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Everything posted by gordogg24p

  1. Tell me it isn't a frag fest like W@W's veteran mode was. That was absolute BS.
  2. When using the YouTube tags, you only need to include the bit at the end, "n9dSt3TEaYQ" in this case. e.g. [youtube*]n9dSt3TEaYQ Just remove the * Oh. Thanks. It just changes forum to forum so I was wondering what happened.
  3. n9dSt3TEaYQ Metallica opens the launch party with Creeping Death.
  4. That should've been the launch trailer. The real launch trailer sucked.
  5. Don't worry. I love Metallica. I just don't think they would fit right in a trailer for this game.
  6. Some good ideas, some bad. I particularly like your names and ideas for new Perks-a-Colas.
  7. Just keep in mind that ZOMBEH** lovers aren't the only ones following him. Tons of Call of Duty fans are following the guy. ikik but us zombie nerds have gotten near nothing. We get access to the backroom that most of the customers don't even know exists in the store (for the sake of my analogy). 95% of the people planning to buy Black Ops would have no clue what you were talking about if you said anything about GKNova6. Treyarch will give us the fun lovin'! :shock:
  8. Just keep in mind that ZUMBEH lovers aren't the only ones following him. Tons of Call of Duty fans are following the guy.
  9. I'm taking your credibility badge away from you forever. Ride the Lightning is far from Metallica's best song, much less the best song ever. On topic: Hopefully, something original (Elena Seigmann, anybody?). Someone said Bad Company by Five Finger Death Punch. I like that idea, but for the novelty, I would suggest the original. That's your opinion not fact. That's wikiality, not just my opinion.
  10. I'm taking your credibility badge away from you forever. Ride the Lightning is far from Metallica's best song, much less the best song ever. On topic: Hopefully, something original (Elena Seigmann, anybody?). Someone said Bad Company by Five Finger Death Punch. I like that idea, but for the novelty, I would suggest the original. EDIT: Scratch that. 5FDP made the song so much more awesome.
  11. They should just make it so the guest has access to all the stuff the logged in profile already has. The guest is an equal rank with the person they are tagged along with. That's how it is in LBP. If you are a guest, you have access to whatever the host has unlocked.
  12. Sounds extreme. Can't wait. Looks good too. 8-)
  13. False alarm? :facepalm:
  14. PSN: gordogg24p Steam: gordogg24p Can you tell there is a common theme amongst my usernames?
  15. I remember watching NOVA specials in science class that my teachers taped directly off PBS. But the levels of coincidence in relation to the show are ridiculous. There's definitely no correlation, but that's weird how much matches up randomly.
  16. Really? Because I recall a patch that blocked the Javelin glitch that released right around the time that the studio was on its post-launch vacation...must've been Blizzard or someone else then.
  17. Yeah the fifth one was really badass but im sure the ones after 5th prestige are cooler. As long as the eagles in those emblems are more epic, then yes. Otherwise, I can't complain about how BAMF #5 is. The guy who designed that one deserves a raise.
  18. If those are real, I probably would get to fifth prestige, then never play again.
  19. Okay. So it is a frequency. Now why did they choose the number for the frequency that they chose? So far, this has proven nothing to us.
  20. Where did the "3" go?
  21. They hate it because it is popular to hate. Add to that the fact that this is a zombie-centric forum and will therefore carry one of the highest concentrations of Treyarch fanboys, and you will find a ton of people who think it is the worst game ever. Not to mention that gamers are the most hyper-critical group of people in the world. Really, Infinity Ward did a GREAT job with MW2. And like every game, it has its problems. But when you end up with such a large user base, you end up with a huge number of people who do nothing but exploit those few problems in the game. That, in turn, causes more people to turn to those exploits because they think it is the only way to beat the original exploiters. You end up with a very small fraction of the community who tries to play regularly, and an even smaller fraction who aren't so bothered by it. If Black Ops follows the current CoD trend and outsells its predecessor, you'll find your way into the same situation. Head over to a board that is Modern Warfare 2 focused, and you will find just as much hate for W@W and Black Ops. Be ready for everyone to be screaming about the R/C Car, the one-hit kills from the dog killstreak, and the ballistic knife.
  22. My theory is that "Cosmic Silverback" is just a name for an arcade game randomly off to the side during campaign. My best guess would be something along the lines of the original Donkey Kong arcade cabinet. Donkey Kong is called the Cosmic Silverback and you are just playing like it is the original Donkey Kong. The speed boost trophy/achievement is another random game you can play in some Vietnamese arcade. Those are my guesses.
  23. I had to go back and look for your post. Honestly, I haven't even found it yet. So I'm not that concerned if what you did say sounds similar to what I said at some point. :lol:
  24. I tried 47093 right away to no avail.
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