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Everything posted by AlphaSnake

  1. Getting this in early. Staff please leave as global for 24 hours. I raise my glass to all here at codz. May 2013 be your year. Happy new year. Regards Alpha.
  2. Hope every one has had a good day. Roll on 2013. Regards Alpha.
  3. No I don't have a 3D tv I should have been clearer. This is old type of 3d sickness. I used to get it from games like doom. Makes it very hard to play, I start sweating then I feel dizzy then the sick feeling so I have to stop. All this in the space of ten minutes. Must be just me. Regards Alpha.
  4. Get a lot of this from campaign. Gave me a spliting head ache using the horses. I've only just started playing campaign. Was almost as bad as playing numbers. Is anyone else getting this? Regards Alpha.
  5. That would be great timing for the holidays. Maybe this will give me some inspiration. Regards Alpha.
  6. This sounds about right. Next route comes with DLC. Its logical Jim. Regards Alpha.
  7. :lol: @Dubz too right matey. Regards Alpha.
  8. You need to look beyond wiki for information on these places. You mention Dulce, then you should look into Phil Schneider. I did mention some of these places in my deep research that was in the Asylum. I need to start really looking into the new developments. Regards Alpha.
  9. Nope, nothing like it at all. Unless you count the fact that it is round... Sorry. Regards Alpha.
  10. Once things calm down I will be taking a hard look at TranZit. I've be busy as hell these last few weeks, almost no time to play at all. I'm sure I can come up with a theory or two. Not sure anybody even cares what I have to say on the matter. Regards Alpha.
  11. AlphaSnake


    Googling Avogadro illuminati http://www.decentfilms.com/articles/fact-checking-brown However, the technology to generate a gram of antimatter is completely beyond us, as is the technology to capture it. A gram of, say, anti-hydrogen would contain approximately 6.022 x 1023 atoms (a figure commonly known as Avogadro’s number). That is so much larger than the mere millions of anti-hydrogen atoms CERN is currently capable of making that to create a gram of anti-hydrogen using this process would take billions of years. It is also far more than the amount of anti-hydrogen containable with present technology. For more, see CERN’s own highly informative and entertaining Angels & Demons FAQ. Sorry if this is a repeat. Regards Alpha.
  12. Nope sorry the eggs never really last more than a few days. Putting the pieces in place is what take months, some times even years. The eggs should have unlocked something more... Like another location. Regards Alpha.
  13. To quote a founding father of this site "Video/picture or GTFO" nuff said. If any of this was true, Milo & Nick would have found it already. The egg is over in my book. Treyarch, not being funny but these eggs really need to do more these days. Regards Alpha.
  14. Carbon is only a Quality Assurance Tester at the moment. Not sure his influence is that strong, yet... Still I'm very happy for him, and insanely jealous at the same time. If only I lived in America, I would camp outside Treyarch spawn killing until they gave me a job on the Z team. Sigh, guess that will never happen for me. We should have a who is Carbonfibah thread to explain to the newer people who he is & what he did. Remember they chose to do the GK thing with Carbon & a few select others. Alpha.
  15. So how was my aim...? Regards, Alpha.
  16. Yeah nuketown 24/6! Still this chaos mosh pit isn't working for me. I don't get hours to play, maybe a hour tops. (Kids) It always seems to force Hijacked even if the vote is on another map. Tried twice today to get a few NT matches in, I didn't get NT & was frozen out again. Regards, Alpha.
  17. Didn't see that. He should have posted a link. Regards, Alpha.
  18. Could be that Richtofen is messing with space/time again. When Sam was in the pyramid she had access to the box & the MDT system across space/time. Richtofen being in his new position would give him access to the same powers that Sam had. Thus if the box was there Richtofen can go back to that time & place when ever he wants. Regards, Alpha.
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Stuhlinger Ernst Stuhlinger (December 19, 1913 Niederrimbach, Germany – May 25, 2008) was a German-born American atomic, electrical, and rocket scientist. After being brought to the United States as part of Operation Paperclip, he developed guidance systems with Wernher von Braun's team for the US Army, and later was a scientist with NASA. He was also instrumental in the development of the ion engine for long-endurance space flight, and a wide variety of scientific experiments. Come on guys this one was easy. He is a paperclip baby. Regards, Alpha.
  20. What do you lot like to run with? Regards, Alpha.
  21. I've always used 115 for my clan tag. Nothing we can do until Elite is fixed up. Regards, Alpha.
  22. Nuketown is the transition map just like Kino was in BO. Nuketown is destroyed in Zombies mode indicating that the outbreak occured after the nuke in nuketown goes off. There is again a mix of past & future in this map. Nuketown shows the change of power from Sam to Richtofen, I think it was around round 25 when it happened for me. Still your in Nuketown collecting the souls of the zombies for Richtofen. See the song Carrion. He is having us fill his quota. (Back to deals with the devil here). Once you die the Moon nuke hits. TranZit take part after this event. I also believe the bus in Nuketown was take over by Richtofen & transformed for TranZit. You have to rememeber that time & space is distorted in Nazi Zombies so events being decades apart can happen at the same time. Also, I recently watched the watchmen again. Dr. Mahattan said that if all the nukes on Earth were used in a nuclear war then a Tachyon pulse would be sent back through time. Could be the same is happening here. Maxis in the future sends the nukes to Earth causing massive damage & enough Tachyons to allow transmissions from Moon to be heard in Nuketown via the clock tower. IDK needs more time. The first DLC should answer these questions. Regards, Alpha.
  23. Imps & the Black Forrest. I said this to Milo, they are demonic in nature. Satan's minions. Like I've been saying for a while, if you accept this as a fact not a theory, things get easier to understand. Put yourself in the players shoes. The world is on fire, zombies are everywhere. Lava is flowing, lightning & thunder. Then these little monsters start attacking you in the fog scratching your eyes out. What would you call them...? Demons, monsters. Then we have Treyarch's acknowledgement of the use of "Magic", Supernatural phenomena in action. Which has a very devilish satanic aire to it all. Come on people 2+2 = the devils show right here. They even told us this in Nightmare. I don't care what anyone says those songs are written for zombies. They contain clues aswell as outright confirmations. Regards, Alpha.
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