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Everything posted by Alsomdude2

  1. Yes this was happening to me in my last game the host said he never lags not sure why its happening.
  2. Hm I'm not sure you should try it?
  3. It wasn't out of the map though.
  4. OK so I'm on round 32 on Ascension as i type this and i threw a gersh(don't know how to spell it) device with 20+ zombies chasing me and when i throw it Sam laughs and all the zombies keep running towards me. Wtf? Has this happened to anyone else? And why would it? Sorry if this has been posted i thought it was important.
  5. Im not going to lie im hyped for both battlefield 3 and mw3 in my OPINION BF3 is GOTY material. And its not coming out till the end of the year? Its going to be awesome!
  6. Seriously?!? Was it necessary to post that? On topic, I'm so in for nuke town...its one of the few maps I can play decently on! Yes it was the map is terrible i can say what i think about it and learn what the brain system is for before you neg brain someone because you think differently.
  7. IW playing like 3arc i like it :D
  8. Nuketown sucks.
  9. I miss w@w so many memories.....
  10. .......
  11. #12 Board up the windows
  12. Every game lags from time to time and its 99.99% your connections fault you just gotta tell your dad to stop watching porn :shock: ..... i keed :lol:
  13. Ok you stick to mw2 and get demoted have fun!
  14. MARCH 3RD??? Thats a Thursday how does this work???
  15. This only happened to me for the first week but its fixed for ps3 now :)
  16. This is a terrible idea. The map sucks imo why would i want to play it all day? I all ready pray to god it doesn't pop up when im playing search because every tard in the lobby votes for it.
  17. jk, carbons never, I mean NEVER been a noob..................... Carbon is a n00b is saw one of his vids and he had a Silenced Galil, I mean how badly do you want kills? im sorry Carb, but come on........ Ya jeez just use the ak74u like everyone else and spray like a noob with it like everyone else.....like *cough snowdog cough* Nice Win! I just like to pick on Carbon a lot off the site! Lol ya i knew you were kidding i was too :P
  18. New video i found today as the title says its in interview with Vahn discuss the interview below. PART ONE TW2zCM2ealU PART TWO HjRHi3Yb8jU
  19. Carbon is a n00b is saw one of his vids and he had a Silenced Galil, I mean how badly do you want kills? im sorry Carb, but come on........ Ya jeez just use the ak74u like everyone else and spray like a noob with it like everyone else.....like *cough snowdog cough* :lol:
  20. AHHHHHHHH i need an xbox :evil: Carbon can you possibly record a game of you playing? :D
  21. I have seen try-hards on multilayer but i have NEVER seen try-hards on zombies. I can get a team it would have to be on the weekend. Oh and i get the map pack in march so i would train as much as you can if i were you. Oh and don't go spewing about how smart you are over the internet cause no one gives a f*** its the internet not an interview. I accept your childish challenge just so i can put you in your place. Also reading all the posts in this thread was very entertaining. :lol:
  22. Dam i should have put a video up i have tons of amazing videos :cry: is there any chance that we can do this again?
  23. Your a veteran wtf? :lol:
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