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Everything posted by Fentna

  1. "The Chernobyl accident in 1986", "flawed reactor design", "inadequately trained personnel", "5% of the radioactive reactor core into the atmosphere", "It was a direct consequence of Cold War isolation","Psycho-social effects", "The actual number of deaths caused by this accident is unlikely ever to be precisely known","heavily contaminated areas in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine","Graphite","Khmelnitski","Novokuznetsk","vault 6". That's all I'm authorisedto say without violating any terms and agreements. The rest is up to you. Good luck.
  2. "The Chernobyl accident in 1986", "flawed reactor design", "inadequately trained personnel", "5% of the radioactive reactor core into the atmosphere", "It was a direct consequence of Cold War isolation","Psycho-social effects", "The actual number of deaths caused by this accident is unlikely ever to be precisely known","heavily contaminated areas in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine","Graphite","Khmelnitski","Novokuznetsk","vault 6". That's all I'm authorisedto say without violating any terms and agreements. The rest is up to you. Good luck. No tangent this time.
  3. Hello, Don't know if it has been said but check out what happens when the power button is repeatedly pressed. Does this mean anything? Other channels too? Fentna
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