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Everything posted by Alsomdude2

  1. Umm..... Mason DID kill JFK..... False Uh actually mason went rouge for a few yours one of those years happens to be 1963...also you see mason in the crowd at the airport..
  2. Since we are talking about groups whats with the survival group? I should be in it but.. w/e also why cant solo work for these groups? I have a picture but it was a solo run...
  3. I know this is a forum but people like you have ruined COD. I can use any gun in this game and get a positive k/d i e 20 kills and less than 10 deaths. An smg is used for CQC (close quarters combat) so you shouldn't use an mp5k on wasteland. People complain about any thing on cod that they suck with and the devs see this and they say oh lets ruin the smgs completely...The point of my fail rant is this before you use a gun think about HOW your supposed to use the gun before you go and bi*ch about it ok?
  4. O really? People still play cod4 and w@w and mw2 and cod3. and I'm sure people will still be playing black ops when black ops 2 comes out.. I like black ops the only problem i have is the community... Every single person i play with uses the famas or the ak74u.
  5. I miss w@w i would love to see seelow,outskirts and downfall.
  6. I didnt sign up and i still got a beta invite about a month ago. And Im not going to buy it when i can look at my stats for free on the game...
  7. The only problem with black ops is the fact that every single person uses the famas and the ak-74u.
  8. Alsomdude2


    Ah thadutchguy... his avatar still makes me laugh i miss seeing it around the forums :'( I haven't been here a year and all ready i miss people that dont post anymore. :cry:
  9. If you want a game where your team works together i suggest battlefield but cod? Na everyone just does their own thing..
  10. Hmm looks like I'm going to have to save 120$ :lol:
  11. Holly balls exactly 100 more :D
  12. Well i don't think its dumb unless your a camper then of course your going to hate this idea. I think he makes you run and gun.. so you don't camp cause if you do you will be killed..
  13. I love A7X!! I'm not sure if i will like their new stuff since it is a different drummer.... :(
  14. Freddy ftw!! Of course i would pick Robert...if i don't ill see him in my dreams...
  15. Woah guys calm down everyone on this site is making topics about this... even in the member lounge...
  16. Well i quit playing black ops because it got boring like every COD does their life span doesn't last very long. Maybe if they took more time then they could make some great COD'S but no activision wants to take our hard earned money faster...
  17. We refer to it as giving brains #WINNING
  18. Why does your post say edited 23 times in total? O.o. maybe because he edit it 23 times? You mean failed 23 times? Jk I am not buying this map pack because black ops is like mw2...it got old real fast.
  19. ur dumb, i just registereded and i had to do one of the kaptchas so ur dumb Be nice... But yes capthca's are already here. the "Bots" are actually humans. Good for you do you want a trophy? :facepalm:
  20. Ya members only. Also can we do something to stop spam bots? Like a capcha or what ever its called..
  21. lol last one all the way!!
  22. Lol took me 5 minutes to get the joke...
  23. I do but i cant stand the hit detection. it sucks ass. half my meeles dont even hit. Ya I'm not liking the hit detection..But i usually don't notice it if i have a good connection.
  24. LMFAO!! I never noticed that snowing wasn't in the game. Very interesting
  25. Ah thats not lag its a mod i was in a room like this on cod4 i didn't realize it for a long time...i though i was just being an uber beast :(
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