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Everything posted by Alsomdude2

  1. Lol i do get your avatar! Also about your mom i saw her on the corner selling girl scout cookies had to buy some. Anyways I would like new maps something different maybe new guns? new perks new killstreaks bigger zombie maps new story missions no lag no more waiting a month for dlc(never gonna happen just throwing it out there)tell activision to suck it make world at war 2 make black ops 2 make zombie game revolutionize COD ie make it totally different would be nice and i think that's all the things i can think about.
  2. GTFO you troll. I agree i don't want to be spoiled by everyone posting things about the new map.
  3. Woah woah woah woah hacks on ps3?!?!? lol jk yes i have seen this what i do is just report them for cheating.
  4. I have a completely off topic question covy who is that in your avatar? :shock:
  5. This stuff happens more than often here, and I gave your rep back. Thanks and i know what you mean but i play battlefield and CoD i like them both.
  6. Really whiy did someone - [brains] me? I was just suggesting that he try battlefield. What did i do to deserve -? :facepalm:
  7. If you want big maps i suggest Battlefield. CoD doesnt make maps 1/2 the size of any battlefield maps.
  8. If this is true Im buying it. My favorite COD to date is CoD4 why? Cause it was the first CoD i played online ^_^
  9. It r is borein i now whte yu maen. I felt like spelling like everyone else... :facepalm:
  10. Commander is just an attention whoring troll don't let him get to you.
  11. Where in my post did i say this game was given from heaven? No where i don't even play this game anymore after the 3rd prestige i got bored and gave up. COD is boring to me now its the same thing every year but you don't see me making pointless posts about how i hate the game. Your saying that your pointing out the problems for treyarch? Oh really your title begs to differ,and how you post your threads like your god and you know every thing.
  12. No its not most people(like me) got those maps for free. A regular copy of BFBC2 gave you a code which allowed you to get all the map packs. Except for Vietnam of course. Making money? More like being greedy Dbags. How much did they get from black ops alone? About a bill what about the money they make from Guitar Hero? Or mw2? Its all about not caring about all there fan base.
  13. Can you just leave? Honestly I'm tired of you trolling this site and bitching about the game. If you don't like it go play mw2 and bitch about all the hacked leaderboards,hackers,challenge lobbies ect.
  14. There should be another option "I don't care activision hates its Sony customers I'm just going to game share it" Cause that's exactly what I'm doing.
  15. viewtopic.php?f=53&t=4260 Someone posted this topic before BOTH of these topics. Look up at the time they where posted.
  16. viewtopic.php?f=53&t=4260 Sorry someone beat you to it. Look at the time it was posted
  17. The riot shield is annoying in mw2. Why you might ask maybe because it never broke! Bullet-proof glass maybe bullet-proof but only to a 9mm and that's it if a riot shield took a 50cal shot the guy behind it would have no abdomen. I would have easily found a video for it but all i got on utube AND google was mw2 bullsh*t. Back to topic i do not agree how about using a blackbird? Its not hard i actually find getting kill streaks on Black Ops easier than mw2. If the riot shield broke then the person using wouldn't have a weapon. The riot shield is really hard to use because the slightest movement can kill you and you can become blindedw by bullet holes wich makes it useless. Realism would ruin CoD. If realism was added, we would all have to aim above where we want to shoot, snipers must take account for wing, gravity, bullet spin, and the chorales effect, knifes of any kind and the Tomahawk would be useless, Perks wouldn't exist, real military riot shield are metal and only have a small slit to look through, guns would randomly jam, there would be no custom classes and the classes available depend on your team, you can survive shots depending on where they are(my grandfather was shot 18 times, one time in the neck, how annoying would that be?), Snipers must be mounted and prone or suffer from extreme sway, the minimap would only be a map and not point out locations of enemies with out a spy plane, dogs would have an extremely tough time killing people, no more health regeneration, you can never use kill streaks that you control (chopper gunner, gunship), You only have one life in every match, and you can go def from a single grenade. Does realism still sound like a good idea to you? Ya it does i like realism. I'm not saying every game has to be realistic but If they could be they wouldn't be as realistic as that. Anyways if i want some sort of realism I can just go play Battlefield or Operation Flashpoint.
  18. Pretty much an exact overview of the console war. But for PS3 owners, it's just like the leaked footage of Kino, we need to try and last it out for the full month without giving in to temptation. I know I'll try my best not to give in, as I did with Kino footage. How the fu*k are we going to do that when every single person here (every one that has an xbox) is going to be making threads about the new maps and the new zombie map?
  19. :( Cool i get to sit on the internet for a month while everyone else is playing the new maps and talking about them. I honestly don't even know if ps3 is going to get the maps I heard we weren't. And If that's true I'm going to bring my copy of black ops back to gamestop and never buy an activision game again.
  20. The riot shield is annoying in mw2. Why you might ask maybe because it never broke! Bullet-proof glass maybe bullet-proof but only to a 9mm and that's it if a riot shield took a 50cal shot the guy behind it would have no abdomen. I would have easily found a video for it but all i got on utube AND google was mw2 bullsh*t. Back to topic i do not agree how about using a blackbird? Its not hard i actually find getting kill streaks on Black Ops easier than mw2.
  21. Sounds like a struggle for an explanation to me. How about the game mode is called ZOMBIES how real do you want it to be? :facepalm:
  22. Now that would be worth $15 in DLC... Yes it would but sadly activision thinks 1 billion a year is not enough so If they do campaign dlc its probably going to either be, A.20-25$ or B campaign dlc is separate from the mp and zombie dlc.
  23. mine :)
  24. JEEZ how many guys do we have in the "zombshes" user group? Back to topic I haven't personally seen this a pic would be nice.
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