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Posts posted by goldkilla88

  1. Sams rooms are on the left, teleporter rooms are up top. Notice that there's only 4 of them.. There's only 4 rooms. Air Force room is in the top right and the Dentist room is in the bottom right.

    The main menu room / dining room don't exist.

    Hmmmm... do you think you could tell us were/how you got those two rooms Graffiti Skys?

    Those 2 rooms wern't Graffiti's find they were Agent A's so it must be a fib. Something Graffit Skys has to update...

    No... I did not even know who Agent was then, I was asking how he found those rooms. From a person, or himself. But I know now.

  2. Wow; what crawled up your ass and died? Your negativity astonishes me. I clearly stated I wasn't referring to the Cosmic Silverback, but yet you keep on bringing it up. Just because you're too uptight to imagine anything else out there, doesn't mean I have to be. Just because all you SEE is crawlers, doesn't mean something else isn't out there. I say this, for I've opened the theater and had the same roar and roof collapse, with NO Gas Zombies coming out! I did it in the middle of a Round. So you're telling me they just bust up the roof, and sit up there patiently waiting for me to start the next Round before they come down?

    Oh; and also, they rumbling and roof collapsing happens more than once fool. For if you circle around a couple times, one entering either the theater or the lobby, you will once again hear a roar and more pieces of the roof will fall off. These are my two MAIN reasons why I know it's not "Creepy Crawlies". For one; the roof didn't just shake; the WHOLE building shook. Go check for yourself. When you turn on that power the entire building shakes. Also; if it is just crawlers, then where did the roar come from. For not once have I EVER heard a Gas Zombie roar. They hiss and screech, because they're monkeys! I don't care what you say. I believe there's something bigger out there that we don't know about yet.

    (Shrinked to save Space)


    They are a mutated version of a zombie combined with Nova 6! (The multiplayer version of Nova 6 (The gas grenade) comes out of the Gas Zombie when it dies.) And that damn cosmic Silverback is in DOA ONLY. Not trying to be an ass but im sick of seeing these kind of posts with n00bs that try to act like brainy-acts. And this is exactly what I did when I submitted a topic and was not thinking. I looked like a jack-ass when people tried to correct me on things but I would not let them. Again, not trying to bee and ass.

  3. So i noticed that when your in Samantha's room(normal) there is a little play area and you notice four little figurines of Surprise!.. our heroes(Richtofen, Takeo etc). I was wondering if this has anything to do the theory that Samantha is controlling the zombies or maybe even helping us against them. Any ideas on this? [brains]

    I love your theory! :D But one things for sure, Sam hates Richtofen. So that makes a gap. (I would not blame her, If someone killed me i'd be pretty pissed in heaven(or Hell XD) too! :lol: )

  4. I remember that Dempsey once said "Killing zombies since 1945!"

    Now what could that mean? ;)

    He went forward in time, therefor he has been fighting zombies since Shi No Numa, which was around 1945.

    Technically since Nacht der Untoten since you can now play as them there if you got the W@W maps for Black Ops.

    Yes but they only did that because they did not have the old solder models from NDU and ZV. ;)

  5. Fly trap aside, it's fishy that there's been nothing big lately. I thought I was just missing stuff around to forum, but it seems otherwise. We must explore moar! MOAR!!!


    Damn, I wish I had the PC version of CoD BO or I would help you look using noclip :|

    Im going to get it as soon as I can :D

  6. YES! leave the door by the double tap closed.. go all the way around to look for the box. HEADSHOTS are a must! CLAYMORES and Monkeys are also key. the upgraded AK47 can be nice, you can buy ammo off the wall...

    4 days ago.. i made it to


    ranked 771 for most points!

    The only reason I did not make it that far was because the zombies FLANKED us and beat us down -_-



    1) The rumbling occurs EXACTLY when the walls have holes blown from them. Only creepy crawlies come from those holes.

    2) The holes and rumbling starts EXACTLY after the power is activated. The creepy crawlies come once power's activated.

    3) The creepy crawlies "ARE BIG ENOUGH TO MAKE THE SHAKING", because the shaking is only from the holes

    they are making????

    4) The COSMIC SILVERBACK DOES NOT SHAKE THINGS. He shakes nothing in Dead Ops

    5) The shaking occurs ONLY ONCE, and it's due to the creepy crawlies as earlier described.

    6) The Cosmc Silverback WILL NOT FIT THROUGH THE MAP! THUS, HE IS NOT A BOSS. Can you really imagine

    him going through the door by Quick Reload? Think again.

    But for some reason you think....

    That a big gorilla or boss is 'jumping around on the roof', at exactly the same time as the crawlies make holes in the walls.

    And he only jumps once, and then gets tired and never shows up.

    And that if he ever does show up, you can stand in a doorway and he'll be powerless.


    Don't be a complete idiot. There are THE FACTUAL REASONS as to why it's not a boss...

    Would you actually like to provide some evidance for why he is?

    or just keep saying "it's possible", which is just stupid...

    THANK YOU for writing what I was thinking -_-

    My god the damn Silverback Is and is ONLY exclusive to DoA to give it a "classic" arcade feel : P

    For ex.

    Mario fought a raging donkey Kong (Yes I know, terrible example -_-)

  8. Dude, why would they put it in the game if they thought that should not use it? (And besides, mappers need it to look around there maps faster and make sure that everything is working.) And how do you know that they don't like it when we noclip? *Waits for a response*

    If they wanted us to no clip they would put it in the game for everyone to do... Yes it helps them as designers but it is not a open in game function. Therefore not meant to be done.

