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Everything posted by RedDeadRiot

  1. Cali bound! Will be AFCoDz for a week or so, will check in on news on the iPhone machine. Have a great weekend peeps :)

  2. But when does it stop? I wasn't in to gaming too much when 360/ps3 released so I don't know how support for the previous gen was handled. I know games were released cross gen for a while but I'm not sure for how long. This will be third CoD title on next current gen...
  3. Like the layout, hate the fact that there is Star Wars on the front of our page. Cannnn we keep it zombie or at least CoD related?
  4. By master race you mean XB1 right @Tasha? Get off the Slademobile.
  5. This isn't where I parked my car

  6. Thread updated with Coordinates and locations of said Coordinates.
  7. Post with all images found so far here, will update as more are found/ images are "decoded" - http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/179006-backinblack-trailer-findings/

  8. I have created a thread dedicated to images in the trailer and the breakdowns to keep everything more organized. Post all your findings in THIS thread so we can keep images and findings organized and together!! http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/179006-backinblack-trailer-findings/#entry1728037
  9. MODS please move to proper sub once they are established. In an attempt to keep findings organized, post here and I will update OP as more screens are found, and more information is "discovered". When discussing image information, refer to the image number listed above the image you are discussing. ​Trailer Hidden Trailer Images Coordinates
  10. I don't think they would ever make a futuristic version of the seal logo, that thing has stood for a long time and it would be a dishonor to the Seals to change it. My 2 cents.
  11. Zombie Hype Season. Where I spend about 7 and a half hours of work running down the rabbit hole, and a half hour working.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      That would imply the rabbit hole isn't working!

    2. The Clay Bird
  12. Judging by the Huey, back to nam? *Everyone claps while shaking their heads*
  13. Kinda looks like the first area in Buried. Imagine facing it from the House, I think Jug is under the staircase that's on one of the buildings on the right, next to the Jail which would be in the very back right on the right,
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedDeadRiot


      Wasn't it the same guy that "leaked it"? Still a better idea than Black Ops 3, regardless of it's legitimacy.

    3. RedDeadRiot


      And that's why i said "still convinced" lol

  14. I'd be seriously surprised if this idea didn't get stuck in front of Acti already. And all they saw was $$$$$ They wouldn't do this as DLC, they'd release it as it's own game. Release one map pack and have 4 maybe 5 maps, or release a standalone game with all classic maps that people would pay 40/50/60 dollars for, and you could at that point do the rewritten story arc. This would be ideal imo, I've already paid for the WaW maps twice, not paying for DR a third time(Who am I kidding, I totally would but I will stomp and bitch the entire time) unless that payment includes every zombie map to date.
  15. The book in the background, with the drawings...Maxis' diary?
  16. Same thing happened to me on my first play of the Beta, shot a guy in the face and he flew through a wall and got stuck on his foot lol.
  17. For those who observe, Happy Easter my zombie slaying friends.

  18. New header image brought to you by three bottles of Vodka, 115(ish) ambien pills, and 935 hours tracing the O4.

    1. InfestLithium


      cowl of doody zahmbees

    2. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      bravo! love it

    3. Cheesegrater28


      Wait. That's not Mr. Garrison and Kyle?

  19. New header image brought to you by three bottles of Vodka, 17(ish) ambien pills, and 17 hours of punching the fat metal guy in extinction trying to get a Cheeseburger out of him

  20. Fucking up zombies on Infection around 3:30 PST today, lets get a team together before then. #TheyNeedAnAppForThis

  21. That's not strictly true with regards to degrees. Any job that requires creative thinking or design will be judged on your working portfolio first. If a degreeless person is more talented than someone with a degree, the person with the degree will be drawing the short stick. I was assuming that both candidates were equally experienced, my bad. Ticky tack post on my part
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