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Everything posted by Legend

  1. all we know is that it will be beast
  2. this all seems to point to the reason i SOLD IT.
  3. the new world order might have to do with the game. i am hooked on the illuminati project atm, i think im on like episode 11. this stuff is freaky
  4. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER TRUST WIKI. anybody that can use the internet can change what wiki says.
  5. thats what happens when there is not a beta and actvision forces IW to rage quit they're jobs
  6. campaign, i will always play the campaign first.
  7. wait, i wasnt here when the group 935 thing happened, what was it?
  8. Legend

    GKNOVA6 info

    in mod 3,nova is mentioned in in every phrase NOVAS-LXNOV-ASIXN-OVASI-XNOVASIXNO-VASIX-NOVAS-IXNOV the l is supposed to be an I. i am guessing
  9. wow, glad i sold my mw2 today and got waw with some ms points =)
  10. i will follow your lead, lol
  11. i think i might sell mw2 and heart gold, get map pack 2 & 3, and i will be set.
  12. i will lok after i sell some games, and buy waw and map pack 2 & 3
  13. ok, so i am deciding to buy waw by selling MW2, the only problem i have is that i wont have enough money for a map pack. so should i buy waw, or should i try selling other stuff to get waw and MS points?
  14. it has good damage, no recoil and good accuracy.
  15. i would sell mw2 for waw, but then i wouldnt have any leftover money for a map pack
  16. the game is said to take place right after the events of W@W
  17. maybe the time frame is during the star wars movies?
  18. GK part of the GK Nova Project possibly. Catcher in the Rye Book - John Lennon and Ronald Reagan's attempted assassin carried copies of this book. Possibly part of the mind control and brain washing that the cipher will lead us to. In GK Nova 6 ciphers they talked about the "what's the frequency Kenneth" so possibly all of this ties in with it. dude thats what i thought! the book has to do with mind control, i was going to post a thread but i didnt think it was worthy.
  19. i think zombies is confirmed
  20. when you the thing about them making the soldiers forget the battles, it reminds me of the first trailer where he is in the room and one guys says he is waking up, or he will remember or something like that.
  21. well i didnt say that they are hosted by the same person. i said they might be related.
  22. it might relate to the gamestop under construction black ops page
  23. i never got into nazi zombies much(only rented the game) so i have no clue who these people are.
  24. it is pointing to zombies, i bet we see zombies at Gamescon
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