. I hope this map isnt too hard for solo, because i only play solo. I wish i could play with others
  7. Ahhhk then
  8. yeah he kinda screws up your strategy when he roars and you get stunned and get windmilled. Do you still go to those First To Play events like from WaW? Because i remember Telixion knowing about it a few days before it was announced
  9. Thought you would have liked Call of the Dead more than that. I bet it was George... idk what Shangri-La will be like. at least this time i will get to play the map before waiting a month coz of a friend with an xbox. back on topic. i would love more dynamic changes. just in CoTD it sucked coz you couldnt really see much
  10. So, the only ones good were all WaW and Shangri-La?
  11. Gettin back into zombies carbon? anyway, maybe the night brings howler zombies, day brings napalm zombies.
  12. Maybe you have to get water to that minecart thing to get it going. and it could well be the new power switch, as we saw big wheels turning, possibly producing mechanical power
  13. WaW style was better. creepier, zombies music, and more blood and stuff. now that i think of it, what happened to that chunky crap that came out of their heads that was in WaW, in BO a little blood spills and thats it. carbon, you have connections dont you :)
  14. why the f*ck cant i watch it. it doesnt work. WTF
  15. Am i the only one that thinks this sounds crappy? lol, napalm zombies, ones that make you blind. even a gun that sounds like a math problem for f*cks sake. i am going to wait a while before getting this, this time around, its a good thing xbox gets it first. they can be the testers, i can be the observer.
  16. The ammo that is shot out of the olympia looks definitely icy. it isnt the normal smoke. people over on the cod HQ were saying that you may get different types of ammo when you PaP. Ice and Fire. Fire to kill ice guy. Ice to kill fire guy.
  17. The shrink gun could be the secondary one. i dont see anyone using that as a 'killing a whole group in one trigger' gun
  18. i saw an M14 on a board similar to what its like in CoTD @ 1:05 of the new trailer Quick revive @ :57 New ice zombie at the end, somehow reminds me of crash bandicoot
  19. Sigint


    oh, yeah, now i see. it was an AK74u. it sounded like a stoner coz there was background noise as well. MODS: can you delete this, so people dont get excited about the stoner being in it
  20. Its effects seem very similar to that of the vr11 (judging that it makes them smaller). I hope it wont be as big of a fail as it. Btw, the gun kinda looks like a spiced up enfield
  21. Sigint


    Im pretty sure i just saw it in the trailer, or at least heard it. Its at the part where nikolai is shooting them right after dempsey kills them with a spectre. It has a pretty distinct sound so i hope it is it
  22. what guns did you use in WaW? i guess you dont really need guns but you need something good to rack up all the points to use the barriers
  23. you can do it solo. i do. and i guess you could gameshare since they are close friends
  24. im just going to repost here what i posted on the video: ah, been using this strat for over a year. cant ever get past round 32 though :x . i also used the wunderwaffe, great for owning a whole group, but too bad about the juggernog problem. good video
  25. thinking of a bayonet, i would also like to see something like in dead rising 2, you stab them with a pitchfork, the blast them in the stomach with the shotgun, super effective
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