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Everything posted by Alsomdude2

  1. I hate pretty much every thing about this crap people call a game. They tried to make co-op but they failed at that who honesty plays spec ops for fun? I could go on but i would feel like a dou**e bag.
  2. I'm prestige 7 lvl 50
  3. Great job thadutchguy oh btw i have to tell you your avatar is amazing LOL.
  4. Alsomdude2


    I love Treyarch for doing this! Gets you thinking i will try to figure out the password.
  5. I signed up. People were thinking it might be a beta site but idk i gave them my email so if i get anything weird i will post it.
  6. 32 those zombies were hardcore. jeez
  7. I got to round 103 by my self. Legit
  8. I think they should stick to 3,5,7 kill streaks. And i would like to see tanks as a killstreak not as a vehicle. I just cant wait to play it and see what they did.^_^
  9. I Don't want any perks from mw2 maybe bling but re-name it. Defiantly get rid of juggernaut and last stand. If they do that then i'm happy.
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