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Everything posted by argyros

  1. the game only looks like MW2 from what ive seen they both will play differntly the guns are not overpowered you have to burst fire to get a accurate shot plus it looks like it takes 4-5 bullets to the chest to kill and the callsigns are believe are much better in black ops then MW2(on a side note both people died from the RC one was sent flying the other was leaning over the rail) edit:anybody getting addicted to the trailer i just cant stop watching it :D
  2. i didnt not see any prestige emblems the highest ranked person that i saw was lvl 41 edit:i like the callsigns in blacks ops more because its a emblem and a background not a stupid title
  3. they look more like bodies falling
  4. i dont know why people are afraid of the RC we know nothing about it.i would only be worried about it if you could change speeds,reverse,and if it does not have a timer
  5. i dont see how the crossbow is unbalanced it looks like its used for close range and only has two bolts
  6. as long as noobtubes stay out of multiplayer ill be happy
  7. Gr4phix@save your judgement till september 1 because right now for me it looks like it will be a good game i also want beta :D
  8. This. I jizzed in my pants the first time, then when I actually watched the footage the second, I was going "What the hell? Looks like MW2 in the Cold War." I already saw the FAMAS, if you look to the right when he uses it, you'll see a guy rolling. Uhm, I saw the MP5 Supressor The new Red Dot looks hella sick. Again, it looks like there's no weapon recoil, which is going to fucking suck. (Excuse me for my language) I can't say much though.. did anyone else notice the epic Commando lung near 0:30? Those Shooting-Knives look sick though, the Spetsnaz use them, so I know it's real atleast. Hopefully they'll be a BETA, and we get to test everything before the game comes out. @Argyros, look at the game dude, I mean, the Care Packages, the Title/Emblem thing pops up when you kill someone, the "First Blood, Double Kill, etc." stuff, just rewatch the footage and keep MW2 in mind, you'll see what we're talking about. that stuff is similar but other things are differnt like the guns have recoil and idle sway(compare the MW2 guns to Bo guns) plus the emblems look better now and theres not really a title more of a background.
  9. how do people not see the recoil from the guns
  10. ive been reading some of the comments on youtube and alot say black ops looks like MW2 which i dont get they havent even played the game and only saw 1 minute of gameplay
  11. it looks good but i cant decide untill i play it i mean just look at MW2
  12. deadshock your not dual wielding normal knife and ballistic knife your holding the ballistic knife ammo(it looks like that to me/i hope) and i think ballistic knife replaces normal melee(just what i think)
  13. the callsigns look more like better looking emblems and then a background
  14. the crossbow has only two bolts and the knife that can shoot
  15. i get it the camera replaces your mini map
  16. anybody notice the gaint missle/spaceship flying off doing the match
  17. the crossbow looks more like a up close weapon then a weapon you use at a distance edit:i also noticed crossbow only had two shots
  18. have you even played waw or cod4?
  19. take out stopping power and juggernaut and since theres vehicles add a perk that increases damage done to vehicles(new version of stopping power) also add a perk that makes vehicles do less damage to you(new version of juggernaut) :D
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