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About DionLord

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  1. DionLord

    Found Samantha!

    http://twitch.tv/thatgamingshow omg?
  2. What are steps 1 & 2?
  3. Also, you needed the VR-11 for Call of the Dead EE. So I bet your right.
  4. Screenshot time I want to be one of these guys, I want to play :C btw, spoilers dont work :C? http://localhostr.com/file/eqL7nY5/IMG_0069.JPG
  5. FIVE leaderboards are glitched, same for me.
  6. All the achievements are blue. So it's not a PS3 trophy. Idk how they figured it out, but it's looks pretty legit actually.
  7. Deadshot was on the G4V trailer at the beginning, in the MP5K room.
  8. See for yourself, it's on the page.
  9. Is Richtofen going to die (revenge?)? Screenshot page - Wiki Page
  10. http://www.xbox360achievements.org/game ... ievements/ Big Bang Theory.
  11. Oh, please not!
  12. DionLord

    Moon Before Ascension

    This was the last Zombie map, right?
  13. This is real, I think. Or at least, I hope so, this is going to be epic!
  14. Thanks mate!
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