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Lizizadolphin last won the day on September 19 2016

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About Lizizadolphin

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  1. animation drawn by hand is fun but man is it hard

  2. kronorium.com for all your apothicon and keeper translation needs

  3. I shut down the power for the night. we must conserve the gasoline, so i am told, because the Emperor is in doubt of the usefulness of our research here at the Rising run Facility, and that resupplying the facility will now occur every other month rather than our usually scheduled weekly drops. Hopefully, the new meteor site produces higher grade samples, ones we can actually use. Wait is that a plane I hear. The resupply is not scheduled for another week. I see a bright light in the sky... Solved it using a Cryptogram, letter changes are here. By the way, where is this cipher located?
  4. Don't know if it has been discovered already, but found a radio in lab A next to the workbench.
  5. Found this cipher down in the bunker where you build the WW as well as upgrade it. The cipher text itself is: You can translate it using Letter Numbers, and the message is as follows:
  6. Wish I posted more like I used to years ago

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      Same. My problem is that the activity here is low nowadays, and I've got nothing to talk about. If off topic was more active again, I might hang out here more.

  7. That's what I meant, the effect changes when you upgrade the sword, so lightning when nonupgraded and ghost sword when upgraded.
  8. Yes, there are 2 sword models, non-upgraded and upgraded. The names are changed and I think there's maybe a difference in what the swords can do but that's about it.
  9. There are actually 4 swords in the map, one for each character. Each sword is individually named but have the same function. Blue swords, or Apothicon swords, aren't upgraded but can be, in which they become the Reborn or Keepers sword (more powerful and changed ability).
  10. Fun fact: there are quotes in the sound files regarding the EE step involving Nero's book (which I'm assuming weren't actually put in because no EE dialogue ffs). I think Jessica's quote is the most interesting because it specifically mentions the Keepers and their purpose. This can be heard at the 15:52 mark in this video.
  11. These quotes they say are altered versions of their Origins starting quotes. Dempsey: "Field report. Confirming arrival at site identified in our intel. No sign of the target nor the other agents believed to be on intercept course. Dempsey out." "Target area appears affected by an unknown contaminant. Enemy personnel had degenerated to their primal instincts, exhibiting irrational and unparalleled savagery. Recommend all allied units set up exclusion zone until further intel is available." "Confirming reports of large-scale mechanization by the German forces. Attempts to gather intel are being hampered by the infected enemy." Nikolai: "What in Lenin's name is going on? I saw a huge steel beast, tall as the spires of Moscow Cathedral! Just what have the Germans been doing in this place?" "My every step is beset by attacks from legions of unnatural creatures. Stumbling, rotten... filthy corpses!" "I must find a way to survive this nightmare. Perhaps... these machines may help me fend off the wretched hordes." Takeo: "Our concerns over the German plans appear well founded. Huge mechanized weapons stalk the battlefield. I must ensure the Emperor learns of these developments." "There is great evil in this place. Spirits and demons walk this land, possessing the remains of fallen warriors." "If I am to survive, I must learn how these machines operate. Such technology could allow Germany to enslave the world." Richtofen: "Gah! I... I am alive! Ja... his brain... where's the brain? I completed the operation, just before the robot attacked. Nein, Maxis must wait. They will be here again soon. I must prepare the defenses, start up the conversion generators." "I must work quickly, there is so much to do. A vessel for Maxis, the staffs, the opening of the gateway." "Gah, how am I supposed to work when all around me, I am beset by the voices of the damned and the doomed. Euuh, how? Calm down, Edward! Focus. Was I bitten? Was I scratched? Nein, nein, I am being paranoid. I must remember what Maxis taught me."
  12. Unlocking the Chalkboard Secrets I think you'll find lots of information in this post!
  13. There are 4 teasers, 3 are videos and one is a still image.
  14. http://gyazo.com/2cf24a41cfb1855b3d1de58490b47f8d Not a clear image but interesting none the less. This is from the very end of the video, looks like a face on a screen?
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