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Everything posted by IPlayCOD

  1. http://people.bakersfield.com/home/Classified/1767458 The code Dragonlady 93308 leads to this page: Dragon Lady Statue U2 can own! $0 A beautiful statute free to good home. Pick up only 63ft 1in long, 104ft 10in wide. The lady was here. xjjf://hqfytixqhu.sec/vybui/384014383/vybui.zfw
  2. Ok... Ciphered the cipher. So there is a double cipher. What if we need to use the Caesar with a Keyed cipher? and then use that to vigenere or vice versa.
  3. Rev11d Meow looks like a user like us. That profile has 100's of posts a month.
  4. EDIT: Why is there no week 4?
  5. Conspiracy is the cats meow was a clue to get to the right conspiracy group. I think the clue lies on the MERCHANDISE as well as using 16 with the Caesar Cipher or something of the sort.
  6. Tried the Caesar cipher with the different number key for each word nothing. What does MERCHANDISE mean? Giovan specifically asked if we received his MERCHANDISE
  7. Maybe a revisit to freedom7.com to find a key for the cipher.
  8. Mercury was the first thing I tried. As the password to the rar file or the key to the cipher?
  9. Try Mercury or something related to Freedom 7.
  10. I think they were expecting us to FIND SIG GIOVAN via that conspiracy group. When Giovan saw the post by X O he pointed him to the right group.
  11. Ignore that post... its me. Was just pointing Azure in the right direction.
  12. nothing else has got me past 8% What about Freedom 7 with a space? or just Freedom
  13. I guess I'm being thick headed but can't wrap my head around it.
  14. How do you use that?
  15. The email to the user is giovanbattistabellaso16[at]gmail.com
  16. Maybe the entire message is an anagram: COMPLETE THE FILE FIND SIG GIOVAN
  17. Here's NSAM 10 in case the 5 + 5 = 10 has anything to do with it. Here's a list of all NSAM's http://www.jfklibrary.org/Historical+Re ... /NSAMs.htm
  18. Anyone else notice that the Google Analytics are back on the site?
  19. You guys do great work on these transmissions! With the hacked images of password and access denied it does seem like the flash file of videos may be interactive and allow us to go maybe a little further? Has anyone deciphered the blinking orange light to the bottom right of the channels? It looks like Morse code of some sort.
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