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I SgT GeneRaL I

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Everything posted by I SgT GeneRaL I

  1. lmao
  2. so right now my xbox dashboard has the blackops theme, anyone else got this.!?
  3. 8.8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
  4. yeh i checked also is true.
  5. you have all forgotten about the tar... the TAR with a holographic site is UNBEATABLE>!
  6. i got prestige edition, also got the statergy guide so its like a collectors thing, they match! its nerdy but COOL!!
  7. does tht not make you spamming? think about it!! lol jks¬!
  9. i would love it to be xbox360 exclusive, lol but it wont be, remember when it MW2 first come out, ps3 servers crashed and crashed hard, so they gunna HAVE to put a betta on ps3, if they dont they stupid. ( NO OFFENCE )
  10. lol no comment just LOL
  11. hey triix see what you did ? read ur post again LOLz
  12. i would have like a sprinkler to water the grass :D
  13. still not prestiged due to console switch,
  14. why u saying this? u got issues? lol SPECULATION!!!!! this has all bin said before dude.
  15. yeh co op modes are confirmed. was confirmd on E3.
  16. lol love killing the undead? then ur in the right place.
  17. sweet sweet ping.... nd sweet sweet hackerz...
  18. cuz its between 18-22
  19. it cant just be me, everyone else's is fine.
  20. on my pc, ur bars are next to each other nd they go far...... >>>>>>>>
  21. lol cuz i suck
  22. i think u alrdy on my friends list mate
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