    Read what I said next time. At no point did I say they do not like no clippers. They just do not cater to them.

    The developers console is open to everyone on the PC version. Consoles don't have it because consoles don't allow themselves to be reprogrammed. They want people to look deeper into the maps, they don't care how. PC players will also be the most helpful because they can look at the files of the games themselves, so they can see how everything is activated, what it's connected to, and things that even we may never notice on our own.

    You just gave me another reason (like the 50th one XD) to re-install my CoD World at War....

  9. you didn't know that?

    No... i'm sorry for this topic, i've never read nothing about this. Sorry again : (

    Im not getting mad at you, I just thought everyone knew this by now :) (with all the no clipping videos on youtube showing things like this)

    also, they are on Der Riese too :)

    (The classic one from WaW and the new updated black ops one both)

  10. Well, depends on which round it is for me, at about round 10 or 11. I tell everyone to open any door they can find, once we have made a path way or a "merry go round" (lol) we run around the map in circles blasting our way through and looking backwords to shoot Zombies/Nova Crawlers (Or Gas Zombie) chasing us.



  11. *Deleted*

    Why just ignore other comments... its not possible. The Silverback part of its name is a type of Gorrila. How are

    those Creepers related in any sort or way. Post better evidence and compare it in future because I'm getting annoyed with you and your comments on the Cosmic Silverback.

    Geez, jerk much?

    No, you seem to miss my point on this topic you made and the comments you made on mine. It seemed that you didn't bother to make a search in the forums for a related topic, play Black Ops (If you don't have it, watch footage of all three maps), explain why it would be called the Cosmic Silverback. People wont give you brains unless you compare and conclude the reasons why you believe what you have found.

    But you seem to have a attitude that you was right first time without properly researching it. Sorry if I come accross like a jerk but i'm tired of those who post topics without much effort or those who rush to post it in hope of credit with checking if other users have already done somethin similar.

    eh, nvm that. I just got them mixed up (Can't tell you how many people on XB Live say its a Cosmic Silverback -_-)

    Sry bout the comments. ^^;

  12. O.K. :evil:


    Call the 'Creepers' whatever you want. Just don't relate them to Cosmic Silverback.

    *calms down*

    Peace :mrgreen:

    Are you stupid? That's what this whole thread is about. >_>


  13. Sure thing guys sorry I haven't posted lately college N all... But yeah Agent A and I was in chat a little while ago and he was saying that theres more rooms and he explained the Main Menu Room and the Dining Room. So if you have any problems with it i'll Un-update it? Ahah. But yeah untill its been decided it will stay up there.

    The rooms could be under the map? I dunno, wish there was a way to use console commands on the damn Xbox 360 version DX

    (Im basically saying PC versions of games rule XD)

  14. Sorry but is there any proof of the main menu room or the dining room being in Kino? I no clipped pretty much everywhere and there's no rooms like that outside of the map.

    I agree, I looked all over for a video of that (I'm getting the PC version soon so when I do i'll help you look.)

    oh and BTW, I think that the creepers or gas zombies (What ever you all want to call them! XD) are a majorly mutated version of a regular zombie, maby Element 115 and Nova 6 combined to make a new strain (like you said up there) and HEAVILY mutated the zombie and it's "instincts" as you might say it, to what it looks like in-game. (Losing of hair, teeth, claws, etc. etc.)

  15. Yep, people have heard this before, and some one traced it to the ceiling of the theater, but upon noclipping up there there's just a bunch of Creepers. Theres other threads on this though

    I dont wanna sound rude but Treyarch dont cater to no clippers... They expect us to find the easter eggs by playing. So if you cannot see outside or through the roof then they are not going to waste time programming what ever the "monster" is into the game for none of us to see it. There is definatley something going down though, all the clues are there for a monster type thing but I dont think it isnt going to get revealed in Kino... Next Map maybe.

    Dude, why would they put it in the game if they thought that should not use it? (And besides, mappers need it to look around there maps faster and make sure that everything is working.) And how do you know that they don't like it when we noclip? *Waits for a response*

    Can't wait, im getting CoD Black Ops for PC and im going to check around both maps more so we can see whats really happening in Kino. ;)

  16. Hey guys, I was just playing some Solo on Kino and I was sick of hearing the zombies scream at me (rofl) and decided to go to options and put the character voice level all the way down, once I got back in-game I heard faint piano playing, I decided to turn SFX all the way down too. I heard it a little better. Then I turned my TV volume ALL THE WAY UP. I could not believe what I was hearing... The main BO zombie theme. (You know, the one that plays at the main menu when you press zombies.) When you have SFX and Voices completely enabled it will just sound like faint ticking (like a phone sort of) thats how quiet it is.


    This might also be on Five, but I haven't tried it yet. (That map freaks me out lol)

  17. I agree whilst disagreeing. The most official name for the "Zombie Crawlers" is the "Gas Crawler" title they where given in the offical strategy guide.

    Street Name: Creepy Crawlers

    Offical Name: Gas Crawlers

    Well, the loading screen called them Zombie Crawlers, so I guess both names are official?

    Im not even gonna name the thousands of Official and Non-Official names for this Damn thing XD

  18. goood find! does look slightly different but possibly relates!


    Why just ignore other comments... its not possible. The Silverback part of its name is a type of Gorrila. How are

    those Creepers related in any sort or way. Post better evidence and compare it in future because I'm getting annoyed with you and your comments on the Cosimic Silverback.

    Geez, jerk much?

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