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About n00b_attak3r

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  1. "Ahh, I love it. STAY AWAY THIS IS MINE!" —Richtofen ,Der riese, When PaPing felt like i should suggest one
  2. "That's it? Seriously? All that work, and all we did was blow up the Earth? What the f*ck." - Tank, Moon DEFINITELY THAT ONE. It's exactly what i though when i saw it. :lol:
  3. That was awesome! Ya summed the story up perfectly! (or at least how i picture the story) I especially like the shangri la part When UoTM Comes around ya got my vote. Especially since this was all on an Ipad lol.
  4. IDK what team i should be in but just put me in any random team. my psn is: n00battak3r OT: i see some of you are bronys...
  5. hey guys i havent been on in awhile and i dont know if there is a section for this but who wants to play survival? i just unlocked all the maps and want someone to play with uhhh dont know what rules to put never have any... sooo yeeeeaaaaahhhhh
  6. Any one can get a video of this? (ot:lately every time I post on a thread it goes dead hope it doesn't happen with this one )
  7. Sooooo....SQUISHY!!! Sponsor:n00battak3r Community: everyone Complexity: idk i still havent done it lol Expiration date: NEVER Reward: Bonus: uhhhh...dual comm? any steam game (that i have) Mission: get ove 50000 kills on any zombie map. thats it. seems easy dont it? (tip: kino or Ascension is a good place to get it done)
  8. call it in better to be safe than sorry
  9. i liek it [brains] for you
  10. woods is reznov or reznov is woods? just a suggestion dont flame me and this is my first forum post in wahile ive been really busy
  11. It sounded like a Teddy because it was a teddy, srry :D
  12. It sounded like a Teddy because it was a teddy,arty :D
  13. i know hes alive and all but how the heck does some one survive five grenades going right up in their face?! -regards n00b (see what i did there?)
  14. bump? :D
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