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Everything posted by m12

  1. Welcome to the forums mate! Hope you have a great time here! if you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  2. Guys, there is 2 days until release, you can all wait that long. It's highly unlikely the rules will change.
  3. Welcome to CoDz mate! Hope you have an awesome time here! If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  4. When using the YouTube tags, you only need to include the bit at the end, "n9dSt3TEaYQ" in this case. e.g. [youtube*]n9dSt3TEaYQ Just remove the *
  5. Welcome to the forum! Hope you have an awesome time while your here! If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  6. m12

    the name GK

    The Illuminati was actually founded in Bavaria in the 18th Century, (1770-ish, if I remember correctly), and was modeled on the Freemasons, but wasn't formed by them.
  7. I could be wrong, but i believe that the -6 is just a continuation on the project name. Project Nova-6, as in Nova-6 nerve gas. But still very possible. I remember mentioning the Rainbow Six link in one of my first posts, but subsequently forgot about it, nice work reminding me! I actually think this is true, the General is the leader of the Nova group, so he is Nova Six.
  8. m12


    Look again, it was a CK logo (C for carbon!) :P
  9. m12


    what did? Getting the username and password...
  10. m12


    Haha, it wasted a few minutes, quite fun, really! :D
  11. Welcome to CoDz! I hope you have a great time here! It seems you've already got a profile picture, and there is a thread in the Media Centre section for requesting signatures.
  12. m12


    Welcome to CoDz! I hope you'll have an awesome time here! If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  13. This is awesome news! Well done carbon, for making such an awesome site! :D
  14. m12

    hey it's me

    Welcome mate! Hope you have a good time at CoDz! A word of advice, Henry Langham is fake, and many people on here don't like you talking about him. :)
  15. m12


    That link won't work, it's linking to something on your computer, which we don't have access to. You need to upload it using a site like Photobucket or something.
  16. m12

    Bonus round 4

    I'm sitting here watching it... Zombies is talked about, but no trailer. :(
  17. m12

    Bonus round 4

    http://www.gametrailers.com/episode/bonusround/410?ch=1 It's now up :D
  18. Welcome to CoDz mate! Hope you have a great time while you're here! If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  19. all of this germany banning stuff shows that there must be more nazi/ww2 references and stuff like that in BO surely not..? Or just a lot of violence, pretty sure they can't sell/buy violent games.
  20. This site allows you to make a single personalised dog tag for $7, and it has free worldwide shipping.
  21. Well, the trophy could be included with the care package, if that gets chosen. Yes this could very well happen, we would have to sort out some sort of donation site for that to happen though. Carbon will not be paying for things out of his pocket unless he chooses to donate. Whoever brought the idea up could maybe do that as their contribution? But i like the idea as well. 'Twas my idea It'll cost just over a tenner for the trophy. I could just get it shipped to whoever was collecting all the items (most probably an American), so it proably will cost £20 overall.
  22. Well, the trophy could be included with the care package, if that gets chosen.
  23. Thanks ddanso and Phillips I nominate Demon, he's been doing loads of work, trying to stop leaks, arguments, etc.
  24. m12

    Its Matuzz

    Welcome mate! hope you have a great time here at CoDz! f you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  25. That is what it said. Note the Xbox 360 only in brackets. :cry: This is BS That's probably because it's talking about Gold accounts. On the PS Blog article, it said you could have a mate signing in with another PSN account, and you could rank up normally.
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