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Posts posted by n00b_attak3r

  1. theyr zombie spawn points its like one of the people there made a map and they couldnt go in there beacuase the zombies would get them

    It can't be spawns points since only one of them is a spawn point. The Double barrel room, the quick revie room and the juggernaut room are not spawn points.

    no remember there r rooms behind each of those places

  2. That is possible as in Nazi Zombies some of the zombies still march presenting that they still have some of there human characteristics. Or what they were last doing.

    like marching

  3. chas any one ever noticed the camera above the screens on gknova6 i figured if he was a zombie they could b doin somethin like they did in one of the resident evil movies where they see if the zombie remembers anything from when it was still alive like mpg23 said it couldbe been mind control gone wrong

  4. ok guys my first post soooo....yaaaaaa....ok i was goin to gknova6 the other day but i forgot to put the six and it led me to this wierd website go ahead ad look

    gknova.com :?:

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