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Gun man

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Everything posted by Gun man

  1. No, losing a gun would be kinda cheap, and losing your perks means that you would have to die, or treyarch could find another way, and they should most defiantly keep the hell hounds, but could have them not as often if they do have a max ammo machine, which should cost the same amount as the PaP (10,000)
  2. Did not make this Who thinks this would make a cool nazi zombies map, or any other island map would be cool for nazi zombies?
  3. Yah, because I was playing veruuckt with my brother and we both had absolutely NO ammo! Man, we were running around, throwing grenades, and using electro barriers. Finally, finally, I got a browning from the mystery box, so basically, I was the only one who had ammo. In shi no numa, I NEVER ran out of ammo, ( except for the wunderwaffle, but that doesn't have a lot of ammo)
  4. I want your opinion on this, but do you think that hell hound rounds are good for you? I do, because at the end, you get a max ammo which really helps in the later rounds.
  5. Gun man

    My lucky day?

    Well, u could've been lucky, cause same thing happened to me, got a wunderwaffle out of the mystery box, and thought there was only 1 guy left ( a crawler) but there was another guy who killed me, then when I did the mystery box again, I got a wunderwaffle!! anyway, your teammates shouldn't have killed you because that is just saying that they don't want you to play, or something. Besides, they could have gotten to high rounds with you.
  6. Yah, u didn't know, my fault, I should have told everyone. Thanks anyways! I am sure this strategy will help us win! ( or, at least get to round 40)
  7. Gun man

    Cut off?

    ok, well thanks for letting me know!
  8. I am doing this with my brother, and we play it on the ipod where the hell hounds tend to come at round 4. ( which is why I open the debris so we can get to the mystery box quicker and I can get a thompson)
  9. Well, sometime the hell hounds come at round 4! So leave in the middle of round 3?
  10. I am having a bit of trouble at the first rounds on shi no numa, and should I open the debris or open the barred door? I usually buy a thompson off the wall ( I get really bad guns in the first couple rounds) and should I do this? Should I either buy a thompson or a random gun? I need a strategy, so if you have one thats really good, please tell me!
  11. Gun man

    Cut off?

    Has anybody ever been cut off of a nazi zombie game and don't know why? That happened to me, I was on my ipod and I was playing local wi-fi with my brother and his friend. I had a bar, and was shooting a dog on shi no numa, then all of a sudden, it sent me to the home page! Has this ever happened to you? ( can be on ps3 or xbox also!) I didn't hit the home button either!
  12. Gun man

    No guns?

    So I could have 2 upgraded colts? That would be AWESOME!!!
  13. Gun man

    No guns?

    Oh, well ok thanks for letting me know, and anyway, if you only have a colt and put it in the PaP you get another colt, you take the upgraded colt so you have 2 colts, an upgraded colt and a normal colt?
  14. Gun man

    No guns?

    I have been thinking about der riese and how the guns will move back toward the pack a punch if you upgrade it, what would happen if you let a gun go back into the pack a punch? And what would happen if you put your only gun in there and let it stay there? In other words, what would happen if you left a gun in there, don't get a new gun, then left your other gun in there? I can't find out, because I keep dying if I try to do it. Can someone try to do it for me? :?: :?:
  15. Well, ddanso7 you do have a point, and i did not say i was right! I highly doubt it, but anyway, why DID they teleport to Der Riese? I think that they had to escape the zombies, or something. And please don't be mean to me if its obvious.
  16. I have known that the dogs ONLY come at round 5 or after it, but on the ipod in shi no numa, they most likely come at round 4! Its annoying because i OPEN the barrier to the mystery box at the end of round 3, and everyone dashes to the mystery box! (i suggest buying a thompson if dogs come at round 4 and you just got to the mystery box, its on the opposite wall from the mystery box) Does anybody know why this happens? PLEASE help! A lot of people die on round 4 because of this! Oh, and its hard for people with 2nd generation ipods to fight the dogs since it lags a lot! (i use a 2nd generation ipod!)
  17. My highest round on shi no numa with somebody else is round 61, but I got bored and quit.
  18. Yes, peter could have become a zombie, BUT he would look much different than the zombies in shi no numa, wouldn't he?
  19. I think that he is was a scientist who was trying to make a teleporter, and then tried to tame the zombies, but couldn't and died somehow?
  20. Well, since you hear the little girl Sam a lot in der riese, i think, and this is most likely a stupid theory, that SAM teleported them there. Seriously though, it is a stupid theory, and i dont even know why i am replying with it.
  21. Hey! Grave update, another grave location is by the zipline power switch, and the original location (where i first found it) is also in the same area!! Anyway, i think that peter is NOT in the grave, due to the fact that you do not find a skeleton, or some type of corpse, after you dig it up, and that nothing different happens besides the wunderwaffle.
  22. Ok, so there are a LOT of questions about the grave from the ipod touch in shi no numa. It is NOT an achievement. A message about finding the grave appears when u open all the huts which will contain a perk, and only AFTER u can get all the perks in shi no numa (remember, this is for ipod only!) a grave will appear. What happens when u find the grave and tap the dig icon? Which ever gun you are holding, will be replaced with a WUNDERWAFFLE!!!! But, there is also a bad thing about the grave! :shock: It has HIDDEN locations! I have only found 1 location, on the first island in the swamp water when you are going to the docters quarters. But i KNOW there are other locations, because i have gotten all perks available, and it wasn't where it was the first time I found out the secret. Oh, and after all perks are available, your knife is now a SHOVEL!! :lol:
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