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thegrix last won the day on June 28 2015

thegrix had the most liked content!



About thegrix

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  1. Ya. They have only released gameplay trailers, never raw gameplay before release. Early gameplay has always been from leaks unfortunately. I remember those Blop 1 days too. When people found out about Five, minds were blown.
  2. Awesome to see you guys are trying to get the stream going again. I'll be tuning in.
  3. Looks great. Awesome job to everyone.
  4. I'll see everyone there. Great cause. I'll definitely be donating during the marathon.
  5. Great job Liam. Well done.
  6. no i think you're looking at the zombies that is wearing the old time scuba metal suit. i thought that at first too. the actual robot is much much much bigger That zombie somewhat reminded me of the Big Daddy from Bioshock
  7. They didn't directly reference this movie per se, just one of the interpretations of a dieselpunk art style. Yes, some of this will (may) be featured in Origins, but a lot of it is just a typical "dieselpunk" style.
  8. Love this idea. We have so many amazing threads that include in-depth research and great content that deserves to be showcased. Many people will look at our top content and decide to join our community.
  9. I use the Chicom with Rapid Fire. Unstoppable.
  10. I'm wondering where the "new site" is. I think it is most likely the site where the matter transference experiments in the Moon Radios took place, which isn't on Moon. (Pretty sure the location is never revealed, or I just missed something). I'm thinking it could be Der Reise or one of the other WaW locations. Then again, it could be somewhere we haven't visited yet. :?
  11. I really hope Clan Ops don't take 3 months to get started like in MW3. Can't level up the Black Ops 2 clan until something is announced.
  12. Still lots of room on the Xbox 360 clan. Apply to the clan, or simply post your gamertag if you want in. :)
  13. All we have at this time is a 360 clan. PS3 is coming soon
  14. ***The clan only holds 100 members, so we may have more than one clan in the future. Confirmations may take some time.** Follow link and click the "Apply" Button. XBOX 360: https://elite.callofduty.com/connect/clan/view/3600746 PS3: https://elite.callofduty.com/connect/clan/view/4266216 With the talk of Zombie integration in Elite this year, we could not turn down the opportunity to make an official CoDz clan for Call of Duty Elite. We have many dedicated zombie fans on this site, and putting all of us together to fight hordes of the undead just makes sense. -All clan members must adhere to the Call of Duty Code of Conduct while apart of the clan. If you are discovered breaking the Code of Conduct, you will be removed from the clan. It can be found here: http://community.callofduty.com/message ... #413500949 -Clan members must be active on Black Ops II and Elite clan ops (if announced for Black Ops 2). We expect you to participate as often as you can. Inactive members will be removed.
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